0 ) { if ( php_sapi_name() == 'cli' && empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) print( "Warning, overriding installed $localConfigFile file with local copy\n" ); else error_log( "Warning, overriding installed $localConfigFile file with local copy" ); $configFile = $localConfigFile; } $cfg = fopen( $configFile, "r") or die("Could not open config file."); while ( !feof($cfg) ) { $str = fgets( $cfg, 256 ); if ( preg_match( '/^\s*$/', $str )) continue; elseif ( preg_match( '/^\s*#/', $str )) continue; elseif ( preg_match( '/^\s*([^=\s]+)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/', $str, $matches )) define( $matches[1], $matches[2] ); } fclose( $cfg ); // // This section is options normally derived from other options or configuration // define( "ZMU_PATH", ZM_PATH_BIN."/zmu" ); // Local path to the ZoneMinder Utility // // If setup supports Video 4 Linux v2 and/or v1 // define( "ZM_HAS_V4L2", "@ZM_HAS_V4L2@" ); // V4L2 support enabled define( "ZM_HAS_V4L1", "@ZM_HAS_V4L1@" ); // V4L1 support enabled define( "ZM_HAS_V4L", "@ZM_HAS_V4L@" ); // V4L support enabled // // If ONVIF support has been built in // define( "ZM_HAS_ONVIF", "@ZM_HAS_ONVIF@" ); // ONVIF support enabled // // If PCRE dev libraries are installed // define( "ZM_PCRE", "@ZM_PCRE@" ); // PCRE support enabled // // Alarm states // define( "STATE_IDLE", 0 ); define( "STATE_PREALARM", 1 ); define( "STATE_ALARM", 2 ); define( "STATE_ALERT", 3 ); define( "STATE_TAPE", 4 ); // // DVR Control Commands // define( "MSG_CMD", 1 ); define( "MSG_DATA_WATCH", 2 ); define( "MSG_DATA_EVENT", 3 ); define( "CMD_NONE", 0 ); define( "CMD_PAUSE", 1 ); define( "CMD_PLAY", 2 ); define( "CMD_STOP", 3 ); define( "CMD_FASTFWD", 4 ); define( "CMD_SLOWFWD", 5 ); define( "CMD_SLOWREV", 6 ); define( "CMD_FASTREV", 7 ); define( "CMD_ZOOMIN", 8 ); define( "CMD_ZOOMOUT", 9 ); define( "CMD_PAN", 10 ); define( "CMD_SCALE", 11 ); define( "CMD_PREV", 12 ); define( "CMD_NEXT", 13 ); define( "CMD_SEEK", 14 ); define( "CMD_VARPLAY", 15 ); define( "CMD_QUERY", 99 ); // // These are miscellaneous options you won't normally need to change // define( "MAX_EVENTS", 10 ); // The maximum number of events to show in the monitor event listing define( "RATE_BASE", 100 ); // The additional scaling factor used to help get fractional rates in integer format define( "SCALE_BASE", 100 ); // The additional scaling factor used to help get fractional scales in integer format // // Date and time formats, not to be modified by language files // define( "STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ); // Strftime format for database queries, don't change define( "MYSQL_FMT_DATETIME_SHORT", "%y/%m/%d %H:%i:%S" ); // MySQL date_format shorter format for dates with time require_once( 'database.php' ); loadConfig(); $GLOBALS['defaultUser'] = array( "Username" => "admin", "Password" => "", "Language" => "", "Enabled" => 1, "Stream" => 'View', "Events" => 'Edit', "Control" => 'Edit', "Monitors" => 'Edit', "Groups" => 'Edit', "Devices" => 'Edit', "System" => 'Edit', "MaxBandwidth" => "", "MonitorIds" => false ); function loadConfig( $defineConsts=true ) { global $config; global $configCats; global $dbConn; $config = array(); $configCat = array(); $result = $dbConn->query( 'select * from Config order by Id asc' ); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); $monitors = array(); while( $row = dbFetchNext( $result ) ) { if ( $defineConsts ) define( $row['Name'], $row['Value'] ); $config[$row['Name']] = $row; if ( !($configCat = &$configCats[$row['Category']]) ) { $configCats[$row['Category']] = array(); $configCat = &$configCats[$row['Category']]; } $configCat[$row['Name']] = $row; } //print_r( $config ); //print_r( $configCats ); } // For Human-readability, user ZM_SERVER in zm.conf, and convert it here to a ZM_SERVER_ID if ( ! defined('ZM_SERVER_ID') ) { if ( defined('ZM_SERVER_NAME') ) { $server_id = dbFetchOne('SELECT Id FROM Servers WHERE Name=?', 'Id', array(ZM_SERVER_NAME)); if ( ! $server_id ) { Error("ZM_SERVER_NAME set in config, but not found in Servers table."); } else { define( 'ZM_SERVER_ID', $server_id ); } } else if ( defined('ZM_SERVER_HOST') ) { $server_id = dbFetchOne('SELECT Id FROM Servers WHERE Name=?', 'Id', array(ZM_SERVER_HOST)); if ( ! $server_id ) { Error("ZM_SERVER_HOST set in config, but not found in Servers table."); } else { define( 'ZM_SERVER_ID', $server_id ); } } } ?>