$zmSlangAlarmFrameCount = 'Alarm Frame Count';
$zmSlangAlarmFrame = 'アラーム フレーム';
$zmSlangAlarmLimits = 'アラーム限度';
$zmSlangAlarm = 'アラーム';
$zmSlangAlarmPx = 'アラーム Px';
$zmSlangAlert = '警告';
$zmSlangAll = '全て';
$zmSlangApplyingStateChange = '変更適用中';
$zmSlangApply = '適用';
$zmSlangArchArchived = '保存分のみ';
$zmSlangArchive = 'アーカイブ';
$zmSlangArchived = 'Archived';
$zmSlangArchUnarchived = '保存分以外のみ';
$zmSlangAttrAlarmFrames = 'アラーム フレーム';
$zmSlangAttrArchiveStatus = '保存状態';
$zmSlangAttrAvgScore = '平均スコアー';
$zmSlangAttrCause = 'Cause';
$zmSlangAttrDateTime = '日時';
$zmSlangAttrDate = '日付';
$zmSlangAttrDiskBlocks = 'Disk Blocks';
$zmSlangAttrDiskPercent = 'Disk Percent';
$zmSlangAttrDuration = '継続時間';
$zmSlangAttrFrames = 'フレーム';
$zmSlangAttrId = 'Id';
$zmSlangAttrMaxScore = '最高スコアー';
$zmSlangAttrMonitorId = 'モニター Id';
$zmSlangAttrMonitorName = 'モニター 名前';
$zmSlangAttrName = 'Name';
$zmSlangAttrTime = '時間';
$zmSlangAttrTotalScore = '合計スコアー';
$zmSlangAttrWeekday = '曜日';
$zmSlangAutoArchiveEvents = 'Automatically archive all matches';
$zmSlangAuto = 'Auto';
$zmSlangAutoDeleteEvents = 'Automatically delete all matches';
$zmSlangAutoEmailEvents = 'Automatically email details of all matches';
$zmSlangAutoExecuteEvents = 'Automatically execute command on all matches';
$zmSlangAutoMessageEvents = 'Automatically message details of all matches';
$zmSlangAutoStopTimeout = 'Auto Stop Timeout';
$zmSlangAutoUploadEvents = 'Automatically upload all matches';
$zmSlangAvgBrScore = '平均
$zmSlangBadNameChars = 'Names may only contain alphanumeric characters plus hyphen and underscore';
$zmSlangBandwidth = '帯域幅';
$zmSlangBlobPx = 'ブロブ Px';
$zmSlangBlobSizes = 'ブロブ サイズ';
$zmSlangBlobs = 'ブロブ';
$zmSlangBrightness = '輝度';
$zmSlangBuffers = 'バッファ';
$zmSlangCanAutoFocus = 'Can Auto Focus';
$zmSlangCanAutoGain = 'Can Auto Gain';
$zmSlangCanAutoIris = 'Can Auto Iris';
$zmSlangCanAutoWhite = 'Can Auto White Bal.';
$zmSlangCanAutoZoom = 'Can Auto Zoom';
$zmSlangCancelForcedAlarm = '強制アラームキャンセル';
$zmSlangCancel = 'キャンセル';
$zmSlangCanFocusAbs = 'Can Focus Absolute';
$zmSlangCanFocus = 'Can Focus';
$zmSlangCanFocusCon = 'Can Focus Continuous';
$zmSlangCanFocusRel = 'Can Focus Relative';
$zmSlangCanGainAbs = 'Can Gain Absolute';
$zmSlangCanGain = 'Can Gain ';
$zmSlangCanGainCon = 'Can Gain Continuous';
$zmSlangCanGainRel = 'Can Gain Relative';
$zmSlangCanIrisAbs = 'Can Iris Absolute';
$zmSlangCanIris = 'Can Iris';
$zmSlangCanIrisCon = 'Can Iris Continuous';
$zmSlangCanIrisRel = 'Can Iris Relative';
$zmSlangCanMoveAbs = 'Can Move Absolute';
$zmSlangCanMove = 'Can Move';
$zmSlangCanMoveCon = 'Can Move Continuous';
$zmSlangCanMoveDiag = 'Can Move Diagonally';
$zmSlangCanMoveMap = 'Can Move Mapped';
$zmSlangCanMoveRel = 'Can Move Relative';
$zmSlangCanPan = 'Can Pan' ;
$zmSlangCanReset = 'Can Reset';
$zmSlangCanSetPresets = 'Can Set Presets';
$zmSlangCanSleep = 'Can Sleep';
$zmSlangCanTilt = 'Can Tilt';
$zmSlangCanWake = 'Can Wake';
$zmSlangCanWhiteAbs = 'Can White Bal. Absolute';
$zmSlangCanWhiteBal = 'Can White Bal.';
$zmSlangCanWhite = 'Can White Balance';
$zmSlangCanWhiteCon = 'Can White Bal. Continuous';
$zmSlangCanWhiteRel = 'Can White Bal. Relative';
$zmSlangCanZoomAbs = 'Can Zoom Absolute';
$zmSlangCanZoom = 'Can Zoom';
$zmSlangCanZoomCon = 'Can Zoom Continuous';
$zmSlangCanZoomRel = 'Can Zoom Relative';
$zmSlangCaptureHeight = '取り込み高さ';
$zmSlangCapturePalette = '取り込みパレット';
$zmSlangCaptureWidth = '取り込み幅';
$zmSlangCause = 'Cause';
$zmSlangCheckAll = '全て選択';
$zmSlangCheckMethod = 'アラーム チェック方法';
$zmSlangChooseFilter = 'フィルターの選択';
$zmSlangClose = '閉じる';
$zmSlangColour = '色';
$zmSlangCommand = 'Command';
$zmSlangConfig = 'Config';
$zmSlangConfiguredFor = '設定:';
$zmSlangConfirmPassword = 'パスワードの確認';
$zmSlangConjAnd = '及び';
$zmSlangConjOr = '又は';
$zmSlangConsole = 'コンソール';
$zmSlangContactAdmin = '管理者にお問い合わせください。';
$zmSlangContinue = 'Continue';
$zmSlangContrast = 'コントラスト';
$zmSlangControlAddress = 'Control Address';
$zmSlangControlCap = 'Control Capability';
$zmSlangControlCaps = 'Control Capabilities';
$zmSlangControl = 'Control';
$zmSlangControlDevice = 'Control Device';
$zmSlangControllable = 'Controllable';
$zmSlangControlType = 'Control Type';
$zmSlangCycle = 'Cycle';
$zmSlangCycleWatch = 'サイクル観察';
$zmSlangDay = '曜日';
$zmSlangDefaultScale = 'Default Scale';
$zmSlangDeleteAndNext = '次を削除';
$zmSlangDeleteAndPrev = '前を削除';
$zmSlangDelete = '削除';
$zmSlangDeleteSavedFilter = '保存フィルターの削除';
$zmSlangDescription = '説明';
$zmSlangDeviceChannel = 'デバイス チャンネル';
$zmSlangDeviceFormat = 'デバイス フォーマット (0=PAL,1=NTSC 等 )';
$zmSlangDeviceNumber = 'デバイス番号 (/dev/video?)';
$zmSlangDevicePath = 'Device Path';
$zmSlangDimensions = '寸法';
$zmSlangDisableAlarms = 'Disable Alarms';
$zmSlangDisk = 'Disk';
$zmSlangDonateAlready = 'No, I\'ve already donated';
$zmSlangDonateEnticement = 'You\'ve been running ZoneMinder for a while now and hopefully are finding it a useful addition to your home or workplace security. Although ZoneMinder is, and will remain, free and open source, it costs money to develop and support. If you would like to help support future development and new features then please consider donating. Donating is, of course, optional but very much appreciated and you can donate as much or as little as you like.
If you would like to donate please select the option below or go to http://www.zoneminder.com/donate.html in your browser.
Thank you for using ZoneMinder and don\'t forget to visit the forums on ZoneMinder.com for support or suggestions about how to make your ZoneMinder experience even better.';
$zmSlangDonate = 'Please Donate';
$zmSlangDonateRemindDay = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 day';
$zmSlangDonateRemindHour = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 hour';
$zmSlangDonateRemindMonth = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 month';
$zmSlangDonateRemindNever = 'No, I don\'t want to donate, never remind';
$zmSlangDonateRemindWeek = 'Not yet, remind again in 1 week';
$zmSlangDonateYes = 'Yes, I\'d like to donate now';
$zmSlangDownload = 'Download';
$zmSlangDuration = '継続時間';
$zmSlangEdit = '編集';
$zmSlangEmail = 'メール';
$zmSlangEnableAlarms = 'Enable Alarms';
$zmSlangEnabled = '使用可能\';
$zmSlangEnterNewFilterName = '新しいフィルター名の入力';
$zmSlangErrorBrackets = 'エラー、開き括弧と閉じ括弧の数が合っているのかを確認してください';
$zmSlangError = 'エラー';
$zmSlangErrorValidValue = 'エラー、全ての項の数値が有効かどうかを確認してください';
$zmSlangEtc = '等';
$zmSlangEvent = 'イベント';
$zmSlangEventFilter = 'イベント フィルター';
$zmSlangEventId = 'Event Id';
$zmSlangEventName = 'Event Name';
$zmSlangEventPrefix = 'Event Prefix';
$zmSlangEvents = 'イベント';
$zmSlangExclude = '排除';
$zmSlangExportDetails = 'Export Event Details';
$zmSlangExport = 'Export';
$zmSlangExportFailed = 'Export Failed';
$zmSlangExportFormat = 'Export File Format';
$zmSlangExportFormatTar = 'Tar';
$zmSlangExportFormatZip = 'Zip';
$zmSlangExportFrames = 'Export Frame Details';
$zmSlangExportImageFiles = 'Export Image Files';
$zmSlangExporting = 'Exporting';
$zmSlangExportMiscFiles = 'Export Other Files (if present)';
$zmSlangExportOptions = 'Export Options';
$zmSlangExportVideoFiles = 'Export Video Files (if present)';
$zmSlangFar = 'Far';
$zmSlangFeed = '送り込む';
$zmSlangFileColours = 'File Colours';
$zmSlangFile = 'File';
$zmSlangFilePath = 'File Path';
$zmSlangFilterPx = 'フィルター Px';
$zmSlangFilters = 'Filters';
$zmSlangFirst = '最初';
$zmSlangFlippedHori = 'Flipped Horizontally';
$zmSlangFlippedVert = 'Flipped Vertically';
$zmSlangFocus = 'Focus';
$zmSlangForceAlarm = '強制アラーム';
$zmSlangFormat = 'Format';
$zmSlangFPS = 'fps';
$zmSlangFPSReportInterval = 'FPS報告間隔';
$zmSlangFrameId = 'フレーム ID';
$zmSlangFrame = 'フレーム';
$zmSlangFrameRate = 'フレームレート';
$zmSlangFrames = 'フレーム';
$zmSlangFrameSkip = 'フレームスキップ';
$zmSlangFTP = 'FTP';
$zmSlangFunc = '機能\';
$zmSlangFunction = '機能\';
$zmSlangGain = 'Gain';
$zmSlangGenerateVideo = 'ビデオの生成';
$zmSlangGeneratingVideo = 'ビデオ生成中';
$zmSlangGoToZoneMinder = 'ZoneMinder.comに行く';
$zmSlangGrey = 'グレー';
$zmSlangGroups = 'Groups';
$zmSlangHasFocusSpeed = 'Has Focus Speed';
$zmSlangHasGainSpeed = 'Has Gain Speed';
$zmSlangHasHomePreset = 'Has Home Preset';
$zmSlangHasIrisSpeed = 'Has Iris Speed';
$zmSlangHasPanSpeed = 'Has Pan Speed';
$zmSlangHasPresets = 'Has Presets';
$zmSlangHasTiltSpeed = 'Has Tilt Speed';
$zmSlangHasTurboPan = 'Has Turbo Pan';
$zmSlangHasTurboTilt = 'Has Turbo Tilt';
$zmSlangHasWhiteSpeed = 'Has White Bal. Speed';
$zmSlangHasZoomSpeed = 'Has Zoom Speed';
$zmSlangHigh = '高';
$zmSlangHighBW = '高帯域';
$zmSlangHome = 'Home';
$zmSlangHour = '時';
$zmSlangHue = '色相';
$zmSlangId = 'ID';
$zmSlangIdle = '待機状態';
$zmSlangIgnore = '無視';
$zmSlangImage = '画像';
$zmSlangImageBufferSize = '画像 バッファ サイズ';
$zmSlangInclude = '組み込む';
$zmSlangIn = 'In';
$zmSlangInverted = '反転';
$zmSlangIris = 'Iris';
$zmSlangLanguage = '言語';
$zmSlangLast = '最終';
$zmSlangLimitResultsPost = 'results only;'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangLimitResultsPre = 'Limit to first'; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'Limit to first N results only'
$zmSlangList = 'List';
$zmSlangLoad = 'Load';
$zmSlangLocal = 'ローカル';
$zmSlangLoggedInAs = 'ログイン済み:';
$zmSlangLoggingIn = 'ログイン中';
$zmSlangLogin = 'ログイン';
$zmSlangLogout = 'ログアウト';
$zmSlangLow = '低';
$zmSlangLowBW = '低帯域';
$zmSlangMain = 'Main';
$zmSlangMan = 'Man';
$zmSlangManual = 'Manual';
$zmSlangMark = '選択';
$zmSlangMax = '最高';
$zmSlangMaxBandwidth = 'Max Bandwidth';
$zmSlangMaxBrScore = '最高
$zmSlangMaxFocusRange = 'Max Focus Range';
$zmSlangMaxFocusSpeed = 'Max Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMaxFocusStep = 'Max Focus Step';
$zmSlangMaxGainRange = 'Max Gain Range';
$zmSlangMaxGainSpeed = 'Max Gain Speed';
$zmSlangMaxGainStep = 'Max Gain Step';
$zmSlangMaximumFPS = '最高 FPS';
$zmSlangMaxIrisRange = 'Max Iris Range';
$zmSlangMaxIrisSpeed = 'Max Iris Speed';
$zmSlangMaxIrisStep = 'Max Iris Step';
$zmSlangMaxPanRange = 'Max Pan Range';
$zmSlangMaxPanSpeed = 'Max Pan Speed';
$zmSlangMaxPanStep = 'Max Pan Step';
$zmSlangMaxTiltRange = 'Max Tilt Range';
$zmSlangMaxTiltSpeed = 'Max Tilt Speed';
$zmSlangMaxTiltStep = 'Max Tilt Step';
$zmSlangMaxWhiteRange = 'Max White Bal. Range';
$zmSlangMaxWhiteSpeed = 'Max White Bal. Speed';
$zmSlangMaxWhiteStep = 'Max White Bal. Step';
$zmSlangMaxZoomRange = 'Max Zoom Range';
$zmSlangMaxZoomSpeed = 'Max Zoom Speed';
$zmSlangMaxZoomStep = 'Max Zoom Step';
$zmSlangMedium = '中';
$zmSlangMediumBW = '中帯域';
$zmSlangMinAlarmGeMinBlob = '最低アラームピクセルが最低ブロブピクセル同等か以上でなければいけない';
$zmSlangMinAlarmGeMinFilter = '最低アラームピクセルが最低フィルターピクセル同等か以上でなければいけない';
$zmSlangMinAlarmPixelsLtMax = '最低アラームピクセルは最高値より以下でなければいけない';
$zmSlangMinBlobAreaLtMax = '最低ブロッブ範囲は最高値より以下でなければいけない';
$zmSlangMinBlobsLtMax = '最低ブロッブ数は最高数より以下でなければいけない';
$zmSlangMinFilterPixelsLtMax = '最低フィルターピクセル数は最高数より以下でなければいけない';
$zmSlangMinFocusRange = 'Min Focus Range';
$zmSlangMinFocusSpeed = 'Min Focus Speed';
$zmSlangMinFocusStep = 'Min Focus Step';
$zmSlangMinGainRange = 'Min Gain Range';
$zmSlangMinGainSpeed = 'Min Gain Speed';
$zmSlangMinGainStep = 'Min Gain Step';
$zmSlangMinIrisRange = 'Min Iris Range';
$zmSlangMinIrisSpeed = 'Min Iris Speed';
$zmSlangMinIrisStep = 'Min Iris Step';
$zmSlangMinPanRange = 'Min Pan Range';
$zmSlangMinPanSpeed = 'Min Pan Speed';
$zmSlangMinPanStep = 'Min Pan Step';
$zmSlangMinPixelThresLtMax = '最低ピクセル閾値は最高値より以下でなければいけない';
$zmSlangMinTiltRange = 'Min Tilt Range';
$zmSlangMinTiltSpeed = 'Min Tilt Speed';
$zmSlangMinTiltStep = 'Min Tilt Step';
$zmSlangMinWhiteRange = 'Min White Bal. Range';
$zmSlangMinWhiteSpeed = 'Min White Bal. Speed';
$zmSlangMinWhiteStep = 'Min White Bal. Step';
$zmSlangMinZoomRange = 'Min Zoom Range';
$zmSlangMinZoomSpeed = 'Min Zoom Speed';
$zmSlangMinZoomStep = 'Min Zoom Step';
$zmSlangMisc = 'その他';
$zmSlangMonitorIds = 'モニター ID';
$zmSlangMonitor = 'モニター';
$zmSlangMonitors = 'モニター';
$zmSlangMontage = 'モンタージュ';
$zmSlangMonth = '月';
$zmSlangMove = 'Move';
$zmSlangMustBeGe = '同等か以上でなければいけない';
$zmSlangMustBeLe = '同等か以下でなければいけない';
$zmSlangMustConfirmPassword = 'パスワードの確認をしてください';
$zmSlangMustSupplyPassword = 'パスワードを入力してください';
$zmSlangMustSupplyUsername = 'ユーザ名を入力してください';
$zmSlangName = '名前';
$zmSlangNear = 'Near';
$zmSlangNetwork = 'ネットワーク';
$zmSlangNewGroup = 'New Group';
$zmSlangNewPassword = '新しいパスワード';
$zmSlangNewState = '新規状態';
$zmSlangNewUser = '新しいユーザ';
$zmSlangNew = '新規';
$zmSlangNext = '次';
$zmSlangNo = 'いいえ';
$zmSlangNoFramesRecorded = 'このイベントのフレームは登録されていません';
$zmSlangNoGroups = 'No groups have been defined';
$zmSlangNoneAvailable = 'ありません';
$zmSlangNone = 'ありません';
$zmSlangNormal = '普通';
$zmSlangNoSavedFilters = '保存されたフィルターはありません';
$zmSlangNoStatisticsRecorded = 'このイベント/フレームの統計は登録されていません';
$zmSlangNotes = 'Notes';
$zmSlangNumPresets = 'Num Presets';
$zmSlangOpen = 'Open';
$zmSlangOpEq = '同等';
$zmSlangOpGt = '以下';
$zmSlangOpGtEq = '同等か以上';
$zmSlangOpIn = 'セットに入っている';
$zmSlangOpLt = '以下';
$zmSlangOpLtEq = '同等か以下';
$zmSlangOpMatches = '一致する';
$zmSlangOpNe = '同等でない';
$zmSlangOpNotIn = 'セットに入っていない';
$zmSlangOpNotMatches = '一致しない';
$zmSlangOptionHelp = 'オプション ヘルプ';
$zmSlangOptionRestartWarning = 'この変更は起動中反映されない場合があります。\n変更してからZoneMinderを再起動してください。';
$zmSlangOptions = 'オプション';
$zmSlangOrder = 'Order';
$zmSlangOrEnterNewName = '又は新しい名前を入力してください';
$zmSlangOrientation = 'オリオンテーション';
$zmSlangOut = 'Out';
$zmSlangOverwriteExisting = '上書きします';
$zmSlangPaged = 'ページ化';
$zmSlangPan = 'Pan';
$zmSlangPanTilt = 'Pan/Tilt';
$zmSlangParameter = 'パラメータ';
$zmSlangPassword = 'パスワード';
$zmSlangPasswordsDifferent = '新しいパスワードと再入力パスワードが一致しません';
$zmSlangPaths = 'パス';
$zmSlangPhoneBW = '携帯用';
$zmSlangPhone = 'Phone';
$zmSlangPixels = 'ピクセル';
$zmSlangPlayAll = 'Play All';
$zmSlangPleaseWait = 'お待ちください';
$zmSlangPostEventImageBuffer = 'イベント イメージ バッファ後';
$zmSlangPreEventImageBuffer = 'イベント イメージ バッファ前';
$zmSlangPreset = 'Preset';
$zmSlangPresets = 'Presets';
$zmSlangPrev = '前';
$zmSlangRate = 'レート';
$zmSlangReal = '生中継';
$zmSlangRecord = '録画';
$zmSlangRefImageBlendPct = 'イメージ ブレンド 参照 %';
$zmSlangRefresh = '最新の情報に更新';
$zmSlangRemoteHostName = 'リモート ホスト 名';
$zmSlangRemoteHostPath = 'リモート ホスト パス';
$zmSlangRemoteHostPort = 'リモート ホスト ポート';
$zmSlangRemoteImageColours = 'リモート イメージ カラー';
$zmSlangRemote = 'リモート';
$zmSlangRename = '新しい名前をつける';
$zmSlangReplay = '再生';
$zmSlangResetEventCounts = 'イベント カウント リセット';
$zmSlangReset = 'Reset';
$zmSlangRestart = '再起動';
$zmSlangRestarting = '再起動中';
$zmSlangRestrictedCameraIds = '制限されたカメラ ID';
$zmSlangReturnDelay = 'Return Delay';
$zmSlangReturnLocation = 'Return Location';
$zmSlangRotateLeft = '左に回転';
$zmSlangRotateRight = '右に回転';
$zmSlangRunMode = '起動モード';
$zmSlangRunning = '起動中';
$zmSlangRunState = '起動状態';
$zmSlangSaveAs = '名前をつけて保存';
$zmSlangSaveFilter = 'フィルターを保存';
$zmSlangSave = '保存';
$zmSlangScale = 'スケール';
$zmSlangScore = 'スコアー';
$zmSlangSecs = '秒';
$zmSlangSectionlength = '長さ';
$zmSlangSelect = 'Select';
$zmSlangSetLearnPrefs = 'Set Learn Prefs'; // 新しい設定の自動保存 This can be ignored for now
$zmSlangSetNewBandwidth = '新しい帯域幅の設定';
$zmSlangSetPreset = 'Set Preset';
$zmSlangSet = 'Set';
$zmSlangSettings = '設定';
$zmSlangShowFilterWindow = 'フィルター ウインドーの表示';
$zmSlangShowTimeline = 'Show Timeline';
$zmSlangSize = 'Size';
$zmSlangSleep = 'Sleep';
$zmSlangSortAsc = 'Asc';
$zmSlangSortBy = 'Sort by';
$zmSlangSortDesc = 'Desc';
$zmSlangSource = 'ソース';
$zmSlangSourceType = 'ソース タイプ';
$zmSlangSpeedHigh = 'High Speed';
$zmSlangSpeedLow = 'Low Speed';
$zmSlangSpeedMedium = 'Medium Speed';
$zmSlangSpeed = 'Speed';
$zmSlangSpeedTurbo = 'Turbo Speed';
$zmSlangStart = 'スタート';
$zmSlangState = '状態';
$zmSlangStats = '統計';
$zmSlangStatus = '状態';
$zmSlangStepLarge = 'Large Step';
$zmSlangStepMedium = 'Medium Step';
$zmSlangStepNone = 'No Step';
$zmSlangStepSmall = 'Small Step';
$zmSlangStep = 'Step';
$zmSlangStills = 'スチール画像';
$zmSlangStop = '停止';
$zmSlangStopped = '停止状態';
$zmSlangStream = 'ストリーム';
$zmSlangSubmit = 'Submit';
$zmSlangSystem = 'システム';
$zmSlangTele = 'Tele';
$zmSlangThumbnail = 'Thumbnail';
$zmSlangTilt = 'Tilt';
$zmSlangTimeDelta = 'デルタ タイム';
$zmSlangTimeline = 'Timeline';
$zmSlangTime = '時間';
$zmSlangTimestamp = 'タイムスタンプ';
$zmSlangTimeStamp = 'タイム スタンプ';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelFormat = 'タイムスタンプ ラベル フォーマット';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelX = 'タイムスタンプ ラベル X';
$zmSlangTimestampLabelY = 'タイムスタンプ ラベル Y';
$zmSlangToday = 'Today';
$zmSlangTools = 'ツール';
$zmSlangTotalBrScore = '合計
$zmSlangTrackDelay = 'Track Delay';
$zmSlangTrackMotion = 'Track Motion';
$zmSlangTriggers = 'トリガー';
$zmSlangTurboPanSpeed = 'Turbo Pan Speed';
$zmSlangTurboTiltSpeed = 'Turbo Tilt Speed';
$zmSlangType = 'タイプ';
$zmSlangUnarchive = '解凍';
$zmSlangUnits = 'ユニット';
$zmSlangUnknown = '不明';
$zmSlangUpdateAvailable = 'ZoneMinderのアップデートがあります';
$zmSlangUpdateNotNecessary = 'アップデートの必要はありません';
$zmSlangUseFilterExprsPost = ' フィルター個数'; // This is used at the end of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
$zmSlangUseFilterExprsPre = '指定してください: '; // This is used at the beginning of the phrase 'use N filter expressions'
$zmSlangUseFilter = 'フィルターを使用してください';
$zmSlangUsername = 'ユーザ名';
$zmSlangUser = 'ユーザ';
$zmSlangUsers = 'ユーザ';
$zmSlangValue = '数値';
$zmSlangVersion = 'バージョン';
$zmSlangVersionIgnore = 'このバージョンを無視';
$zmSlangVersionRemindDay = '1日後に再度知らせる';
$zmSlangVersionRemindHour = '1時間後に再度知らせる';
$zmSlangVersionRemindNever = '新しいバージョンの知らせは必要ない';
$zmSlangVersionRemindWeek = '1週間後に再度知らせる';
$zmSlangVideo = 'ビデオ';
$zmSlangVideoFormat = 'Video Format';
$zmSlangVideoGenFailed = 'ビデオ生成の失敗!';
$zmSlangVideoGenFiles = 'Existing Video Files';
$zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles = 'No Video Files Found';
$zmSlangVideoGenParms = 'ビデオ生成 パラメータ';
$zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded = 'Video Generation Succeeded!';
$zmSlangVideoSize = 'ビデオ サイズ';
$zmSlangView = '表示';
$zmSlangViewAll = '全部表示';
$zmSlangViewPaged = 'ページ化の表示';
$zmSlangWake = 'Wake';
$zmSlangWarmupFrames = 'ウォームアップ フレーム';
$zmSlangWatch = '監視';
$zmSlangWeb = 'ウェブ';
$zmSlangWebColour = 'Web Colour';
$zmSlangWeek = '週';
$zmSlangWhiteBalance = 'White Balance';
$zmSlangWhite = 'White';
$zmSlangWide = 'Wide';
$zmSlangX10ActivationString = 'X10起動文字列';
$zmSlangX10InputAlarmString = 'X10入力アラーム文字列';
$zmSlangX10OutputAlarmString = 'X10出力アラーム文字列';
$zmSlangX10 = 'X10';
$zmSlangYes = 'はい';
$zmSlangYouNoPerms = 'この資源のアクセス権がありません。';
$zmSlangZoneAlarmColour = 'アラーム カラー (RGB)';
$zmSlangZoneAlarmThreshold = 'アラーム 閾値(0-255)';
$zmSlangZoneFilterHeight = 'フィルター 高さ (ピクセル)';
$zmSlangZoneFilterWidth = 'フィルター 幅 (ピクセル)';
$zmSlangZoneMaxAlarmedArea = '最高アラーム領域';
$zmSlangZoneMaxBlobArea = '最高ブロブ領域';
$zmSlangZoneMaxBlobs = '最高ブロブ数';
$zmSlangZoneMaxFilteredArea = '最高フィルター領域';
$zmSlangZoneMaxPixelThres = '最高ピクセル閾値 (0-255)';
$zmSlangZoneMaxX = 'X (右)最高';
$zmSlangZoneMaxY = 'Y (左)最高';
$zmSlangZoneMinAlarmedArea = '最低アラーム領域';
$zmSlangZoneMinBlobArea = '最低ブロブ領域';
$zmSlangZoneMinBlobs = '最低ブロブ数';
$zmSlangZoneMinFilteredArea = '最低フィルター領域';
$zmSlangZoneMinPixelThres = '最低ピクセル閾値 (0-255)';
$zmSlangZoneMinX = 'X (右)最低';
$zmSlangZoneMinY = 'Y (左)最低';
$zmSlangZones = 'ゾーン';
$zmSlangZone = 'ゾーン';
$zmSlangZoom = 'Zoom';
// Complex replacements with formatting and/or placements, must be passed through sprintf
$zmClangCurrentLogin = 'ただ今\'%1$s\がログインしています';
$zmClangEventCount = '%1$s %2$s';
$zmClangLastEvents = '最終 %1$s %2$s';
$zmClangLatestRelease = '最新バージョンは v%1$s、ご利用バージョンはv%2$s.';
$zmClangMonitorCount = '%1$s %2$s';
$zmClangMonitorFunction = 'モニター%1$s 機能\';
$zmClangRunningRecentVer = 'あなたはZoneMinderの最新バージョン v%s.を使っています';
// The next section allows you to describe a series of word ending and counts used to
// generate the correctly conjugated forms of words depending on a count that is associated
// with that word.
// This intended to allow phrases such a '0 potatoes', '1 potato', '2 potatoes' etc to
// conjugate correctly with the associated count.
// In some languages such as English this is fairly simple and can be expressed by assigning
// a count with a singular or plural form of a word and then finding the nearest (lower) value.
// So '0' of something generally ends in 's', 1 of something is singular and has no extra
// ending and 2 or more is a plural and ends in 's' also. So to find the ending for '187' of
// something you would find the nearest lower count (2) and use that ending.
// So examples of this would be
// $zmVlangPotato = array( 0=>'Potatoes', 1=>'Potato', 2=>'Potatoes' );
// $zmVlangSheep = array( 0=>'Sheep' );
// where you can have as few or as many entries in the array as necessary
// If your language is similar in form to this then use the same format and choose the
// appropriate zmVlang function below.
// If however you have a language with a different format of plural endings then another
// approach is required . For instance in Russian the word endings change continuously
// depending on the last digit (or digits) of the numerator. In this case then zmVlang
// arrays could be written so that the array index just represents an arbitrary 'type'
// and the zmVlang function does the calculation about which version is appropriate.
// So an example in Russian might be (using English words, and made up endings as I
// don't know any Russian!!)
// $zmVlangPotato = array( 1=>'Potati', 2=>'Potaton', 3=>'Potaten' );
// and the zmVlang function decides that the first form is used for counts ending in
// 0, 5-9 or 11-19 and the second form when ending in 1 etc.
// Variable arrays expressing plurality, see the zmVlang description above
$zmVlangEvent = array( 0=>'イベント', 1=>'イベント', 2=>'イベント' );
$zmVlangMonitor = array( 0=>'モニター', 1=>'モニター', 2=>'モニター' );
// You will need to choose or write a function that can correlate the plurality string arrays
// with variable counts. This is used to conjugate the Vlang arrays above with a number passed
// in to generate the correct noun form.
// In languages such as English this is fairly simple
// Note this still has to be used with printf etc to get the right formating
function zmVlang( $lang_var_array, $count )
krsort( $lang_var_array );
foreach ( $lang_var_array as $key=>$value )
if ( abs($count) >= $key )
return( $value );
die( 'Error, unable to correlate variable language string' );
// This is an version that could be used in the Russian example above
// The rules are that the first word form is used if the count ends in
// 0, 5-9 or 11-19. The second form is used then the count ends in 1
// (not including 11 as above) and the third form is used when the
// count ends in 2-4, again excluding any values ending in 12-14.
// function zmVlang( $lang_var_array, $count )
// {
// $secondlastdigit = substr( $count, -2, 1 );
// $lastdigit = substr( $count, -1, 1 );
// // or
// // $secondlastdigit = ($count/10)%10;
// // $lastdigit = $count%10;
// // Get rid of the special cases first, the teens
// if ( $secondlastdigit == 1 && $lastdigit != 0 )
// {
// return( $lang_var_array[1] );
// }
// switch ( $lastdigit )
// {
// case 0 :
// case 5 :
// case 6 :
// case 7 :
// case 8 :
// case 9 :
// {
// return( $lang_var_array[1] );
// break;
// }
// case 1 :
// {
// return( $lang_var_array[2] );
// break;
// }
// case 2 :
// case 3 :
// case 4 :
// {
// return( $lang_var_array[3] );
// break;
// }
// }
// die( 'Error, unable to correlate variable language string' );
// }
// This is an example of how the function is used in the code which you can uncomment and
// use to test your custom function.
//$monitors = array();
//$monitors[] = 1; // Choose any number
//echo sprintf( $zmClangMonitorCount, count($monitors), zmVlang( $zmVlangMonitor, count($monitors) ) );
// In this section you can override the default prompt and help texts for the options area
// These overrides are in the form of $zmOlangPrompt