function setButtonStates( element ) { var form = element.form; var checked = 0; for ( var i=0; i < form.elements.length; i++ ) { if ( form.elements[i].type=="checkbox" && form.elements[i].name=="markMids[]" ) { var tr = $j(form.elements[i]).closest("tr"); if ( form.elements[i].checked ) { checked ++; tr.addClass("danger"); } else { tr.removeClass("danger"); } } } if ( checked ) { form.editBtn.disabled = false; form.deleteBtn.disabled = false; form.selectBtn.disabled = false; if ( checked == 1 ) { $j(form.cloneBtn).css('display', 'inline'); } else { form.cloneBtn.hide(); } } else { form.cloneBtn.hide(); form.editBtn.disabled = true; form.deleteBtn.disabled = true; form.selectBtn.disabled = true; } } function addMonitor(element) { window.location.assign('?view=monitor'); } function cloneMonitor(element) { var form = element.form; var monitorId=-1; // get the value of the first checkbox for ( var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++ ) { if ( form.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && form.elements[i].name == "markMids[]" && form.elements[i].checked ) { monitorId = form.elements[i].value; break; } } // end foreach element if ( monitorId != -1 ) { window.location.assign('?view=monitor&dupId='+monitorId); } } function editMonitor( element ) { var form = element.form; var monitorIds = Array(); for ( var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++ ) { if ( form.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && form.elements[i].name == "markMids[]" && form.elements[i].checked ) { monitorIds.push( form.elements[i].value ); } } // end foreach checkboxes if ( monitorIds.length == 1 ) { window.location.assign('?view=monitor&mid='+monitorIds[0]); } else if ( monitorIds.length > 1 ) { window.location.assign( '?view=monitors&'+( { return 'mids[]='+mid; }).join('&'))); } } function deleteMonitor( element ) { if ( confirm( 'Warning, deleting a monitor also deletes all events and database entries associated with it.\nAre you sure you wish to delete?' ) ) { var form = element.form; form.elements['action'].value = 'delete'; form.submit(); } } function selectMonitor(element) { var form = element.form; var url = thisUrl+'?view=console'; for ( var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++ ) { if ( form.elements[i].type == 'checkbox' && form.elements[i].name == 'markMids[]' && form.elements[i].checked ) { url += '&MonitorId[]='+form.elements[i].value; } } window.location.replace(url); } function reloadWindow() { window.location.replace( thisUrl ); } // Manage the the Function modal and its buttons function manageFunctionModal(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if ( !canEdit.Events ) { enoperm(); return; } if ( ! $j('#modalFunction').length ) { // Load the Function modal on page load $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?request=modal&modal=function') .done(function(data) { insertModalHtml('modalFunction', data.html); // Manage the CANCEL modal buttons $j('.funcCancelBtn').click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $j('#modalFunction').modal('hide'); }); // Manage the SAVE modal buttons $j('.funcSaveBtn').click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $j('#function_form').submit(); }); manageFunctionModal(evt); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); return; } var mid = evt.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-mid'); monitor = monitors[mid]; if ( !monitor ) { console.error("No monitor found for mid " + mid); return; } var function_form = document.getElementById('function_form'); if ( !function_form ) { console.error("Unable to find form with id function_form"); return; } function_form.elements['newFunction'].onchange=function() { $j('#function_help div').hide(); $j('#'+this.value+'Help').show(); if ( this.value == 'Monitor' || this.value == 'None' ) { $j('#FunctionAnalysisEnabled').hide(); } else { $j('#FunctionAnalysisEnabled').show(); } if ( this.value == 'Record' || this.value == 'Nodect' ) { $j('#FunctionDecodingEnabled').show(); } else { $j('#FunctionDecodingEnabled').hide(); } }; function_form.elements['newFunction'].value = monitor.Function; function_form.elements['newFunction'].onchange(); function_form.elements['newEnabled'].checked = monitor.Enabled == '1'; function_form.elements['newDecodingEnabled'].checked = monitor.DecodingEnabled == '1'; function_form.elements['mid'].value = mid; document.getElementById('function_monitor_name').innerHTML = monitor.Name; $j('#modalFunction').modal('show'); } // end function manageFunctionModal function initPage() { setInterval(reloadWindow, consoleRefreshTimeout); if ( showDonatePopup ) { $j.getJSON(thisUrl + '?request=modal&modal=donate') .done(function(data) { insertModalHtml('donate', data.html); $j('#donate').modal('show'); // Manage the Apply button $j('#donateApplyBtn').click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $j('#donateForm').submit(); }); }) .fail(logAjaxFail); } // Makes table sortable $j( function() { $j( "#consoleTableBody" ).sortable({ handle: ".sort", update: applySort, axis: 'Y'} ); $j( "#consoleTableBody" ).disableSelection(); } ); // Setup the thumbnail video animation initThumbAnimation(); $j('.functionLnk').click(manageFunctionModal); } // end function initPage function applySort(event, ui) { var monitor_ids = $j(this).sortable('toArray'); var data = {monitor_ids: monitor_ids, action: 'sort'}; $ + '?request=console', data) .fail(logAjaxFail); } // end function applySort(event,ui) $j(document).ready(initPage );