Ubuntu ====== .. contents:: Easy Way: Ubuntu 16.04 ---------------------- These instructions are for a brand new ubuntu 16.04 system which does not have ZM installed. It is recommended that you use an Ubuntu Server install and select the LAMP option during install to install Apache, MySQL and PHP. If you failed to do this you can achieve the same result by running: :: tasksel install lamp-server During installation it will ask you to set up a master/root password for the MySQL. **Step 1**: Either run commands in this install using sudo or use the below to become root :: sudo -i **Step 2**: Update Repos .. topic :: Latest Release ZoneMinder 1.29.0 is now part of the current standard Ubuntu repository. But if you wish to install the later releases of ZoneMinder you will need to add the iconnor/zoneminder PPA. :: add-apt-repository ppa:iconnor/zoneminder Update repo and upgrade. :: apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade **Step 3**: Configure MySQL .. sidebar :: Note The MySQL default configuration file (/etc/mysql/mysql.cnf)is read through several symbolic links beginning with /etc/mysql/my.cnf as follows: | /etc/mysql/my.cnf -> /etc/alternatives/my.cnf | /etc/alternatives/my.cnf -> /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf | /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf is a basic file Certain new defaults in MySQL 5.7 are currently causing some issues with ZoneMinder, the workaround is to modify the sql_mode setting of MySQL. To better manage the MySQL server it is recommended to copy the sample config file and replace the default my.cnf symbolic link. :: rm /etc/mysql/my.cnf (this removes the current symbolic link) cp /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf To change MySQL settings: :: nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf In the [mysqld] section add the following :: sql_mode = NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION CTRL+o then [Enter] to save CTRL+x to exit Restart MySQL :: systemctl restart mysql **Step 4**: Install ZoneMinder :: apt-get install zoneminder **Step 5**: Configure the ZoneMinder Database :: mysql -uroot -p < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_create.sql mysql -uroot -p -e "grant select,insert,update,delete,create,alter,index,lock tables on zm.* to 'zmuser'@localhost identified by 'zmpass';" **Step 6**: Set permissions Set /etc/zm/zm.conf to root:www-data 740 and www-data access to content :: chmod 740 /etc/zm/zm.conf chown root:www-data /etc/zm/zm.conf chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/share/zoneminder/ **Step 7**: Configure Apache correctly: :: a2enconf zoneminder a2enmod cgi a2enmod rewrite **Step 8**: Enable and start Zoneminder :: systemctl enable zoneminder service zoneminder start **Step 9**: Edit Timezone in PHP :: nano /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini Search for [Date] (Ctrl + w then type Date and press Enter) and change date.timezone for your time zone. **Don't forget to remove the ; from in front of date.timezone** :: [Date] ; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions ; http://php.net/date.timezone date.timezone = America/New_York CTRL+o then [Enter] to save CTRL+x to exit **Step 10**: Restart Apache service :: service apache2 reload **Step 11**: Making sure ZoneMinder works 1. Open up a browser and go to ``http://hostname_or_ip/zm`` - should bring up ZoneMinder Console 2. (Optional API Check)Open up a tab in the same browser and go to ``http://hostname_or_ip/zm/api/host/getVersion.json`` If it is working correctly you should get version information similar to the example below: :: { "version": "1.29.0", "apiversion": "" } **Congratulations** Your installation is complete PPA install may need some tweaking of ZMS_PATH in ZoneMinder options. `Socket_sendto or no live streaming`_ Easy Way: Ubuntu 14.x ----------------------------------------------------------- **These instructions are for a brand new ubuntu 14.x system which does not have ZM installed.** **Step 1**: Either run commands in this install using sudo or use the below to become root :: sudo -i **Step 2:** Install ZoneMinder :: add-apt-repository ppa:iconnor/zoneminder apt-get update apt-get install zoneminder (just press OK for the prompts you get) **Step 3:** Set up DB :: mysql -uroot -p < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_create.sql mysql -uroot -p -e "grant select,insert,update,delete,create,alter,index,lock tables on zm.* to 'zmuser'@localhost identified by 'zmpass';" **Step 4:** Set up Apache :: a2enconf zoneminder a2enmod rewrite a2enmod cgi **Step 5:**:Some tweaks that will be needed: Edit ``/etc/init.d/zoneminder``: add a ``sleep 10`` right after line 25 that reads ``echo -n "Starting $prog:"`` (The reason we need this sleep is to make sure ZM starts after mysqld starts) Make zm.conf readable by web user. :: sudo chown www-data:www-data /etc/zm/zm.conf **Step 6**: Edit Timezone in PHP ``sudo vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini`` Look for [Date] and inside it you will see a date.timezone that is commented. remove the comment and specific your timezone. Please make sure the timezone is valid (see [this](http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php)) In my case: :: date.timezone = America/New_York **Step 7**: Restart Apache service :: service apache2 reload **Step 8**: Making sure ZoneMinder works 1. Open up a browser and go to ``http://hostname_or_ip/zm`` - should bring up ZoneMinder Console 2. (Optional API Check)Open up a tab in the same browser and go to ``http://hostname_or_ip/zm/api/host/getVersion.json`` If it is working correctly you should get version information similar to the example below: :: { "version": "1.29.0", "apiversion": "" } **Congratulations** Your installation is complete Harder Way: Build Package From Source ------------------------------------- (These instructions assume installation from source on a ubuntu 15.x+ system) **Step 1:** Grab the package installer script :: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/master/utils/do_debian_package.sh chmod a+x do_debian_package.sh **Step 2:** Update the system :: sudo apt-get update **Step 3** Create the package To build the latest master snapshot: :: ./do_debian_package.sh `lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null | grep Codename | awk '{print $2}'` `date +%Y%m%d`01 local master To build the latest stable release: :: ./do_debian_package.sh `lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null | grep Codename | awk '{print $2}'` `date +%Y%m%d`01 local stable Note that the ``lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null | grep Codename | awk '{print $2}'`` part simply extracts your distribution name - like "vivid", "trusty" etc. You can always replace it by your distro name if you know it. As far as the script goes, it checks if your distro is "trusty" in which case it pulls in pre-systemd release configurations and if its not "trusty" it assumes its based on systemd and pulls in systemd related config files. (At the end the script will ask if you want to retain the checked out version of zoneminder. If you are a developer and are making local changes, make sure you select "y" so that the next time you do the build process mentioned here, it keeps your changes. Selecting any other value than "y" or "Y" will delete the checked out code and only retain the package) This should now create a bunch of .deb files **Step 4:** Install the package :: sudo gdebi zoneminder__.deb (example sudo gdebi zoneminder_1.29.0-vivid-2016012001_amd64.deb) **This will report DB errors - ignore - you need to configure the DB and some other stuff** **Step 5:** Post install configuration :: sudo mysql -uroot -p < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_create.sql mysql -uroot -p -e "grant select,insert,update,delete,create,alter,index,lock tables on zm.* to 'zmuser'@localhost identified by 'zmpass';" sudo a2enmod cgi rewrite sudo a2enconf zoneminder **Step 6:** Fix PHP TimeZone ``sudo vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini`` Look for [Date] and inside it you will see a date.timezone that is commented. remove the comment and specific your timezone. Please make sure the timezone is valid (see http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php) Example: ``date.timezone = America/New_York`` **Step 7:** Fix some key permission issues and make sure API works :: sudo chown www-data /etc/zm/zm.conf sudo chown -R www-data /usr/share/zoneminder/www/api/ **Step 8:** Restart all services :: sudo service apache2 restart sudo service zoneminder restart Check if ZM is running properly :: sudo service zoneminder status **Step 9:** Make sure streaming works - set PATH_ZMS open up ZM console in your browser, go to Options->Path and make sure ``PATH_ZMS`` is set to ``/zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms`` and restart ZM **Step 10:** Make sure everything works * point your browser to http://yourzmip/zm - you should see ZM console running * point your browser to http://yourzmip/zm/api/host/getVersion.json - you should see an API version * Configure your monitors and make sure its all a-ok Hints ----- Make sure ZoneMinder and APIs work with security ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Enable OPT_AUTH in ZoneMinder 2. Log out of ZoneMinder in browser 3. Open a new tab in the *same browser* (important) and go to ``http://localhost/zm/api/host/getVersion.json`` - should give you "Unauthorized" along with a lot more of text 4. Go to another tab in the SAME BROWSER (important) and log into ZM 5. Repeat step 3 and it should give you the ZM and API version Socket_sendto or no live streaming ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After you have setup your camera make sure you can view Monitor streams, if not check some of the common causes: * Check Apache cgi module is enabled. * Check Apache /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/zoneminder.conf ScriptAlias matches PATH_ZMS. ScriptAlias **/zm/cgi-bin** /usr/lib/zoneminder/cgi-bin From console go to ``Options->Path`` and make sure PATH_ZMS is set to **/zm/cgi-bin/**\ nph-zms. Changed Default DB User ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you have changed your DB login/password from zmuser/zmpass, you need to update these values in zm.conf and the API's database.php file. 1. Edit zm.conf to change ZM_DB_USER and ZM_DB_PASS to the values you used. 2. Edit databse.php which can be found in the web server folder zoneminder/www/api/app/Config There is a class there called DATABASE_CONFIG - change the $default array to reflect your new details. Example: :: public $default = array( 'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => 'localhost', 'login' => 'mynewDBusername', 'password' => 'mynewDBpassword' 'database' => 'zm', 'prefix' => '', //'encoding' => 'utf8', );