// // ZoneMinder Remote Camera Class Implementation, $Date$, $Revision$ // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // #include "zm_remote_camera_http.h" #include "zm_monitor.h" #include "zm_packet.h" #include "zm_signal.h" #include "zm_regexp.h" #include "zm_utils.h" #include #include #include #ifdef SOLARIS #include // FIONREAD and friends #endif #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #include #endif #if HAVE_LIBPCRE static RegExpr *header_expr = nullptr; static RegExpr *status_expr = nullptr; static RegExpr *connection_expr = nullptr; static RegExpr *content_length_expr = nullptr; static RegExpr *content_type_expr = nullptr; #endif RemoteCameraHttp::RemoteCameraHttp( const Monitor *monitor, const std::string &p_method, const std::string &p_host, const std::string &p_port, const std::string &p_path, int p_width, int p_height, int p_colours, int p_brightness, int p_contrast, int p_hue, int p_colour, bool p_capture, bool p_record_audio ) : RemoteCamera( monitor, "http", p_host, p_port, p_path, p_width, p_height, p_colours, p_brightness, p_contrast, p_hue, p_colour, p_capture, p_record_audio ) { sd = -1; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if ( p_method == "simple" ) method = SIMPLE; else if ( p_method == "regexp" ) { method = REGEXP; } else Fatal("Unrecognised method '%s' when creating HTTP camera %d", p_method.c_str(), monitor->Id()); if ( capture ) { Initialise(); } mVideoStream = nullptr; } RemoteCameraHttp::~RemoteCameraHttp() { if ( capture ) { Terminate(); } } void RemoteCameraHttp::Initialise() { RemoteCamera::Initialise(); if ( request.empty() ) { request = stringtf( "GET %s HTTP/%s\r\n", path.c_str(), config.http_version ); request += stringtf( "User-Agent: %s/%s\r\n", config.http_ua, ZM_VERSION ); request += stringtf( "Host: %s\r\n", host.c_str()); if ( strcmp( config.http_version, "1.0" ) == 0 ) request += stringtf( "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" ); if ( !auth.empty() ) request += stringtf( "Authorization: Basic %s\r\n", auth64.c_str() ); request += "\r\n"; Debug( 2, "Request: %s", request.c_str() ); } if ( !timeout.tv_sec ) { timeout.tv_sec = config.http_timeout/1000; timeout.tv_usec = (config.http_timeout%1000)*1000; } int max_size = width*height*colours; buffer.size( max_size ); mode = SINGLE_IMAGE; format = UNDEF; state = HEADER; #if HAVE_LIBPCRE if ( method == REGEXP ) { if ( !header_expr ) header_expr = new RegExpr("^(.+?\r?\n\r?\n)", PCRE_DOTALL); if ( !status_expr ) status_expr = new RegExpr("^HTTP/(1\\.[01]) +([0-9]+) +(.+?)\r?\n", PCRE_CASELESS); if ( !connection_expr ) connection_expr = new RegExpr("Connection: ?(.+?)\r?\n", PCRE_CASELESS); if ( !content_length_expr ) content_length_expr = new RegExpr("Content-length: ?([0-9]+)\r?\n", PCRE_CASELESS); if ( !content_type_expr ) content_type_expr = new RegExpr("Content-type: ?(.+?)(?:; ?boundary=\x22?(.+?)\x22?)?\r?\n", PCRE_CASELESS); } #endif } // end void RemoteCameraHttp::Initialise() int RemoteCameraHttp::Connect() { struct addrinfo *p = nullptr; for ( p = hp; p != nullptr; p = p->ai_next ) { sd = socket( p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol ); if ( sd < 0 ) { Warning("Can't create socket: %s", strerror(errno) ); continue; } if ( connect( sd, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen ) < 0 ) { close(sd); sd = -1; char buf[sizeof(struct in6_addr)]; struct sockaddr_in *addr; addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)p->ai_addr; inet_ntop( AF_INET, &(addr->sin_addr), buf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN ); Warning("Can't connect to remote camera mid: %d at %s: %s", monitor->Id(), buf, strerror(errno)); continue; } /* If we got here, we must have connected successfully */ break; } if ( p == nullptr ) { Error("Unable to connect to the remote camera, aborting"); return -1; } Debug(3, "Connected to host, socket = %d", sd); return sd; } // end int RemoteCameraHttp::Connect() int RemoteCameraHttp::Disconnect() { close(sd); sd = -1; Debug(3, "Disconnected from host"); return 0; } int RemoteCameraHttp::SendRequest() { Debug(2, "Sending request: %s", request.c_str()); if ( write(sd, request.data(), request.length()) < 0 ) { Error("Can't write: %s", strerror(errno)); Disconnect(); return -1; } format = UNDEF; state = HEADER; Debug(3, "Request sent"); return 0; } /* Return codes are as follows: * -1 means there was an error * 0 means no bytes were returned but there wasn't actually an error. * > 0 is the # of bytes read. */ int RemoteCameraHttp::ReadData( Buffer &buffer, unsigned int bytes_expected ) { fd_set rfds; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(sd, &rfds); struct timeval temp_timeout = timeout; int n_found = select(sd+1, &rfds, nullptr, nullptr, &temp_timeout); if( n_found == 0 ) { Debug( 1, "Select timed out timeout was %d secs %d usecs", temp_timeout.tv_sec, temp_timeout.tv_usec ); int error = 0; socklen_t len = sizeof (error); int retval = getsockopt (sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len); if(retval != 0 ) { Debug( 1, "error getting socket error code %s", strerror(retval) ); } if (error != 0 ) { return -1; } // Why are we disconnecting? It's just a timeout, meaning that data wasn't available. //Disconnect(); return 0; } else if ( n_found < 0) { Error("Select error: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } unsigned int total_bytes_to_read = 0; if ( bytes_expected ) { total_bytes_to_read = bytes_expected; } else { if ( ioctl( sd, FIONREAD, &total_bytes_to_read ) < 0 ) { Error( "Can't ioctl(): %s", strerror(errno) ); return -1; } if ( total_bytes_to_read == 0 ) { if ( mode == SINGLE_IMAGE ) { int error = 0; socklen_t len = sizeof (error); int retval = getsockopt( sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len ); if ( retval != 0 ) { Debug( 1, "error getting socket error code %s", strerror(retval) ); } if ( error != 0 ) { return -1; } // Case where we are grabbing a single jpg, but no content-length was given, so the expectation is that we read until close. return 0; } // If socket is closed locally, then select will fail, but if it is closed remotely // then we have an exception on our socket.. but no data. Debug(3, "Socket closed remotely"); //Disconnect(); // Disconnect is done outside of ReadData now. return -1; } // There can be lots of bytes available. I've seen 4MB or more. This will vastly inflate our buffer size unnecessarily. if ( total_bytes_to_read > ZM_NETWORK_BUFSIZ ) { total_bytes_to_read = ZM_NETWORK_BUFSIZ; Debug(4, "Just getting 32K" ); } else { Debug(4, "Just getting %d", total_bytes_to_read ); } } // end if bytes_expected or not Debug( 4, "Expecting %d bytes", total_bytes_to_read ); int total_bytes_read = 0; do { int bytes_read = buffer.read_into( sd, total_bytes_to_read ); if ( bytes_read < 0 ) { Error( "Read error: %s", strerror(errno) ); return( -1 ); } else if ( bytes_read == 0 ) { Debug( 2, "Socket closed" ); //Disconnect(); // Disconnect is done outside of ReadData now. return( -1 ); } else if ( (unsigned int)bytes_read < total_bytes_to_read ) { Error( "Incomplete read, expected %d, got %d", total_bytes_to_read, bytes_read ); return( -1 ); } Debug( 3, "Read %d bytes", bytes_read ); total_bytes_read += bytes_read; total_bytes_to_read -= bytes_read; } while ( total_bytes_to_read ); Debug(4, buffer); return total_bytes_read; } int RemoteCameraHttp::GetData() { time_t start_time = time(nullptr); int buffer_len = 0; while ( !( buffer_len = ReadData(buffer) ) ) { if ( zm_terminate || ( start_time - time(nullptr) < ZM_WATCH_MAX_DELAY )) return -1; Debug(4, "Timeout waiting for REGEXP HEADER"); usleep(100000); } return buffer_len; } int RemoteCameraHttp::GetResponse() { int buffer_len; #if HAVE_LIBPCRE if ( method == REGEXP ) { const char *header = nullptr; int header_len = 0; const char *http_version = nullptr; int status_code = 0; const char *status_mesg = nullptr; const char *connection_type = ""; int content_length = 0; const char *content_type = ""; const char *content_boundary = ""; const char *subheader = nullptr; int subheader_len = 0; //int subcontent_length = 0; //const char *subcontent_type = ""; while ( !zm_terminate ) { switch( state ) { case HEADER : { buffer_len = GetData(); if ( buffer_len < 0 ) { Error("Unable to read header data"); return -1; } bytes += buffer_len; if ( header_expr->Match( (char*)buffer, buffer.size() ) == 2 ) { header = header_expr->MatchString( 1 ); header_len = header_expr->MatchLength( 1 ); Debug(4, "Captured header (%d bytes):\n'%s'", header_len, header); if ( status_expr->Match( header, header_len ) < 4 ) { Error( "Unable to extract HTTP status from header" ); return( -1 ); } http_version = status_expr->MatchString( 1 ); status_code = atoi( status_expr->MatchString( 2 ) ); status_mesg = status_expr->MatchString( 3 ); if ( status_code == 401 ) { if ( mNeedAuth ) { Error( "Failed authentication: " ); return( -1 ); } mNeedAuth = true; std::string Header = header; mAuthenticator->checkAuthResponse(Header); if ( mAuthenticator->auth_method() == zm::AUTH_DIGEST ) { Debug( 2, "Need Digest Authentication" ); request = stringtf( "GET %s HTTP/%s\r\n", path.c_str(), config.http_version ); request += stringtf( "User-Agent: %s/%s\r\n", config.http_ua, ZM_VERSION ); request += stringtf( "Host: %s\r\n", host.c_str()); if ( strcmp( config.http_version, "1.0" ) == 0 ) request += stringtf( "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" ); request += mAuthenticator->getAuthHeader( "GET", path.c_str() ); request += "\r\n"; Debug( 2, "New request header: %s", request.c_str() ); return( 0 ); } } else if ( status_code < 200 || status_code > 299 ) { Error( "Invalid response status %d: %s\n%s", status_code, status_mesg, (char *)buffer ); return( -1 ); } Debug( 3, "Got status '%d' (%s), http version %s", status_code, status_mesg, http_version ); if ( connection_expr->Match( header, header_len ) == 2 ) { connection_type = connection_expr->MatchString( 1 ); Debug( 3, "Got connection '%s'", connection_type ); } if ( content_length_expr->Match( header, header_len ) == 2 ) { content_length = atoi( content_length_expr->MatchString( 1 ) ); Debug( 3, "Got content length '%d'", content_length ); } if ( content_type_expr->Match( header, header_len ) >= 2 ) { content_type = content_type_expr->MatchString( 1 ); Debug( 3, "Got content type '%s'\n", content_type ); if ( content_type_expr->MatchCount() > 2 ) { content_boundary = content_type_expr->MatchString( 2 ); Debug( 3, "Got content boundary '%s'", content_boundary ); } } if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpeg" ) || !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpg" ) ) { // Single image mode = SINGLE_IMAGE; format = JPEG; state = CONTENT; } else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/x-rgb" ) ) { // Single image mode = SINGLE_IMAGE; format = X_RGB; state = CONTENT; } else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/x-rgbz" ) ) { // Single image mode = SINGLE_IMAGE; format = X_RGBZ; state = CONTENT; } else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "multipart/x-mixed-replace" ) ) { // Image stream, so start processing if ( !content_boundary[0] ) { Error( "No content boundary found in header '%s'", header ); return( -1 ); } mode = MULTI_IMAGE; state = SUBHEADER; } //else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "video/mpeg" ) || !strcasecmp( content_type, "video/mpg" ) ) //{ //// MPEG stream, coming soon! //} else { Error( "Unrecognised content type '%s'", content_type ); return( -1 ); } buffer.consume( header_len ); } else { Debug( 3, "Unable to extract header from stream, retrying" ); //return( -1 ); } break; } case SUBHEADER : { static RegExpr *subheader_expr = nullptr; static RegExpr *subcontent_length_expr = nullptr; static RegExpr *subcontent_type_expr = nullptr; if ( !subheader_expr ) { char subheader_pattern[256] = ""; snprintf( subheader_pattern, sizeof(subheader_pattern), "^((?:\r?\n){0,2}?(?:--)?%s\r?\n.+?\r?\n\r?\n)", content_boundary ); subheader_expr = new RegExpr( subheader_pattern, PCRE_DOTALL ); } if ( subheader_expr->Match( (char *)buffer, (int)buffer ) == 2 ) { subheader = subheader_expr->MatchString( 1 ); subheader_len = subheader_expr->MatchLength( 1 ); Debug( 4, "Captured subheader (%d bytes):'%s'", subheader_len, subheader ); if ( !subcontent_length_expr ) subcontent_length_expr = new RegExpr( "Content-length: ?([0-9]+)\r?\n", PCRE_CASELESS ); if ( subcontent_length_expr->Match( subheader, subheader_len ) == 2 ) { content_length = atoi( subcontent_length_expr->MatchString( 1 ) ); Debug( 3, "Got subcontent length '%d'", content_length ); } if ( !subcontent_type_expr ) subcontent_type_expr = new RegExpr( "Content-type: ?(.+?)\r?\n", PCRE_CASELESS ); if ( subcontent_type_expr->Match( subheader, subheader_len ) == 2 ) { content_type = subcontent_type_expr->MatchString( 1 ); Debug( 3, "Got subcontent type '%s'", content_type ); } buffer.consume( subheader_len ); state = CONTENT; } else { Debug( 3, "Unable to extract subheader from stream, retrying" ); buffer_len = GetData(); if ( buffer_len < 0 ) { Error( "Unable to extract subheader data" ); return( -1 ); } bytes += buffer_len; } break; } case CONTENT : { // if content_type is something like image/jpeg;size=, this will strip the ;size= char * semicolon = strchr( (char *)content_type, ';' ); if ( semicolon ) { *semicolon = '\0'; } if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpeg" ) || !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpg" ) ) { format = JPEG; } else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/x-rgb" ) ) { format = X_RGB; } else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/x-rgbz" ) ) { format = X_RGBZ; } else { Error( "Found unsupported content type '%s'", content_type ); return( -1 ); } if ( content_length ) { while ( ((long)buffer.size() < content_length ) && ! zm_terminate ) { Debug(3, "Need more data buffer %d < content length %d", buffer.size(), content_length ); int bytes_read = GetData(); if ( bytes_read < 0 ) { Error( "Unable to read content" ); return( -1 ); } bytes += bytes_read; } Debug( 3, "Got end of image by length, content-length = %d", content_length ); } else { while ( !content_length ) { buffer_len = GetData(); if ( buffer_len < 0 ) { Error( "Unable to read content" ); return( -1 ); } bytes += buffer_len; static RegExpr *content_expr = 0; if ( mode == MULTI_IMAGE ) { if ( !content_expr ) { char content_pattern[256] = ""; snprintf( content_pattern, sizeof(content_pattern), "^(.+?)(?:\r?\n)*(?:--)?%s\r?\n", content_boundary ); content_expr = new RegExpr( content_pattern, PCRE_DOTALL ); } if ( content_expr->Match( buffer, buffer.size() ) == 2 ) { content_length = content_expr->MatchLength( 1 ); Debug( 3, "Got end of image by pattern, content-length = %d", content_length ); } } } } if ( mode == SINGLE_IMAGE ) { state = HEADER; Disconnect(); } else { state = SUBHEADER; } Debug( 3, "Returning %d (%d) bytes of captured content", content_length, buffer.size() ); return content_length; } case HEADERCONT : case SUBHEADERCONT : // Ignore break; } } } else #endif // HAVE_LIBPCRE { static const char *http_match = "HTTP/"; static const char *connection_match = "Connection:"; static const char *content_length_match = "Content-length:"; static const char *content_type_match = "Content-type:"; static const char *boundary_match = "boundary="; static const char *authenticate_match = "WWW-Authenticate:"; static int http_match_len = 0; static int connection_match_len = 0; static int content_length_match_len = 0; static int content_type_match_len = 0; static int boundary_match_len = 0; static int authenticate_match_len = 0; if ( !http_match_len ) http_match_len = strlen(http_match); if ( !connection_match_len ) connection_match_len = strlen(connection_match); if ( !content_length_match_len ) content_length_match_len = strlen(content_length_match); if ( !content_type_match_len ) content_type_match_len = strlen(content_type_match); if ( !boundary_match_len ) boundary_match_len = strlen(boundary_match); if ( !authenticate_match_len ) authenticate_match_len = strlen(authenticate_match); static int n_headers; //static char *headers[32]; static int n_subheaders; //static char *subheaders[32]; static char *http_header; static char *connection_header; static char *content_length_header; static char *content_type_header; static char *boundary_header; static char *authenticate_header; static char subcontent_length_header[33]; static char subcontent_type_header[65]; static char http_version[16]; static char status_code[16]; static char status_mesg[256]; static char connection_type[32]; static int content_length; static char content_type[32]; static char content_boundary[64]; static int content_boundary_len; while ( !zm_terminate ) { switch ( state ) { case HEADER : { n_headers = 0; http_header = nullptr; connection_header = nullptr; content_length_header = nullptr; content_type_header = nullptr; authenticate_header = nullptr; http_version[0] = '\0'; status_code [0]= '\0'; status_mesg [0]= '\0'; connection_type [0]= '\0'; content_length = 0; content_type[0] = '\0'; content_boundary[0] = '\0'; content_boundary_len = 0; [[gnu::fallthrough]]; } case HEADERCONT : { buffer_len = GetData(); if ( buffer_len < 0 ) { Error("Unable to read header"); return -1; } bytes += buffer_len; char *crlf = nullptr; char *header_ptr = buffer; int header_len = buffer.size(); bool all_headers = false; while ( true ) { int crlf_len = memspn(header_ptr, "\r\n", header_len); if ( n_headers ) { if ( (crlf_len == 2 && !strncmp(header_ptr, "\n\n", crlf_len )) || (crlf_len == 4 && !strncmp( header_ptr, "\r\n\r\n", crlf_len )) ) { Debug(3, "Have double linefeed, done headers"); *header_ptr = '\0'; header_ptr += crlf_len; header_len -= buffer.consume(header_ptr-(char *)buffer); all_headers = true; break; } } if ( crlf_len ) { if ( header_len == crlf_len ) { break; } else { *header_ptr = '\0'; header_ptr += crlf_len; header_len -= buffer.consume(header_ptr-(char *)buffer); } } Debug(6, "%s", header_ptr); if ( (crlf = mempbrk(header_ptr, "\r\n", header_len)) ) { //headers[n_headers++] = header_ptr; n_headers++; if ( !http_header && (strncasecmp(header_ptr, http_match, http_match_len) == 0) ) { http_header = header_ptr+http_match_len; Debug( 6, "Got http header '%s'", header_ptr ); } else if ( !connection_header && (strncasecmp(header_ptr, connection_match, connection_match_len) == 0) ) { connection_header = header_ptr+connection_match_len; Debug( 6, "Got connection header '%s'", header_ptr ); } else if ( !content_length_header && (strncasecmp(header_ptr, content_length_match, content_length_match_len) == 0) ) { content_length_header = header_ptr+content_length_match_len; Debug( 6, "Got content length header '%s'", header_ptr ); } else if ( !authenticate_header && (strncasecmp(header_ptr, authenticate_match, authenticate_match_len) == 0) ) { authenticate_header = header_ptr; Debug( 6, "Got authenticate header '%s'", header_ptr ); } else if ( !content_type_header && (strncasecmp(header_ptr, content_type_match, content_type_match_len) == 0) ) { content_type_header = header_ptr+content_type_match_len; Debug(6, "Got content type header '%s'", header_ptr); } else { Debug(6, "Got ignored header '%s'", header_ptr); } header_ptr = crlf; header_len -= buffer.consume(header_ptr-(char *)buffer); } else { // No end of line found break; } } // end while search for headers if ( all_headers ) { char *start_ptr, *end_ptr; if ( !http_header ) { Error("Unable to extract HTTP status from header"); return -1; } start_ptr = http_header; end_ptr = start_ptr+strspn(start_ptr, "10."); // FIXME Why are we memsetting every time? Can we not do it once? memset(http_version, 0, sizeof(http_version)); strncpy(http_version, start_ptr, end_ptr-start_ptr); start_ptr = end_ptr; start_ptr += strspn(start_ptr, " "); end_ptr = start_ptr+strspn(start_ptr, "0123456789"); memset(status_code, 0, sizeof(status_code)); strncpy(status_code, start_ptr, end_ptr-start_ptr); int status = atoi(status_code); start_ptr = end_ptr; start_ptr += strspn(start_ptr, " "); strcpy(status_mesg, start_ptr); if ( status == 401 ) { if ( mNeedAuth ) { Error("Failed authentication"); return -1; } if ( !authenticate_header ) { Error("Failed authentication, but don't have an authentication header."); return -1; } mNeedAuth = true; std::string Header = authenticate_header; Debug(2, "Checking for digest auth in %s", authenticate_header); mAuthenticator->checkAuthResponse(Header); if ( mAuthenticator->auth_method() == zm::AUTH_DIGEST ) { Debug(2, "Need Digest Authentication"); request = stringtf("GET %s HTTP/%s\r\n", path.c_str(), config.http_version); request += stringtf("User-Agent: %s/%s\r\n", config.http_ua, ZM_VERSION); request += stringtf("Host: %s\r\n", host.c_str()); if ( strcmp(config.http_version, "1.0") == 0 ) request += stringtf("Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"); request += mAuthenticator->getAuthHeader("GET", path.c_str()); request += "\r\n"; Debug(2, "New request header: %s", request.c_str()); return 0; } else { Debug(2, "Need some other kind of Authentication"); } } else if ( status < 200 || status > 299 ) { Error("Invalid response status %s: %s", status_code, status_mesg); return -1; } Debug(3, "Got status '%d' (%s), http version %s", status, status_mesg, http_version); if ( connection_header ) { memset(connection_type, 0, sizeof(connection_type)); start_ptr = connection_header + strspn(connection_header, " "); // FIXME Should we not use strncpy? strcpy(connection_type, start_ptr); Debug(3, "Got connection '%s'", connection_type); } if ( content_length_header ) { start_ptr = content_length_header + strspn(content_length_header, " "); content_length = atoi( start_ptr ); Debug(3, "Got content length '%d'", content_length); } if ( content_type_header ) { memset(content_type, 0, sizeof(content_type)); start_ptr = content_type_header + strspn(content_type_header, " "); if ( (end_ptr = strchr(start_ptr, ';')) ) { strncpy(content_type, start_ptr, end_ptr-start_ptr); Debug(3, "Got content type '%s'", content_type); start_ptr = end_ptr + strspn(end_ptr, "; "); if ( strncasecmp(start_ptr, boundary_match, boundary_match_len) == 0 ) { start_ptr += boundary_match_len; start_ptr += strspn(start_ptr, "-"); content_boundary_len = sprintf(content_boundary, "--%s", start_ptr); Debug(3, "Got content boundary '%s'", content_boundary); } else { Error("No content boundary found in header '%s'", content_type_header); } } else { strcpy(content_type, start_ptr); Debug(3, "Got content type '%s'", content_type); } } // end if content_type_header if ( !strcasecmp(content_type, "image/jpeg") || !strcasecmp(content_type, "image/jpg") ) { // Single image mode = SINGLE_IMAGE; format = JPEG; state = CONTENT; } else if ( !strcasecmp(content_type, "image/x-rgb") ) { // Single image mode = SINGLE_IMAGE; format = X_RGB; state = CONTENT; } else if ( !strcasecmp(content_type, "image/x-rgbz") ) { // Single image mode = SINGLE_IMAGE; format = X_RGBZ; state = CONTENT; } else if ( !strcasecmp(content_type, "multipart/x-mixed-replace") ) { // Image stream, so start processing if ( !content_boundary[0] ) { Error("No content boundary found in header '%s'", content_type_header); return -1; } mode = MULTI_IMAGE; state = SUBHEADER; } //else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "video/mpeg" ) || !strcasecmp( content_type, "video/mpg" ) ) //{ //// MPEG stream, coming soon! //} else { Error( "Unrecognised content type '%s'", content_type ); return( -1 ); } } else { Debug(3, "Unable to extract entire header from stream, continuing"); state = HEADERCONT; //return( -1 ); } // end if all_headers break; } case SUBHEADER : { n_subheaders = 0; boundary_header = 0; subcontent_length_header[0] = '\0'; subcontent_type_header[0] = '\0'; content_length = 0; content_type[0] = '\0'; [[gnu::fallthrough]]; } case SUBHEADERCONT : { char *crlf = nullptr; char *subheader_ptr = (char *)buffer; int subheader_len = buffer.size(); bool all_headers = false; while( true ) { int crlf_len = memspn( subheader_ptr, "\r\n", subheader_len ); if ( n_subheaders ) { if ( (crlf_len == 2 && !strncmp( subheader_ptr, "\n\n", crlf_len )) || (crlf_len == 4 && !strncmp( subheader_ptr, "\r\n\r\n", crlf_len )) ) { *subheader_ptr = '\0'; subheader_ptr += crlf_len; subheader_len -= buffer.consume( subheader_ptr-(char *)buffer ); all_headers = true; break; } } if ( crlf_len ) { if ( subheader_len == crlf_len ) { break; } else { *subheader_ptr = '\0'; subheader_ptr += crlf_len; subheader_len -= buffer.consume( subheader_ptr-(char *)buffer ); } } Debug(6, "%d: %s", subheader_len, subheader_ptr); if ( (crlf = mempbrk(subheader_ptr, "\r\n", subheader_len)) ) { //subheaders[n_subheaders++] = subheader_ptr; n_subheaders++; if ( !boundary_header && (strncasecmp(subheader_ptr, content_boundary, content_boundary_len) == 0) ) { boundary_header = subheader_ptr; Debug(4, "Got boundary subheader '%s'", subheader_ptr); } else if ( !subcontent_length_header[0] && (strncasecmp(subheader_ptr, content_length_match, content_length_match_len) == 0) ) { strncpy( subcontent_length_header, subheader_ptr+content_length_match_len, sizeof(subcontent_length_header)-1 ); *(subcontent_length_header+strcspn(subcontent_length_header, "\r\n")) = '\0'; Debug(4, "Got content length subheader '%s'", subcontent_length_header); } else if ( !subcontent_type_header[0] && (strncasecmp( subheader_ptr, content_type_match, content_type_match_len) == 0) ) { strncpy( subcontent_type_header, subheader_ptr+content_type_match_len, sizeof(subcontent_type_header)-1 ); *(subcontent_type_header+strcspn(subcontent_type_header, "\r\n")) = '\0'; Debug(4, "Got content type subheader '%s'", subcontent_type_header); } else { Debug(6, "Got ignored subheader '%s' found", subheader_ptr); } subheader_ptr = crlf; subheader_len -= buffer.consume( subheader_ptr-(char *)buffer ); } else { // No line end found break; } } if ( all_headers && boundary_header ) { char *start_ptr/*, *end_ptr*/; Debug( 3, "Got boundary '%s'", boundary_header ); if ( subcontent_length_header[0] ) { start_ptr = subcontent_length_header + strspn( subcontent_length_header, " " ); content_length = atoi( start_ptr ); Debug( 3, "Got subcontent length '%d'", content_length ); } if ( subcontent_type_header[0] ) { memset( content_type, 0, sizeof(content_type) ); start_ptr = subcontent_type_header + strspn( subcontent_type_header, " " ); strcpy( content_type, start_ptr ); Debug( 3, "Got subcontent type '%s'", content_type ); } state = CONTENT; } else { Debug( 3, "Unable to extract subheader from stream, retrying" ); buffer_len = GetData(); if ( buffer_len < 0 ) { Error( "Unable to read subheader" ); return( -1 ); } bytes += buffer_len; state = SUBHEADERCONT; } break; } case CONTENT : { // if content_type is something like image/jpeg;size=, this will strip the ;size= char * semicolon = strchr( content_type, ';' ); if ( semicolon ) { *semicolon = '\0'; } if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpeg" ) || !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/jpg" ) ) { format = JPEG; } else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/x-rgb" ) ) { format = X_RGB; } else if ( !strcasecmp( content_type, "image/x-rgbz" ) ) { format = X_RGBZ; } else { Error( "Found unsupported content type '%s'", content_type ); return( -1 ); } // This is an early test for jpeg content, so we can bail early if ( format == JPEG && buffer.size() >= 2 ) { if ( buffer[0] != 0xff || buffer[1] != 0xd8 ) { Error( "Found bogus jpeg header '%02x%02x'", buffer[0], buffer[1] ); return( -1 ); } } if ( content_length ) { while ( ( (long)buffer.size() < content_length ) && ! zm_terminate ) { Debug(4, "getting more data"); int bytes_read = GetData(); if ( bytes_read < 0 ) { Error("Unable to read content"); return -1; } bytes += bytes_read; } Debug( 3, "Got end of image by length, content-length = %d", content_length ); } else { // Read until we find the end of image or the stream closes. while ( !content_length && !zm_terminate ) { Debug(4, "!content_length, ReadData"); buffer_len = ReadData( buffer ); if ( buffer_len < 0 ) { Error( "Unable to read content" ); return( -1 ); } bytes += buffer_len; int buffer_size = buffer.size(); if ( buffer_len ) { // Got some data if ( mode == MULTI_IMAGE ) { // Look for the boundary marker, determine content length using it's position if ( char *start_ptr = (char *)memstr( (char *)buffer, "\r\n--", buffer_size ) ) { content_length = start_ptr - (char *)buffer; Debug( 2, "Got end of image by pattern (crlf--), content-length = %d", content_length ); } else { Debug( 2, "Did not find end of image by patten (crlf--) yet, content-length = %d", content_length ); } } // end if MULTI_IMAGE } else { content_length = buffer_size; Debug( 2, "Got end of image by closure, content-length = %d", content_length ); if ( mode == SINGLE_IMAGE ) { char *end_ptr = (char *)buffer+buffer_size; // strip off any last line feeds while( *end_ptr == '\r' || *end_ptr == '\n' ) { content_length--; end_ptr--; } if ( end_ptr != ((char *)buffer+buffer_size) ) { Debug( 2, "Trimmed end of image, new content-length = %d", content_length ); } } // end if SINGLE_IMAGE } // end if read some data } // end while ! content_length } // end if content_length if ( mode == SINGLE_IMAGE ) { state = HEADER; Disconnect(); } else { state = SUBHEADER; } if ( format == JPEG && buffer.size() >= 2 ) { if ( buffer[0] != 0xff || buffer[1] != 0xd8 ) { Error( "Found bogus jpeg header '%02x%02x'", buffer[0], buffer[1] ); return( -1 ); } } Debug(3, "Returning %d bytes, buffer size: (%d) bytes of captured content", content_length, buffer.size()); return content_length; } // end case CONTENT } // end switch } } return 0; } // end RemoteCameraHttp::GetResponse int RemoteCameraHttp::PrimeCapture() { if ( sd < 0 ) { Connect(); if ( sd < 0 ) { return -1; } mode = SINGLE_IMAGE; buffer.clear(); } get_VideoStream(); return 1; } int RemoteCameraHttp::PreCapture() { if ( sd < 0 ) { Connect(); if ( sd < 0 ) { return -1; } mode = SINGLE_IMAGE; buffer.clear(); } if ( mode == SINGLE_IMAGE ) { if ( SendRequest() < 0 ) { Error("Unable to send request"); return -1; } } return 1; } // end int RemoteCameraHttp::PreCapture() int RemoteCameraHttp::Capture(ZMPacket &packet) { int content_length = GetResponse(); if ( content_length == 0 ) { Warning("Unable to capture image, retrying"); return 0; } if ( content_length < 0 ) { Error("Unable to get response, disconnecting"); return -1; } if ( !packet.image ) { Debug(1, "Allocating image"); packet.image = new Image(width, height, colours, subpixelorder); } Image *image = packet.image; packet.keyframe = 1; packet.codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; packet.packet.stream_index = mVideoStreamId; switch ( format ) { case JPEG : if ( !image->DecodeJpeg(buffer.extract(content_length), content_length, colours, subpixelorder) ) { Error("Unable to decode jpeg"); return -1; } break; case X_RGB : if ( content_length != (long)image->Size() ) { Error("Image length mismatch, expected %d bytes, content length was %d", image->Size(), content_length); return -1; } image->Assign(width, height, colours, subpixelorder, buffer.head(), imagesize); break; case X_RGBZ : if ( !image->Unzip( buffer.extract( content_length ), content_length ) ) { Error("Unable to unzip RGB image"); return -1; } image->Assign(width, height, colours, subpixelorder, buffer.head(), imagesize); break; default : Error("Unexpected image format encountered"); return -1; } return 1; } // end ZmPacket *RmoteCameraHttp::Capture( &image ); int RemoteCameraHttp::PostCapture() { return 1; }