#!/bin/bash #=============================================================================== # # FILE: zmeventdump # # USAGE: ./zmeventdump / # # DESCRIPTION: Uses mysqldump to create a .sql file for individual zm # events to make Event table recovery possible by doing a # 'find' search in ZoneMinder the events directory # # OPTIONS: --- None # REQUIREMENTS: --- mysqldump # BUGS: --- # NOTES: --- # AUTHOR: Ross Melin # COMPANY: # VERSION: 2.0 # CREATED: 05/26/2006 06:21:00 AM PDT # REVISION: --- #=============================================================================== # Edit these to suit your configuration ZM_CONFIG=@ZM_CONFIG@ EVENTS_DIR=events MYSQLDUMP=/usr/bin/mysqldump # The rest should not need editing # Get the mysql user and password source $ZM_CONFIG EVENT_PATH=$1 EVENT_ID=$(echo $1 |cut -f 2 -d / ) MYDUMPOPTS="--user=$ZM_DB_USER --password=$ZM_DB_PASS --skip-opt --compact --quick --no-create-info" # Dump the sql statements needed to reload the Events, Frames and Stats tables echo "--- ZM_DB_VERSION=$ZM_VERSION " > $ZM_PATH_WEB/$EVENTS_DIR/$EVENT_PATH/.sql $MYSQLDUMP $MYDUMPOPTS --where="Id=$EVENT_ID" zm Events >> $ZM_PATH_WEB/$EVENTS_DIR/$EVENT_PATH/.sql $MYSQLDUMP $MYDUMPOPTS --where="Eventid=$EVENT_ID" zm Frames >> $ZM_PATH_WEB/$EVENTS_DIR/$EVENT_PATH/.sql $MYSQLDUMP $MYDUMPOPTS --where="Eventid=$EVENT_ID" zm Stats >> $ZM_PATH_WEB/$EVENTS_DIR/$EVENT_PATH/.sql exit 0