// // ZoneMinder Monitor Class Implementation, $Date$, $Revision$ // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // #include #include #include #include #include "zm.h" #include "zm_db.h" #include "zm_time.h" #include "zm_mpeg.h" #include "zm_signal.h" #include "zm_monitor.h" #include "zm_video.h" #include "zm_eventstream.h" #if ZM_HAS_V4L #include "zm_local_camera.h" #endif // ZM_HAS_V4L #include "zm_remote_camera.h" #include "zm_remote_camera_http.h" #include "zm_remote_camera_nvsocket.h" #if HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT #include "zm_remote_camera_rtsp.h" #endif // HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT #include "zm_file_camera.h" #if HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT #include "zm_ffmpeg_camera.h" #endif // HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT #if HAVE_LIBVLC #include "zm_libvlc_camera.h" #endif // HAVE_LIBVLC #if HAVE_LIBCURL #include "zm_curl_camera.h" #endif // HAVE_LIBCURL #if ZM_MEM_MAPPED #include #include #else // ZM_MEM_MAPPED #include #include #endif // ZM_MEM_MAPPED // SOLARIS - we don't have MAP_LOCKED on openSolaris/illumos #ifndef MAP_LOCKED #define MAP_LOCKED 0 #endif Monitor::MonitorLink::MonitorLink( int p_id, const char *p_name ) : id( p_id ) { strncpy( name, p_name, sizeof(name) ); #if ZM_MEM_MAPPED map_fd = -1; snprintf( mem_file, sizeof(mem_file), "%s/zm.mmap.%d", staticConfig.PATH_MAP.c_str(), id ); #else // ZM_MEM_MAPPED shm_id = 0; #endif // ZM_MEM_MAPPED mem_size = 0; mem_ptr = 0; last_event_id = 0; last_state = IDLE; last_connect_time = 0; connected = false; } Monitor::MonitorLink::~MonitorLink() { disconnect(); } bool Monitor::MonitorLink::connect() { if ( !last_connect_time || (time( 0 ) - last_connect_time) > 60 ) { last_connect_time = time( 0 ); mem_size = sizeof(SharedData) + sizeof(TriggerData); Debug( 1, "link.mem.size=%d", mem_size ); #if ZM_MEM_MAPPED map_fd = open( mem_file, O_RDWR, (mode_t)0600 ); if ( map_fd < 0 ) { Debug( 3, "Can't open linked memory map file %s: %s", mem_file, strerror(errno) ); disconnect(); return( false ); } while ( map_fd <= 2 ) { int new_map_fd = dup(map_fd); Warning( "Got one of the stdio fds for our mmap handle. map_fd was %d, new one is %d", map_fd, new_map_fd ); close(map_fd); map_fd = new_map_fd; } struct stat map_stat; if ( fstat( map_fd, &map_stat ) < 0 ) { Error( "Can't stat linked memory map file %s: %s", mem_file, strerror(errno) ); disconnect(); return( false ); } if ( map_stat.st_size == 0 ) { Error( "Linked memory map file %s is empty: %s", mem_file, strerror(errno) ); disconnect(); return( false ); } else if ( map_stat.st_size < mem_size ) { Error( "Got unexpected memory map file size %ld, expected %d", map_stat.st_size, mem_size ); disconnect(); return( false ); } mem_ptr = (unsigned char *)mmap( NULL, mem_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, map_fd, 0 ); if ( mem_ptr == MAP_FAILED ) { Error( "Can't map file %s (%d bytes) to memory: %s", mem_file, mem_size, strerror(errno) ); disconnect(); return( false ); } #else // ZM_MEM_MAPPED shm_id = shmget( (config.shm_key&0xffff0000)|id, mem_size, 0700 ); if ( shm_id < 0 ) { Debug( 3, "Can't shmget link memory: %s", strerror(errno) ); connected = false; return( false ); } mem_ptr = (unsigned char *)shmat( shm_id, 0, 0 ); if ( mem_ptr < (void *)0 ) { Debug( 3, "Can't shmat link memory: %s", strerror(errno) ); connected = false; return( false ); } #endif // ZM_MEM_MAPPED shared_data = (SharedData *)mem_ptr; trigger_data = (TriggerData *)((char *)shared_data + sizeof(SharedData)); if ( !shared_data->valid ) { Debug( 3, "Linked memory not initialised by capture daemon" ); disconnect(); return( false ); } last_state = shared_data->state; last_event_id = shared_data->last_event_id; connected = true; return( true ); } return( false ); } bool Monitor::MonitorLink::disconnect() { if ( connected ) { connected = false; #if ZM_MEM_MAPPED if ( mem_ptr > (void *)0 ) { msync( mem_ptr, mem_size, MS_ASYNC ); munmap( mem_ptr, mem_size ); } if ( map_fd >= 0 ) close( map_fd ); map_fd = -1; #else // ZM_MEM_MAPPED struct shmid_ds shm_data; if ( shmctl( shm_id, IPC_STAT, &shm_data ) < 0 ) { Debug( 3, "Can't shmctl: %s", strerror(errno) ); return( false ); } shm_id = 0; if ( shm_data.shm_nattch <= 1 ) { if ( shmctl( shm_id, IPC_RMID, 0 ) < 0 ) { Debug( 3, "Can't shmctl: %s", strerror(errno) ); return( false ); } } if ( shmdt( mem_ptr ) < 0 ) { Debug( 3, "Can't shmdt: %s", strerror(errno) ); return( false ); } #endif // ZM_MEM_MAPPED mem_size = 0; mem_ptr = 0; } return( true ); } bool Monitor::MonitorLink::isAlarmed() { if ( !connected ) { return( false ); } return( shared_data->state == ALARM ); } bool Monitor::MonitorLink::inAlarm() { if ( !connected ) { return( false ); } return( shared_data->state == ALARM || shared_data->state == ALERT ); } bool Monitor::MonitorLink::hasAlarmed() { if ( shared_data->state == ALARM ) { return( true ); } //} else if ( shared_data->last_event_id != (unsigned int)last_event ) { // Why test for it, just set it... last_event_id = shared_data->last_event_id; //} return( false ); } Monitor::Monitor( int p_id, const char *p_name, const unsigned int p_server_id, const unsigned int p_storage_id, int p_function, bool p_enabled, const char *p_linked_monitors, Camera *p_camera, int p_orientation, unsigned int p_deinterlacing, int p_savejpegs, VideoWriter p_videowriter, std::string p_encoderparams, bool p_record_audio, const char *p_event_prefix, const char *p_label_format, const Coord &p_label_coord, int p_label_size, int p_image_buffer_count, int p_warmup_count, int p_pre_event_count, int p_post_event_count, int p_stream_replay_buffer, int p_alarm_frame_count, int p_section_length, int p_frame_skip, int p_motion_frame_skip, double p_analysis_fps, unsigned int p_analysis_update_delay, int p_capture_delay, int p_alarm_capture_delay, int p_fps_report_interval, int p_ref_blend_perc, int p_alarm_ref_blend_perc, bool p_track_motion, Rgb p_signal_check_colour, bool p_embed_exif, Purpose p_purpose, int p_n_zones, Zone *p_zones[] ) : id( p_id ), server_id( p_server_id ), storage_id( p_storage_id ), function( (Function)p_function ), enabled( p_enabled ), width( (p_orientation==ROTATE_90||p_orientation==ROTATE_270)?p_camera->Height():p_camera->Width() ), height( (p_orientation==ROTATE_90||p_orientation==ROTATE_270)?p_camera->Width():p_camera->Height() ), orientation( (Orientation)p_orientation ), deinterlacing( p_deinterlacing ), savejpegspref( p_savejpegs ), videowriter( p_videowriter ), encoderparams( p_encoderparams ), record_audio( p_record_audio ), label_coord( p_label_coord ), label_size( p_label_size ), image_buffer_count( p_image_buffer_count ), warmup_count( p_warmup_count ), pre_event_count( p_pre_event_count ), post_event_count( p_post_event_count ), stream_replay_buffer( p_stream_replay_buffer ), section_length( p_section_length ), frame_skip( p_frame_skip ), motion_frame_skip( p_motion_frame_skip ), analysis_fps( p_analysis_fps ), analysis_update_delay( p_analysis_update_delay ), capture_delay( p_capture_delay ), alarm_capture_delay( p_alarm_capture_delay ), alarm_frame_count( p_alarm_frame_count ), fps_report_interval( p_fps_report_interval ), ref_blend_perc( p_ref_blend_perc ), alarm_ref_blend_perc( p_alarm_ref_blend_perc ), track_motion( p_track_motion ), signal_check_colour( p_signal_check_colour ), embed_exif( p_embed_exif ), delta_image( width, height, ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8, ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_NONE ), ref_image( width, height, p_camera->Colours(), p_camera->SubpixelOrder() ), purpose( p_purpose ), last_motion_score(0), camera( p_camera ), n_zones( p_n_zones ), zones( p_zones ), timestamps( 0 ), images( 0 ), privacy_bitmask( NULL ) { strncpy( name, p_name, sizeof(name)-1 ); strncpy( event_prefix, p_event_prefix, sizeof(event_prefix)-1 ); strncpy( label_format, p_label_format, sizeof(label_format)-1 ); // Change \n to actual line feeds char *token_ptr = label_format; const char *token_string = "\n"; while( ( token_ptr = strstr( token_ptr, token_string ) ) ) { if ( *(token_ptr+1) ) { *token_ptr = '\n'; token_ptr++; strcpy( token_ptr, token_ptr+1 ); } else { *token_ptr = '\0'; break; } } /* Parse encoder parameters */ ParseEncoderParameters(encoderparams.c_str(), &encoderparamsvec); fps = 0.0; event_count = 0; image_count = 0; ready_count = warmup_count; first_alarm_count = 0; last_alarm_count = 0; state = IDLE; if ( alarm_frame_count < 1 ) alarm_frame_count = 1; else if ( alarm_frame_count > MAX_PRE_ALARM_FRAMES ) alarm_frame_count = MAX_PRE_ALARM_FRAMES; auto_resume_time = 0; if ( strcmp( config.event_close_mode, "time" ) == 0 ) event_close_mode = CLOSE_TIME; else if ( strcmp( config.event_close_mode, "alarm" ) == 0 ) event_close_mode = CLOSE_ALARM; else event_close_mode = CLOSE_IDLE; Debug( 1, "monitor purpose=%d", purpose ); mem_size = sizeof(SharedData) + sizeof(TriggerData) + sizeof(VideoStoreData) //Information to pass back to the capture process + (image_buffer_count*sizeof(struct timeval)) + (image_buffer_count*camera->ImageSize()) + 64; /* Padding used to permit aligning the images buffer to 64 byte boundary */ Debug( 1, "mem.size=%d", mem_size ); mem_ptr = NULL; storage = new Storage( storage_id ); Debug(1, "Storage path: %s", storage->Path() ); // Should maybe store this for later use char monitor_dir[PATH_MAX] = ""; snprintf( monitor_dir, sizeof(monitor_dir), "%s/%d", storage->Path(), id ); struct stat statbuf; // If we are going to actually do capture, then yes, we should stat this dir, otherwise not if ( stat( monitor_dir, &statbuf ) ) { if ( errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR ) { if ( mkdir( monitor_dir, 0755 ) ) { Error( "Can't mkdir %s: %s", monitor_dir, strerror(errno)); } } else { Warning( "Error stat'ing %s, may be fatal. error is %s", monitor_dir, strerror(errno)); } } if ( purpose == CAPTURE ) { if ( ! this->connect() ) { Error("unable to connect, but doing capture"); exit(-1); } memset( mem_ptr, 0, mem_size ); shared_data->size = sizeof(SharedData); shared_data->active = enabled; shared_data->signal = false; shared_data->state = IDLE; shared_data->last_write_index = image_buffer_count; shared_data->last_read_index = image_buffer_count; shared_data->last_write_time = 0; shared_data->last_event_id = 0; shared_data->action = (Action)0; shared_data->brightness = -1; shared_data->hue = -1; shared_data->colour = -1; shared_data->contrast = -1; shared_data->alarm_x = -1; shared_data->alarm_y = -1; shared_data->format = camera->SubpixelOrder(); shared_data->imagesize = camera->ImageSize(); trigger_data->size = sizeof(TriggerData); trigger_data->trigger_state = TRIGGER_CANCEL; trigger_data->trigger_score = 0; trigger_data->trigger_cause[0] = 0; trigger_data->trigger_text[0] = 0; trigger_data->trigger_showtext[0] = 0; shared_data->valid = true; video_store_data->recording = (struct timeval){0}; // Uh, why nothing? Why not NULL? snprintf(video_store_data->event_file, sizeof(video_store_data->event_file), "nothing"); video_store_data->size = sizeof(VideoStoreData); //video_store_data->frameNumber = 0; } //if ( ( ! mem_ptr ) || ! shared_data->valid ) { //if ( purpose != QUERY ) { //Error( "Shared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor %s", name ); //exit( -1 ); //} //} start_time = last_fps_time = time( 0 ); event = 0; Debug( 1, "Monitor %s\ function: %d\ label_format: '%s', label_x = %d, label_y = %d, label size = %d \ IBC = %d, WUC = %d, pEC = %d, PEC = %d, EAF = %d, FRI = %d, RBP = %d, ARBP = %d, FM = %d", name, function, label_format, label_coord.X(), label_coord.Y(), label_size, image_buffer_count, warmup_count, pre_event_count, post_event_count, alarm_frame_count, fps_report_interval, ref_blend_perc, alarm_ref_blend_perc, track_motion ); n_linked_monitors = 0; linked_monitors = 0; adaptive_skip = true; ReloadLinkedMonitors( p_linked_monitors ); videoStore = NULL; } // Monitor::Monitor bool Monitor::connect() { Debug(3, "Connecting to monitor. Purpose is %d", purpose ); #if ZM_MEM_MAPPED snprintf( mem_file, sizeof(mem_file), "%s/zm.mmap.%d", staticConfig.PATH_MAP.c_str(), id ); map_fd = open( mem_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, (mode_t)0600 ); if ( map_fd < 0 ) { Fatal( "Can't open memory map file %s, probably not enough space free: %s", mem_file, strerror(errno) ); } else { Debug(3, "Success opening mmap file at (%s)", mem_file ); } struct stat map_stat; if ( fstat( map_fd, &map_stat ) < 0 ) Fatal( "Can't stat memory map file %s: %s, is the zmc process for this monitor running?", mem_file, strerror(errno) ); if ( map_stat.st_size != mem_size ) { if ( purpose == CAPTURE ) { // Allocate the size if ( ftruncate( map_fd, mem_size ) < 0 ) { Fatal( "Can't extend memory map file %s to %d bytes: %s", mem_file, mem_size, strerror(errno) ); } } else if ( map_stat.st_size == 0 ) { Error( "Got empty memory map file size %ld, is the zmc process for this monitor running?", map_stat.st_size, mem_size ); return false; } else { Error( "Got unexpected memory map file size %ld, expected %d", map_stat.st_size, mem_size ); return false; } } Debug(3, "MMap file size is %ld", map_stat.st_size ); #ifdef MAP_LOCKED mem_ptr = (unsigned char *)mmap( NULL, mem_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_LOCKED, map_fd, 0 ); if ( mem_ptr == MAP_FAILED ) { if ( errno == EAGAIN ) { Debug( 1, "Unable to map file %s (%d bytes) to locked memory, trying unlocked", mem_file, mem_size ); #endif mem_ptr = (unsigned char *)mmap( NULL, mem_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, map_fd, 0 ); Debug( 1, "Mapped file %s (%d bytes) to unlocked memory", mem_file, mem_size ); #ifdef MAP_LOCKED } else { Error( "Unable to map file %s (%d bytes) to locked memory (%s)", mem_file, mem_size , strerror(errno) ); } } #endif if ( mem_ptr == MAP_FAILED ) Fatal( "Can't map file %s (%d bytes) to memory: %s(%d)", mem_file, mem_size, strerror(errno), errno ); if ( mem_ptr == NULL ) { Error( "mmap gave a null address:" ); } else { Debug(3, "mmapped to %p", mem_ptr ); } #else // ZM_MEM_MAPPED shm_id = shmget( (config.shm_key&0xffff0000)|id, mem_size, IPC_CREAT|0700 ); if ( shm_id < 0 ) { Error( "Can't shmget, probably not enough shared memory space free: %s", strerror(errno)); exit( -1 ); } mem_ptr = (unsigned char *)shmat( shm_id, 0, 0 ); if ( mem_ptr < (void *)0 ) { Error( "Can't shmat: %s", strerror(errno)); exit( -1 ); } #endif // ZM_MEM_MAPPED shared_data = (SharedData *)mem_ptr; trigger_data = (TriggerData *)((char *)shared_data + sizeof(SharedData)); video_store_data = (VideoStoreData *)((char *)trigger_data + sizeof(TriggerData)); struct timeval *shared_timestamps = (struct timeval *)((char *)video_store_data + sizeof(VideoStoreData)); unsigned char *shared_images = (unsigned char *)((char *)shared_timestamps + (image_buffer_count*sizeof(struct timeval))); if ( ((unsigned long)shared_images % 64) != 0 ) { /* Align images buffer to nearest 64 byte boundary */ Debug(3,"Aligning shared memory images to the next 64 byte boundary"); shared_images = (uint8_t*)((unsigned long)shared_images + (64 - ((unsigned long)shared_images % 64))); } Debug(3, "Allocating %d image buffers", image_buffer_count ); image_buffer = new Snapshot[image_buffer_count]; for ( int i = 0; i < image_buffer_count; i++ ) { image_buffer[i].timestamp = &(shared_timestamps[i]); image_buffer[i].image = new Image( width, height, camera->Colours(), camera->SubpixelOrder(), &(shared_images[i*camera->ImageSize()]) ); image_buffer[i].image->HoldBuffer(true); /* Don't release the internal buffer or replace it with another */ } if ( (deinterlacing & 0xff) == 4) { /* Four field motion adaptive deinterlacing in use */ /* Allocate a buffer for the next image */ next_buffer.image = new Image( width, height, camera->Colours(), camera->SubpixelOrder()); next_buffer.timestamp = new struct timeval; } pre_event_buffer_count = pre_event_count + alarm_frame_count - 1; //if ( ( purpose == ANALYSIS ) && analysis_fps ) { // Size of pre event buffer must be greater than pre_event_count // if alarm_frame_count > 1, because in this case the buffer contains // alarmed images that must be discarded when event is created // Couldn't we just make sure there is always enough frames in the ring buffer? pre_event_buffer = new Snapshot[pre_event_buffer_count]; for ( int i = 0; i < pre_event_buffer_count; i++ ) { pre_event_buffer[i].timestamp = new struct timeval; pre_event_buffer[i].image = new Image( width, height, camera->Colours(), camera->SubpixelOrder()); } //} Debug(3, "Success connecting"); return true; } // Monitor::connect Monitor::~Monitor() { if ( videoStore ) { delete videoStore; videoStore = NULL; } if ( timestamps ) { delete[] timestamps; timestamps = 0; } if ( images ) { delete[] images; images = 0; } if ( privacy_bitmask ) { delete[] privacy_bitmask; privacy_bitmask = NULL; } if ( mem_ptr ) { if ( event ) { Info( "%s: %03d - Closing event %d, shutting down", name, image_count, event->Id() ); closeEvent(); } if ( (deinterlacing & 0xff) == 4) { delete next_buffer.image; delete next_buffer.timestamp; } for ( int i = 0; i < image_buffer_count; i++ ) { delete image_buffer[i].image; } delete[] image_buffer; if ( purpose == ANALYSIS ) { shared_data->state = state = IDLE; shared_data->last_read_index = image_buffer_count; shared_data->last_read_time = 0; if ( analysis_fps ) { for ( int i = 0; i < pre_event_buffer_count; i++ ) { delete pre_event_buffer[i].image; delete pre_event_buffer[i].timestamp; } delete[] pre_event_buffer; } } else if ( purpose == CAPTURE ) { shared_data->valid = false; memset( mem_ptr, 0, mem_size ); } #if ZM_MEM_MAPPED if ( msync( mem_ptr, mem_size, MS_SYNC ) < 0 ) Error( "Can't msync: %s", strerror(errno) ); if ( munmap( mem_ptr, mem_size ) < 0 ) Fatal( "Can't munmap: %s", strerror(errno) ); close( map_fd ); if ( purpose == CAPTURE ) { // How about we store this in the object on instantiation so that we don't have to do this again. char mmap_path[PATH_MAX] = ""; snprintf( mmap_path, sizeof(mmap_path), "%s/zm.mmap.%d", staticConfig.PATH_MAP.c_str(), id ); if ( unlink( mmap_path ) < 0 ) { Warning( "Can't unlink '%s': %s", mmap_path, strerror(errno) ); } } #else // ZM_MEM_MAPPED struct shmid_ds shm_data; if ( shmctl( shm_id, IPC_STAT, &shm_data ) < 0 ) { Error( "Can't shmctl: %s", strerror(errno) ); exit( -1 ); } if ( shm_data.shm_nattch <= 1 ) { if ( shmctl( shm_id, IPC_RMID, 0 ) < 0 ) { Error( "Can't shmctl: %s", strerror(errno) ); exit( -1 ); } } #endif // ZM_MEM_MAPPED } // end if mem_ptr for ( int i = 0; i < n_zones; i++ ) { delete zones[i]; } delete[] zones; delete camera; delete storage; } void Monitor::AddZones( int p_n_zones, Zone *p_zones[] ) { for ( int i = 0; i < n_zones; i++ ) delete zones[i]; delete[] zones; n_zones = p_n_zones; zones = p_zones; } void Monitor::AddPrivacyBitmask( Zone *p_zones[] ) { if ( privacy_bitmask ) delete[] privacy_bitmask; privacy_bitmask = NULL; Image *privacy_image = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < n_zones; i++ ) { if ( p_zones[i]->IsPrivacy() ) { if ( !privacy_image ) { privacy_image = new Image( width, height, 1, ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_NONE); privacy_image->Clear(); } privacy_image->Fill( 0xff, p_zones[i]->GetPolygon() ); privacy_image->Outline( 0xff, p_zones[i]->GetPolygon() ); } } // end foreach zone if ( privacy_image ) privacy_bitmask = privacy_image->Buffer(); } Monitor::State Monitor::GetState() const { return( (State)shared_data->state ); } int Monitor::GetImage( int index, int scale ) { if ( index < 0 || index > image_buffer_count ) { index = shared_data->last_write_index; } Debug(3, "GetImage"); if ( index != image_buffer_count ) { Image *image; // If we are going to be modifying the snapshot before writing, then we need to copy it if ( ( scale != ZM_SCALE_BASE ) || ( !config.timestamp_on_capture ) ) { Snapshot *snap = &image_buffer[index]; Image *snap_image = snap->image; alarm_image.Assign( *snap_image ); //write_image.Assign( *snap_image ); if ( scale != ZM_SCALE_BASE ) { alarm_image.Scale( scale ); } if ( !config.timestamp_on_capture ) { TimestampImage( &alarm_image, snap->timestamp ); } image = &alarm_image; } else { image = image_buffer[index].image; } static char filename[PATH_MAX]; snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "Monitor%d.jpg", id ); image->WriteJpeg( filename ); } else { Error( "Unable to generate image, no images in buffer" ); } return( 0 ); } struct timeval Monitor::GetTimestamp( int index ) const { if ( index < 0 || index > image_buffer_count ) { index = shared_data->last_write_index; } if ( index != image_buffer_count ) { Snapshot *snap = &image_buffer[index]; return( *(snap->timestamp) ); } else { static struct timeval null_tv = { 0, 0 }; return( null_tv ); } } unsigned int Monitor::GetLastReadIndex() const { return( shared_data->last_read_index!=(unsigned int)image_buffer_count?shared_data->last_read_index:-1 ); } unsigned int Monitor::GetLastWriteIndex() const { return( shared_data->last_write_index!=(unsigned int)image_buffer_count?shared_data->last_write_index:-1 ); } unsigned int Monitor::GetLastEvent() const { return( shared_data->last_event_id ); } double Monitor::GetFPS() const { int index1 = shared_data->last_write_index; if ( index1 == image_buffer_count ) { return( 0.0 ); } Snapshot *snap1 = &image_buffer[index1]; if ( !snap1->timestamp || !snap1->timestamp->tv_sec ) { return( 0.0 ); } struct timeval time1 = *snap1->timestamp; int image_count = image_buffer_count; int index2 = (index1+1)%image_buffer_count; if ( index2 == image_buffer_count ) { return( 0.0 ); } Snapshot *snap2 = &image_buffer[index2]; while ( !snap2->timestamp || !snap2->timestamp->tv_sec ) { if ( index1 == index2 ) { return( 0.0 ); } index2 = (index2+1)%image_buffer_count; snap2 = &image_buffer[index2]; image_count--; } struct timeval time2 = *snap2->timestamp; double time_diff = tvDiffSec( time2, time1 ); double curr_fps = image_count/time_diff; if ( curr_fps < 0.0 ) { //Error( "Negative FPS %f, time_diff = %lf (%d:%ld.%ld - %d:%ld.%ld), ibc: %d", curr_fps, time_diff, index2, time2.tv_sec, time2.tv_usec, index1, time1.tv_sec, time1.tv_usec, image_buffer_count ); return( 0.0 ); } return( curr_fps ); } useconds_t Monitor::GetAnalysisRate() { double capturing_fps = GetFPS(); if ( !analysis_fps ) { return( 0 ); } else if ( analysis_fps > capturing_fps ) { Warning( "Analysis fps (%.2f) is greater than capturing fps (%.2f)", analysis_fps, capturing_fps ); return( 0 ); } else { return( ( 1000000 / analysis_fps ) - ( 1000000 / capturing_fps ) ); } } void Monitor::UpdateAdaptiveSkip() { if ( config.opt_adaptive_skip ) { double capturing_fps = GetFPS(); if ( adaptive_skip && analysis_fps && ( analysis_fps < capturing_fps ) ) { Info( "Analysis fps (%.2f) is lower than capturing fps (%.2f), disabling adaptive skip feature", analysis_fps, capturing_fps ); adaptive_skip = false; } else if ( !adaptive_skip && ( !analysis_fps || ( analysis_fps >= capturing_fps ) ) ) { Info( "Enabling adaptive skip feature" ); adaptive_skip = true; } } else { adaptive_skip = false; } } void Monitor::ForceAlarmOn( int force_score, const char *force_cause, const char *force_text ) { trigger_data->trigger_state = TRIGGER_ON; trigger_data->trigger_score = force_score; strncpy( trigger_data->trigger_cause, force_cause, sizeof(trigger_data->trigger_cause) ); strncpy( trigger_data->trigger_text, force_text, sizeof(trigger_data->trigger_text) ); } void Monitor::ForceAlarmOff() { trigger_data->trigger_state = TRIGGER_OFF; } void Monitor::CancelForced() { trigger_data->trigger_state = TRIGGER_CANCEL; } void Monitor::actionReload() { shared_data->action |= RELOAD; } void Monitor::actionEnable() { shared_data->action |= RELOAD; static char sql[ZM_SQL_SML_BUFSIZ]; snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "update Monitors set Enabled = 1 where Id = '%d'", id ); if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) ) { Error( "Can't run query: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } } void Monitor::actionDisable() { shared_data->action |= RELOAD; static char sql[ZM_SQL_SML_BUFSIZ]; snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "update Monitors set Enabled = 0 where Id = '%d'", id ); if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) ) { Error( "Can't run query: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } } void Monitor::actionSuspend() { shared_data->action |= SUSPEND; } void Monitor::actionResume() { shared_data->action |= RESUME; } int Monitor::actionBrightness( int p_brightness ) { if ( purpose != CAPTURE ) { if ( p_brightness >= 0 ) { shared_data->brightness = p_brightness; shared_data->action |= SET_SETTINGS; int wait_loops = 10; while ( shared_data->action & SET_SETTINGS ) { if ( wait_loops-- ) { usleep( 100000 ); } else { Warning( "Timed out waiting to set brightness" ); return( -1 ); } } } else { shared_data->action |= GET_SETTINGS; int wait_loops = 10; while ( shared_data->action & GET_SETTINGS ) { if ( wait_loops-- ) { usleep( 100000 ); } else { Warning( "Timed out waiting to get brightness" ); return( -1 ); } } } return( shared_data->brightness ); } return( camera->Brightness( p_brightness ) ); } int Monitor::actionContrast( int p_contrast ) { if ( purpose != CAPTURE ) { if ( p_contrast >= 0 ) { shared_data->contrast = p_contrast; shared_data->action |= SET_SETTINGS; int wait_loops = 10; while ( shared_data->action & SET_SETTINGS ) { if ( wait_loops-- ) { usleep( 100000 ); } else { Warning( "Timed out waiting to set contrast" ); return( -1 ); } } } else { shared_data->action |= GET_SETTINGS; int wait_loops = 10; while ( shared_data->action & GET_SETTINGS ) { if ( wait_loops-- ) { usleep( 100000 ); } else { Warning( "Timed out waiting to get contrast" ); return( -1 ); } } } return( shared_data->contrast ); } return( camera->Contrast( p_contrast ) ); } int Monitor::actionHue( int p_hue ) { if ( purpose != CAPTURE ) { if ( p_hue >= 0 ) { shared_data->hue = p_hue; shared_data->action |= SET_SETTINGS; int wait_loops = 10; while ( shared_data->action & SET_SETTINGS ) { if ( wait_loops-- ) { usleep( 100000 ); } else { Warning( "Timed out waiting to set hue" ); return( -1 ); } } } else { shared_data->action |= GET_SETTINGS; int wait_loops = 10; while ( shared_data->action & GET_SETTINGS ) { if ( wait_loops-- ) { usleep( 100000 ); } else { Warning( "Timed out waiting to get hue" ); return( -1 ); } } } return( shared_data->hue ); } return( camera->Hue( p_hue ) ); } int Monitor::actionColour( int p_colour ) { if ( purpose != CAPTURE ) { if ( p_colour >= 0 ) { shared_data->colour = p_colour; shared_data->action |= SET_SETTINGS; int wait_loops = 10; while ( shared_data->action & SET_SETTINGS ) { if ( wait_loops-- ) { usleep( 100000 ); } else { Warning( "Timed out waiting to set colour" ); return( -1 ); } } } else { shared_data->action |= GET_SETTINGS; int wait_loops = 10; while ( shared_data->action & GET_SETTINGS ) { if ( wait_loops-- ) { usleep( 100000 ); } else { Warning( "Timed out waiting to get colour" ); return( -1 ); } } } return( shared_data->colour ); } return( camera->Colour( p_colour ) ); } void Monitor::DumpZoneImage( const char *zone_string ) { int exclude_id = 0; int extra_colour = 0; Polygon extra_zone; if ( zone_string ) { if ( !Zone::ParseZoneString( zone_string, exclude_id, extra_colour, extra_zone ) ) { Error( "Failed to parse zone string, ignoring" ); } } Image *zone_image = NULL; if ( ( (!staticConfig.SERVER_ID) || ( staticConfig.SERVER_ID == server_id ) ) && mem_ptr ) { Debug(3, "Trying to load from local zmc"); int index = shared_data->last_write_index; Snapshot *snap = &image_buffer[index]; zone_image = new Image( *snap->image ); } else { Debug(3, "Trying to load from event"); // Grab the most revent event image std::string sql = stringtf( "SELECT MAX(Id) FROM Events WHERE MonitorId=%d AND Frames > 0", id ); zmDbRow eventid_row; if ( eventid_row.fetch( sql.c_str() ) ) { int event_id = atoi( eventid_row[0] ); Debug( 3, "Got event %d", event_id ); EventStream *stream = new EventStream(); stream->setStreamStart( event_id, (unsigned int)1 ); zone_image = stream->getImage(); } else { Error("Unable to load an event for monitor %d", id ); return; } } if(zone_image->Colours() == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8) { zone_image->Colourise(ZM_COLOUR_RGB24, ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_RGB ); } for( int i = 0; i < n_zones; i++ ) { if ( exclude_id && (!extra_colour || extra_zone.getNumCoords()) && zones[i]->Id() == exclude_id ) continue; Rgb colour; if ( exclude_id && !extra_zone.getNumCoords() && zones[i]->Id() == exclude_id ) { colour = extra_colour; } else { if ( zones[i]->IsActive() ) { colour = RGB_RED; } else if ( zones[i]->IsInclusive() ) { colour = RGB_ORANGE; } else if ( zones[i]->IsExclusive() ) { colour = RGB_PURPLE; } else if ( zones[i]->IsPreclusive() ) { colour = RGB_BLUE; } else { colour = RGB_WHITE; } } zone_image->Fill( colour, 2, zones[i]->GetPolygon() ); zone_image->Outline( colour, zones[i]->GetPolygon() ); } if ( extra_zone.getNumCoords() ) { zone_image->Fill( extra_colour, 2, extra_zone ); zone_image->Outline( extra_colour, extra_zone ); } static char filename[PATH_MAX]; snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "Zones%d.jpg", id ); zone_image->WriteJpeg( filename ); delete zone_image; } void Monitor::DumpImage( Image *dump_image ) const { if ( image_count && !(image_count%10) ) { static char filename[PATH_MAX]; static char new_filename[PATH_MAX]; snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "Monitor%d.jpg", id ); snprintf( new_filename, sizeof(new_filename), "Monitor%d-new.jpg", id ); dump_image->WriteJpeg( new_filename ); rename( new_filename, filename ); } } bool Monitor::CheckSignal( const Image *image ) { static bool static_undef = true; /* RGB24 colors */ static uint8_t red_val; static uint8_t green_val; static uint8_t blue_val; static uint8_t grayscale_val; /* 8bit grayscale color */ static Rgb colour_val; /* RGB32 color */ static int usedsubpixorder; if ( config.signal_check_points > 0 ) { if ( static_undef ) { static_undef = false; usedsubpixorder = camera->SubpixelOrder(); colour_val = rgb_convert(signal_check_colour, ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_BGR); /* HTML colour code is actually BGR in memory, we want RGB */ colour_val = rgb_convert(colour_val, usedsubpixorder); red_val = RED_VAL_BGRA(signal_check_colour); green_val = GREEN_VAL_BGRA(signal_check_colour); blue_val = BLUE_VAL_BGRA(signal_check_colour); grayscale_val = signal_check_colour & 0xff; /* Clear all bytes but lowest byte */ } const uint8_t *buffer = image->Buffer(); int pixels = image->Pixels(); int width = image->Width(); int colours = image->Colours(); int index = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < config.signal_check_points; i++ ) { while( true ) { index = (int)(((long long)rand()*(long long)(pixels-1))/RAND_MAX); if ( !config.timestamp_on_capture || !label_format[0] ) break; // Avoid sampling the rows with timestamp in if ( index < (label_coord.Y()*width) || index >= (label_coord.Y()+Image::LINE_HEIGHT)*width ) break; } if(colours == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8) { if ( *(buffer+index) != grayscale_val ) return true; } else if(colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB24) { const uint8_t *ptr = buffer+(index*colours); if ( usedsubpixorder == ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_BGR) { if ( (RED_PTR_BGRA(ptr) != red_val) || (GREEN_PTR_BGRA(ptr) != green_val) || (BLUE_PTR_BGRA(ptr) != blue_val) ) return true; } else { /* Assume RGB */ if ( (RED_PTR_RGBA(ptr) != red_val) || (GREEN_PTR_RGBA(ptr) != green_val) || (BLUE_PTR_RGBA(ptr) != blue_val) ) return true; } } else if(colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB32) { if ( usedsubpixorder == ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_ARGB || usedsubpixorder == ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_ABGR) { if ( ARGB_ABGR_ZEROALPHA(*(((const Rgb*)buffer)+index)) != ARGB_ABGR_ZEROALPHA(colour_val) ) return true; } else { /* Assume RGBA or BGRA */ if ( RGBA_BGRA_ZEROALPHA(*(((const Rgb*)buffer)+index)) != RGBA_BGRA_ZEROALPHA(colour_val) ) return true; } } } return( false ); } return( true ); } bool Monitor::Analyse() { if ( shared_data->last_read_index == shared_data->last_write_index ) { // I wonder how often this happens. Maybe if this happens we should sleep or something? Debug(3, " shared_data->last_read_index == shared_data->last_write_index " ); return false; } struct timeval now; gettimeofday( &now, NULL ); if ( image_count && fps_report_interval && !(image_count%fps_report_interval) ) { fps = double(fps_report_interval)/(now.tv_sec - last_fps_time); Info( "%s: %d - Analysing at %.2f fps", name, image_count, fps ); static char sql[ZM_SQL_SML_BUFSIZ]; snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "UPDATE Monitors SET AnalysisFPS = '%.2lf' WHERE Id = '%d'", fps, id ); if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) ) { Error( "Can't run query: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); } last_fps_time = now.tv_sec; } int index; if ( adaptive_skip ) { int read_margin = shared_data->last_read_index - shared_data->last_write_index; if ( read_margin < 0 ) read_margin += image_buffer_count; int step = 1; // Isn't read_margin always > 0 here? if ( read_margin > 0 ) { // TODO explain this so... 90% of image buffer / 50% of read margin? step = (9*image_buffer_count)/(5*read_margin); } int pending_frames = shared_data->last_write_index - shared_data->last_read_index; if ( pending_frames < 0 ) pending_frames += image_buffer_count; Debug( 4, "ReadIndex:%d, WriteIndex: %d, PendingFrames = %d, ReadMargin = %d, Step = %d", shared_data->last_read_index, shared_data->last_write_index, pending_frames, read_margin, step ); if ( step <= pending_frames ) { index = (shared_data->last_read_index+step)%image_buffer_count; } else { if ( pending_frames ) { Warning( "Approaching buffer overrun, consider slowing capture, simplifying analysis or increasing ring buffer size" ); } index = shared_data->last_write_index%image_buffer_count; } } else { index = shared_data->last_write_index%image_buffer_count; } Snapshot *snap = &image_buffer[index]; struct timeval *timestamp = snap->timestamp; Image *snap_image = snap->image; // This chunk o fcode is not analysis, so shouldn't be in here. Move it up to whereever analyse is called if ( shared_data->action ) { // Can there be more than 1 bit set in the action? Shouldn't these be elseifs? if ( shared_data->action & RELOAD ) { Info( "Received reload indication at count %d", image_count ); shared_data->action &= ~RELOAD; Reload(); } if ( shared_data->action & SUSPEND ) { if ( Active() ) { Info( "Received suspend indication at count %d", image_count ); shared_data->active = false; //closeEvent(); } else { Info( "Received suspend indication at count %d, but wasn't active", image_count ); } if ( config.max_suspend_time ) { auto_resume_time = now.tv_sec + config.max_suspend_time; } shared_data->action &= ~SUSPEND; } if ( shared_data->action & RESUME ) { if ( Enabled() && !Active() ) { Info( "Received resume indication at count %d", image_count ); shared_data->active = true; ref_image = *snap_image; ready_count = image_count+(warmup_count/2); shared_data->alarm_x = shared_data->alarm_y = -1; } shared_data->action &= ~RESUME; } } // end if shared_data->action if ( auto_resume_time && (now.tv_sec >= auto_resume_time) ) { Info( "Auto resuming at count %d", image_count ); shared_data->active = true; ref_image = *snap_image; ready_count = image_count+(warmup_count/2); auto_resume_time = 0; } static bool static_undef = true; static int last_section_mod = 0; static bool last_signal; if ( static_undef ) { // Sure would be nice to be able to assume that these were already initialized. It's just 1 compare/branch, but really not neccessary. static_undef = false; timestamps = new struct timeval *[pre_event_count]; images = new Image *[pre_event_count]; last_signal = shared_data->signal; } if ( Enabled() ) { bool signal = shared_data->signal; bool signal_change = (signal != last_signal); Debug(3, "Motion detection is enabled signal(%d) signal_change(%d)", signal, signal_change); if ( trigger_data->trigger_state != TRIGGER_OFF ) { Debug(9, "Trigger not oFF state is (%d)", trigger_data->trigger_state ); unsigned int score = 0; // Ready means that we have captured the warmpup # of frames if ( Ready() ) { Debug(9, "Ready"); std::string cause; Event::StringSetMap noteSetMap; if ( trigger_data->trigger_state == TRIGGER_ON ) { score += trigger_data->trigger_score; if ( !event ) { if ( cause.length() ) cause += ", "; cause += trigger_data->trigger_cause; } Event::StringSet noteSet; noteSet.insert( trigger_data->trigger_text ); noteSetMap[trigger_data->trigger_cause] = noteSet; } if ( signal_change ) { const char *signalText; if ( !signal ) { signalText = "Lost"; } else { signalText = "Reacquired"; score += 100; } Warning( "%s: %s", SIGNAL_CAUSE, signalText ); if ( event && !signal ) { Info( "%s: %03d - Closing event %d, signal loss", name, image_count, event->Id() ); closeEvent(); last_section_mod = 0; } if ( !event ) { if ( cause.length() ) cause += ", "; cause += SIGNAL_CAUSE; } Event::StringSet noteSet; noteSet.insert( signalText ); noteSetMap[SIGNAL_CAUSE] = noteSet; shared_data->state = state = IDLE; shared_data->active = signal; ref_image = *snap_image; } else if ( signal && Active() && (function == MODECT || function == MOCORD) ) { Debug(3, "signal and active and modtect"); Event::StringSet zoneSet; int motion_score = last_motion_score; if ( !(image_count % (motion_frame_skip+1) ) ) { // Get new score. Debug(3,"before DetectMotion"); motion_score = DetectMotion( *snap_image, zoneSet ); Debug( 3, "After motion detection, last_motion_score(%d), new motion score(%d)", last_motion_score, motion_score ); // Why are we updating the last_motion_score too? last_motion_score = motion_score; } //int motion_score = DetectBlack( *snap_image, zoneSet ); if ( motion_score ) { if ( !event ) { score += motion_score; if ( cause.length() ) cause += ", "; cause += MOTION_CAUSE; } else { score += motion_score; } noteSetMap[MOTION_CAUSE] = zoneSet; } // end if motion_score shared_data->active = signal; } // end if signal change if ( (!signal_change && signal) && n_linked_monitors > 0 ) { bool first_link = true; Event::StringSet noteSet; for ( int i = 0; i < n_linked_monitors; i++ ) { // TODO: Shouldn't we try to connect? if ( linked_monitors[i]->isConnected() ) { if ( linked_monitors[i]->hasAlarmed() ) { if ( !event ) { if ( first_link ) { if ( cause.length() ) cause += ", "; cause += LINKED_CAUSE; first_link = false; } } noteSet.insert( linked_monitors[i]->Name() ); score += 50; } } else { linked_monitors[i]->connect(); } } if ( noteSet.size() > 0 ) noteSetMap[LINKED_CAUSE] = noteSet; } //TODO: What happens is the event closes and sets recording to false then recording to true again so quickly that our capture daemon never picks it up. Maybe need a refresh flag? if ( (!signal_change && signal) && (function == RECORD || function == MOCORD) ) { if ( event ) { //TODO: We shouldn't have to do this every time. Not sure why it clears itself if this isn't here?? //snprintf(video_store_data->event_file, sizeof(video_store_data->event_file), "%s", event->getEventFile()); //Debug( 3, "Detected new event at (%d.%d)", timestamp->tv_sec,timestamp->tv_usec ); if ( section_length ) { // TODO: Wouldn't this be clearer if we just did something like if now - event->start > section_length ? int section_mod = timestamp->tv_sec % section_length; Debug( 4, "Section length (%d) Last Section Mod(%d), new section mod(%d)", section_length, last_section_mod, section_mod ); if ( section_mod < last_section_mod ) { //if ( state == IDLE || state == TAPE || event_close_mode == CLOSE_TIME ) { //if ( state == TAPE ) { //shared_data->state = state = IDLE; //Info( "%s: %03d - Closing event %d, section end", name, image_count, event->Id() ) //} else { Info( "%s: %03d - Closing event %d, section end forced ", name, image_count, event->Id() ); //} closeEvent(); last_section_mod = 0; //} else { //Debug( 2, "Time to close event, but state (%d) is not IDLE or TAPE and event_close_mode is not CLOSE_TIME (%d)", state, event_close_mode ); //} } else { last_section_mod = section_mod; } } // end if section_length } // end if event if ( ! event ) { // Create event event = new Event( this, *timestamp, "Continuous", noteSetMap, videoRecording ); shared_data->last_event_id = event->Id(); //set up video store data snprintf(video_store_data->event_file, sizeof(video_store_data->event_file), "%s", event->getEventFile()); video_store_data->recording = event->StartTime(); Info( "%s: %03d - Opening new event %d, section start", name, image_count, event->Id() ); /* To prevent cancelling out an existing alert\prealarm\alarm state */ if ( state == IDLE ) { shared_data->state = state = TAPE; } //if ( config.overlap_timed_events ) if ( false ) { int pre_index; int pre_event_images = pre_event_count; if ( analysis_fps ) { // If analysis fps is set, // compute the index for pre event images in the dedicated buffer pre_index = image_count%pre_event_buffer_count; // Seek forward the next filled slot in to the buffer (oldest data) // from the current position while ( pre_event_images && !pre_event_buffer[pre_index].timestamp->tv_sec ) { pre_index = (pre_index + 1)%pre_event_buffer_count; // Slot is empty, removing image from counter pre_event_images--; } } else { // If analysis fps is not set (analysis performed at capturing framerate), // compute the index for pre event images in the capturing buffer pre_index = ((index + image_buffer_count) - pre_event_count)%image_buffer_count; // Seek forward the next filled slot in to the buffer (oldest data) // from the current position while ( pre_event_images && !image_buffer[pre_index].timestamp->tv_sec ) { pre_index = (pre_index + 1)%image_buffer_count; // Slot is empty, removing image from counter pre_event_images--; } } if ( pre_event_images ) { if ( analysis_fps ) { // This loop copies pre_vent_images, but what if we havn't gotten that many yet? for ( int i = 0; i < pre_event_images; i++ ) { timestamps[i] = pre_event_buffer[pre_index].timestamp; images[i] = pre_event_buffer[pre_index].image; pre_index = (pre_index + 1)%pre_event_buffer_count; } } else { for ( int i = 0; i < pre_event_images; i++ ) { timestamps[i] = image_buffer[pre_index].timestamp; images[i] = image_buffer[pre_index].image; pre_index = (pre_index + 1)%image_buffer_count; } } event->AddFrames( pre_event_images, images, timestamps ); } } // end if false or config.overlap_timed_events } // end if ! event } if ( score ) { Debug(9, "Score: (%d)", score ); if ( (state == IDLE || state == TAPE || state == PREALARM ) ) { if ( Event::PreAlarmCount() >= (alarm_frame_count-1) ) { Info( "%s: %03d - Gone into alarm state", name, image_count ); shared_data->state = state = ALARM; if ( signal_change || (function != MOCORD && state != ALERT) ) { int pre_index; int pre_event_images = pre_event_count; if ( analysis_fps ) { // If analysis fps is set, // compute the index for pre event images in the dedicated buffer pre_index = image_count%pre_event_buffer_count; Debug(3, "Pre Index = (%d) = image_count(%d) %% pre_event_buffer_count (%d)", pre_index, image_count, pre_event_buffer_count ); // Seek forward the next filled slot in to the buffer (oldest data) // from the current position // ICON: I think this is supposed to handle when we havn't recorded enough images. while ( pre_event_images && !pre_event_buffer[pre_index].timestamp->tv_sec ) { pre_index = (pre_index + 1)%pre_event_buffer_count; // Slot is empty, removing image from counter pre_event_images--; } event = new Event( this, *(pre_event_buffer[pre_index].timestamp), cause, noteSetMap ); } else { // If analysis fps is not set (analysis performed at capturing framerate), // compute the index for pre event images in the capturing buffer if ( alarm_frame_count > 1 ) pre_index = ((index + image_buffer_count) - ((alarm_frame_count - 1) + pre_event_count))%image_buffer_count; else pre_index = ((index + image_buffer_count) - pre_event_count)%image_buffer_count; // Seek forward the next filled slot in to the buffer (oldest data) // from the current position while ( pre_event_images && !image_buffer[pre_index].timestamp->tv_sec ) { pre_index = (pre_index + 1)%image_buffer_count; // Slot is empty, removing image from counter pre_event_images--; } event = new Event( this, *(image_buffer[pre_index].timestamp), cause, noteSetMap ); } shared_data->last_event_id = event->Id(); //set up video store data snprintf(video_store_data->event_file, sizeof(video_store_data->event_file), "%s", event->getEventFile()); video_store_data->recording = event->StartTime(); Info( "%s: %03d - Opening new event %d, alarm start", name, image_count, event->Id() ); if ( pre_event_images ) { if ( analysis_fps ) { for ( int i = 0; i < pre_event_images; i++ ) { timestamps[i] = pre_event_buffer[pre_index].timestamp; images[i] = pre_event_buffer[pre_index].image; pre_index = (pre_index + 1)%pre_event_buffer_count; } } else { for ( int i = 0; i < pre_event_images; i++ ) { timestamps[i] = image_buffer[pre_index].timestamp; images[i] = image_buffer[pre_index].image; pre_index = (pre_index + 1)%image_buffer_count; } } event->AddFrames( pre_event_images, images, timestamps ); } if ( alarm_frame_count ) { event->SavePreAlarmFrames(); } } } else if ( state != PREALARM ) { Info( "%s: %03d - Gone into prealarm state", name, image_count ); shared_data->state = state = PREALARM; } } else if ( state == ALERT ) { Info( "%s: %03d - Gone back into alarm state", name, image_count ); shared_data->state = state = ALARM; } last_alarm_count = image_count; } else { if ( state == ALARM ) { Info( "%s: %03d - Gone into alert state", name, image_count ); shared_data->state = state = ALERT; } else if ( state == ALERT ) { if ( image_count-last_alarm_count > post_event_count ) { Info( "%s: %03d - Left alarm state (%d) - %d(%d) images", name, image_count, event->Id(), event->Frames(), event->AlarmFrames() ); //if ( function != MOCORD || event_close_mode == CLOSE_ALARM || event->Cause() == SIGNAL_CAUSE ) if ( function != MOCORD || event_close_mode == CLOSE_ALARM ) { shared_data->state = state = IDLE; Info( "%s: %03d - Closing event %d, alarm end%s", name, image_count, event->Id(), (function==MOCORD)?", section truncated":"" ); closeEvent(); } else { shared_data->state = state = TAPE; } } } if ( state == PREALARM ) { if ( function != MOCORD ) { shared_data->state = state = IDLE; } else { shared_data->state = state = TAPE; } } if ( Event::PreAlarmCount() ) Event::EmptyPreAlarmFrames(); } if ( state != IDLE ) { if ( state == PREALARM || state == ALARM ) { if ( config.create_analysis_images ) { bool got_anal_image = false; alarm_image.Assign( *snap_image ); for( int i = 0; i < n_zones; i++ ) { if ( zones[i]->Alarmed() ) { if ( zones[i]->AlarmImage() ) { alarm_image.Overlay( *(zones[i]->AlarmImage()) ); got_anal_image = true; } if ( config.record_event_stats && state == ALARM ) { zones[i]->RecordStats( event ); } } } if ( got_anal_image ) { if ( state == PREALARM ) Event::AddPreAlarmFrame( snap_image, *timestamp, score, &alarm_image ); else event->AddFrame( snap_image, *timestamp, score, &alarm_image ); } else { if ( state == PREALARM ) Event::AddPreAlarmFrame( snap_image, *timestamp, score ); else event->AddFrame( snap_image, *timestamp, score ); } } else { for( int i = 0; i < n_zones; i++ ) { if ( zones[i]->Alarmed() ) { if ( config.record_event_stats && state == ALARM ) { zones[i]->RecordStats( event ); } } } if ( state == PREALARM ) Event::AddPreAlarmFrame( snap_image, *timestamp, score ); else event->AddFrame( snap_image, *timestamp, score ); } if ( event && noteSetMap.size() > 0 ) event->updateNotes( noteSetMap ); } else if ( state == ALERT ) { event->AddFrame( snap_image, *timestamp ); if ( noteSetMap.size() > 0 ) event->updateNotes( noteSetMap ); } else if ( state == TAPE ) { //Video Storage: activate only for supported cameras. Event::AddFrame knows whether or not we are recording video and saves frames accordingly //if((GetOptVideoWriter() == 2) && camera->SupportsNativeVideo()) { // I don't think this is required, and causes problems, as the event file hasn't been setup yet. //Warning("In state TAPE, //video_store_data->recording = event->StartTime(); //} if ( !(image_count%(frame_skip+1)) ) { if ( config.bulk_frame_interval > 1 ) { event->AddFrame( snap_image, *timestamp, (event->Frames()AddFrame( snap_image, *timestamp ); } } } } // end if ! IDLE } else { Debug(3,"Not ready?"); } } else { if ( event ) { Info( "%s: %03d - Closing event %d, trigger off", name, image_count, event->Id() ); closeEvent(); } shared_data->state = state = IDLE; last_section_mod = 0; } // end if ( trigger_data->trigger_state != TRIGGER_OFF ) if ( (!signal_change && signal) && (function == MODECT || function == MOCORD) ) { if ( state == ALARM ) { ref_image.Blend( *snap_image, alarm_ref_blend_perc ); } else { ref_image.Blend( *snap_image, ref_blend_perc ); } } last_signal = signal; } // end if Enabled() shared_data->last_read_index = index % image_buffer_count; shared_data->last_read_time = now.tv_sec; if ( analysis_fps ) { // If analysis fps is set, add analysed image to dedicated pre event buffer Debug(3,"analysis fps image_count(%d) pre_event_buffer_count(%d)", image_count, pre_event_buffer_count ); int pre_index = pre_event_buffer_count ? image_count%pre_event_buffer_count : 0; Debug(3,"analysis fps pre_index(%d) = image_count(%d) %% pre_event_buffer_count(%d)", pre_index, image_count, pre_event_buffer_count ); pre_event_buffer[pre_index].image->Assign(*snap->image); memcpy( pre_event_buffer[pre_index].timestamp, snap->timestamp, sizeof(struct timeval) ); } image_count++; return( true ); } void Monitor::Reload() { Debug( 1, "Reloading monitor %s", name ); if ( event ) Info( "%s: %03d - Closing event %d, reloading", name, image_count, event->Id() ); closeEvent(); static char sql[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ]; // This seems to have fallen out of date. snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "select Function+0, Enabled, LinkedMonitors, EventPrefix, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, LabelSize, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, AlarmFrameCount, SectionLength, FrameSkip, MotionFrameSkip, AnalysisFPSLimit, AnalysisUpdateDelay, MaxFPS, AlarmMaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc, AlarmRefBlendPerc, TrackMotion, SignalCheckColour from Monitors where Id = '%d'", id ); if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) ) { Error( "Can't run query: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result( &dbconn ); if ( !result ) { Error( "Can't use query result: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } int n_monitors = mysql_num_rows( result ); if ( n_monitors != 1 ) { Error( "Bogus number of monitors, %d, returned. Can't reload", n_monitors ); return; } if ( MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row( result ) ) { int index = 0; function = (Function)atoi(dbrow[index++]); enabled = atoi(dbrow[index++]); const char *p_linked_monitors = dbrow[index++]; strncpy( event_prefix, dbrow[index++], sizeof(event_prefix) ); strncpy( label_format, dbrow[index++], sizeof(label_format) ); label_coord = Coord( atoi(dbrow[index]), atoi(dbrow[index+1]) ); index += 2; label_size = atoi(dbrow[index++]); warmup_count = atoi(dbrow[index++]); pre_event_count = atoi(dbrow[index++]); post_event_count = atoi(dbrow[index++]); alarm_frame_count = atoi(dbrow[index++]); section_length = atoi(dbrow[index++]); frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[index++]); motion_frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[index++]); analysis_fps = dbrow[index] ? strtod(dbrow[index], NULL) : 0; index++; analysis_update_delay = strtoul(dbrow[index++], NULL, 0); capture_delay = (dbrow[index]&&atof(dbrow[index])>0.0)?int(DT_PREC_3/atof(dbrow[index])):0; index++; alarm_capture_delay = (dbrow[index]&&atof(dbrow[index])>0.0)?int(DT_PREC_3/atof(dbrow[index])):0; index++; fps_report_interval = atoi(dbrow[index++]); ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[index++]); alarm_ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[index++]); track_motion = atoi(dbrow[index++]); if ( dbrow[index][0] == '#' ) signal_check_colour = strtol(dbrow[index]+1,0,16); else signal_check_colour = strtol(dbrow[index],0,16); index++; shared_data->state = state = IDLE; shared_data->alarm_x = shared_data->alarm_y = -1; if ( enabled ) shared_data->active = true; ready_count = image_count+warmup_count; ReloadLinkedMonitors( p_linked_monitors ); } if ( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ) { Error( "Can't fetch row: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } mysql_free_result( result ); ReloadZones(); } void Monitor::ReloadZones() { Debug( 1, "Reloading zones for monitor %s", name ); for( int i = 0; i < n_zones; i++ ) { delete zones[i]; } delete[] zones; zones = 0; n_zones = Zone::Load( this, zones ); //DumpZoneImage(); } void Monitor::ReloadLinkedMonitors( const char *p_linked_monitors ) { Debug( 1, "Reloading linked monitors for monitor %s, '%s'", name, p_linked_monitors ); if ( n_linked_monitors ) { for( int i = 0; i < n_linked_monitors; i++ ) { delete linked_monitors[i]; } delete[] linked_monitors; linked_monitors = 0; } n_linked_monitors = 0; if ( p_linked_monitors ) { int n_link_ids = 0; unsigned int link_ids[256]; char link_id_str[8]; char *dest_ptr = link_id_str; const char *src_ptr = p_linked_monitors; while( 1 ) { dest_ptr = link_id_str; while( *src_ptr >= '0' && *src_ptr <= '9' ) { if ( (dest_ptr-link_id_str) < (unsigned int)(sizeof(link_id_str)-1) ) { *dest_ptr++ = *src_ptr++; } else { break; } } // Add the link monitor if ( dest_ptr != link_id_str ) { *dest_ptr = '\0'; unsigned int link_id = atoi(link_id_str); if ( link_id > 0 && link_id != id) { Debug( 3, "Found linked monitor id %d", link_id ); int j; for ( j = 0; j < n_link_ids; j++ ) { if ( link_ids[j] == link_id ) break; } if ( j == n_link_ids ) { // Not already found link_ids[n_link_ids++] = link_id; } } } if ( !*src_ptr ) break; while( *src_ptr && (*src_ptr < '0' || *src_ptr > '9') ) src_ptr++; if ( !*src_ptr ) break; } if ( n_link_ids > 0 ) { Debug( 1, "Linking to %d monitors", n_link_ids ); linked_monitors = new MonitorLink *[n_link_ids]; int count = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < n_link_ids; i++ ) { Debug( 1, "Checking linked monitor %d", link_ids[i] ); static char sql[ZM_SQL_SML_BUFSIZ]; snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "select Id, Name from Monitors where Id = %d and Function != 'None' and Function != 'Monitor' and Enabled = 1", link_ids[i] ); if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) ) { Error( "Can't run query: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result( &dbconn ); if ( !result ) { Error( "Can't use query result: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } int n_monitors = mysql_num_rows( result ); if ( n_monitors == 1 ) { MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row( result ); Debug( 1, "Linking to monitor %d", link_ids[i] ); linked_monitors[count++] = new MonitorLink( link_ids[i], dbrow[1] ); } else { Warning( "Can't link to monitor %d, invalid id, function or not enabled", link_ids[i] ); } mysql_free_result( result ); } n_linked_monitors = count; } } } #if ZM_HAS_V4L int Monitor::LoadLocalMonitors( const char *device, Monitor **&monitors, Purpose purpose ) { std::string sql = "select Id, Name, ServerId, StorageId, Function+0, Enabled, LinkedMonitors, Device, Channel, Format, V4LMultiBuffer, V4LCapturesPerFrame, Method, Width, Height, Colours, Palette, Orientation+0, Deinterlacing, SaveJPEGs, VideoWriter, EncoderParameters, RecordAudio, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Colour, EventPrefix, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, LabelSize, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, StreamReplayBuffer, AlarmFrameCount, SectionLength, FrameSkip, MotionFrameSkip, AnalysisFPSLimit, AnalysisUpdateDelay, MaxFPS, AlarmMaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc, AlarmRefBlendPerc, TrackMotion, SignalCheckColour, Exif from Monitors where Function != 'None' and Type = 'Local'"; ; if ( device[0] ) { sql += " AND Device='"; sql += device; sql += "'"; } if ( staticConfig.SERVER_ID ) { sql += stringtf( " AND ServerId=%d", staticConfig.SERVER_ID ); } Debug( 1, "Loading Local Monitors with %s", sql.c_str() ); MYSQL_RES *result = zmDbFetch( sql.c_str() ); if ( !result ) { Error( "Can't load local monitors: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } int n_monitors = mysql_num_rows( result ); Debug( 1, "Got %d monitors", n_monitors ); delete[] monitors; monitors = new Monitor *[n_monitors]; for( int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row( result ); i++ ) { int col = 0; int id = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char *name = dbrow[col]; col++; unsigned int server_id = dbrow[col] ? atoi(dbrow[col]) : 0; col++; unsigned int storage_id = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int function = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int enabled = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char *linked_monitors = dbrow[col]; col++; const char *device = dbrow[col]; col++; int channel = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int format = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; bool v4l_multi_buffer = config.v4l_multi_buffer; if ( dbrow[col] ) { if (*dbrow[col] == '0' ) { v4l_multi_buffer = false; } else if ( *dbrow[col] == '1' ) { v4l_multi_buffer = true; } } col++; int v4l_captures_per_frame = 0; if ( dbrow[col] ) { v4l_captures_per_frame = atoi(dbrow[col]); } else { v4l_captures_per_frame = config.captures_per_frame; } Debug( 1, "Got %d for v4l_captures_per_frame", v4l_captures_per_frame ); col++; const char *method = dbrow[col]; col++; int width = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int height = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int colours = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int palette = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; Orientation orientation = (Orientation)atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; unsigned int deinterlacing = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int savejpegs = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; VideoWriter videowriter = (VideoWriter)atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; std::string encoderparams = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; bool record_audio = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; int brightness = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int contrast = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int hue = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int colour = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char *event_prefix = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; const char *label_format = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; int label_x = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int label_y = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int label_size = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int image_buffer_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int warmup_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int pre_event_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int post_event_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int stream_replay_buffer = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int alarm_frame_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int section_length = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int motion_frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; double analysis_fps = dbrow[col] ? strtod(dbrow[col], NULL) : 0; col++; unsigned int analysis_update_delay = strtoul(dbrow[col++], NULL, 0); int capture_delay = (dbrow[col]&&atof(dbrow[col])>0.0)?int(DT_PREC_3/atof(dbrow[col])):0; col++; int alarm_capture_delay = (dbrow[col]&&atof(dbrow[col])>0.0)?int(DT_PREC_3/atof(dbrow[col])):0; col++; int fps_report_interval = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int alarm_ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int track_motion = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int signal_check_colour; if ( dbrow[col][0] == '#' ) signal_check_colour = strtol(dbrow[col]+1,0,16); else signal_check_colour = strtol(dbrow[col],0,16); col++; bool embed_exif = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; int extras = (deinterlacing>>24)&0xff; Camera *camera = new LocalCamera( id, device, channel, format, v4l_multi_buffer, v4l_captures_per_frame, method, width, height, colours, palette, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio, extras ); monitors[i] = new Monitor( id, name, server_id, storage_id, function, enabled, linked_monitors, camera, orientation, deinterlacing, savejpegs, videowriter, encoderparams, record_audio, event_prefix, label_format, Coord( label_x, label_y ), label_size, image_buffer_count, warmup_count, pre_event_count, post_event_count, stream_replay_buffer, alarm_frame_count, section_length, frame_skip, motion_frame_skip, analysis_fps, analysis_update_delay, capture_delay, alarm_capture_delay, fps_report_interval, ref_blend_perc, alarm_ref_blend_perc, track_motion, signal_check_colour, embed_exif, purpose, 0, 0 ); camera->setMonitor( monitors[i] ); Zone **zones = 0; int n_zones = Zone::Load( monitors[i], zones ); monitors[i]->AddZones( n_zones, zones ); monitors[i]->AddPrivacyBitmask( zones ); Debug( 1, "Loaded monitor %d(%s), %d zones", id, name, n_zones ); } if ( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ) { Error( "Can't fetch row: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } // Yadda yadda mysql_free_result( result ); return( n_monitors ); } #endif // ZM_HAS_V4L int Monitor::LoadRemoteMonitors( const char *protocol, const char *host, const char *port, const char *path, Monitor **&monitors, Purpose purpose ) { std::string sql = "select Id, Name, ServerId, StorageId, Function+0, Enabled, LinkedMonitors, Protocol, Method, Host, Port, Path, Width, Height, Colours, Palette, Orientation+0, Deinterlacing, RTSPDescribe, SaveJPEGs, VideoWriter, EncoderParameters, RecordAudio, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Colour, EventPrefix, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, LabelSize, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, StreamReplayBuffer, AlarmFrameCount, SectionLength, FrameSkip, MotionFrameSkip, AnalysisFPSLimit, AnalysisUpdateDelay, MaxFPS, AlarmMaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc, AlarmRefBlendPerc, TrackMotion, Exif from Monitors where Function != 'None' and Type = 'Remote'"; if ( staticConfig.SERVER_ID ) { sql += stringtf( " AND ServerId=%d", staticConfig.SERVER_ID ); } if ( protocol ) { sql += stringtf(" AND Protocol = '%s' and Host = '%s' and Port = '%s' and Path = '%s'", protocol, host, port, path ); } Debug( 1, "Loading Remote Monitors with %s", sql.c_str() ); MYSQL_RES *result = zmDbFetch( sql.c_str() ); if ( !result ) { Error( "Can't use query result: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } int n_monitors = mysql_num_rows( result ); Debug( 1, "Got %d monitors", n_monitors ); delete[] monitors; monitors = new Monitor *[n_monitors]; for( int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row( result ); i++ ) { int col = 0; int id = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; std::string name = dbrow[col]; col++; unsigned int server_id = dbrow[col] ? atoi(dbrow[col]) : 0; col++; unsigned int storage_id = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int function = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int enabled = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char *linked_monitors = dbrow[col]; col++; std::string protocol = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string method = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string host = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string port = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string path = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; int width = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int height = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int colours = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; /* int palette = atoi(dbrow[col]); */ col++; Orientation orientation = (Orientation)atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; unsigned int deinterlacing = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; bool rtsp_describe = (dbrow[col] && *dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; int savejpegs = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; VideoWriter videowriter = (VideoWriter)atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; std::string encoderparams = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; bool record_audio = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; int brightness = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int contrast = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int hue = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int colour = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char *event_prefix = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; const char *label_format = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; int label_x = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int label_y = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int label_size = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int image_buffer_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int warmup_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int pre_event_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int post_event_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int stream_replay_buffer = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int alarm_frame_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int section_length = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int motion_frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; double analysis_fps = dbrow[col] ? strtod(dbrow[col], NULL) : 0; col++; unsigned int analysis_update_delay = strtoul(dbrow[col++], NULL, 0); int capture_delay = (dbrow[col]&&atof(dbrow[col])>0.0)?int(DT_PREC_3/atof(dbrow[col])):0; col++; int alarm_capture_delay = (dbrow[col]&&atof(dbrow[col])>0.0)?int(DT_PREC_3/atof(dbrow[col])):0; col++; int fps_report_interval = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int alarm_ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int track_motion = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; bool embed_exif = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; Camera *camera = 0; if ( protocol == "http" ) { camera = new RemoteCameraHttp( id, method, host, // Host port, // Port path, // Path width, height, colours, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio ); } #if HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT else if ( protocol == "rtsp" ) { camera = new RemoteCameraRtsp( id, method, host, // Host port, // Port path, // Path width, height, rtsp_describe, colours, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio ); } #endif // HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT else { Fatal( "Unexpected remote camera protocol '%s'", protocol.c_str() ); } monitors[i] = new Monitor( id, name.c_str(), server_id, storage_id, function, enabled, linked_monitors, camera, orientation, deinterlacing, savejpegs, videowriter, encoderparams, record_audio, event_prefix, label_format, Coord( label_x, label_y ), label_size, image_buffer_count, warmup_count, pre_event_count, post_event_count, stream_replay_buffer, alarm_frame_count, section_length, frame_skip, motion_frame_skip, analysis_fps, analysis_update_delay, capture_delay, alarm_capture_delay, fps_report_interval, ref_blend_perc, alarm_ref_blend_perc, track_motion, RGB_WHITE, embed_exif, purpose, 0, 0 ); camera->setMonitor( monitors[i] ); Zone **zones = 0; int n_zones = Zone::Load( monitors[i], zones ); monitors[i]->AddZones( n_zones, zones ); monitors[i]->AddPrivacyBitmask( zones ); Debug( 1, "Loaded monitor %d(%s), %d zones", id, name.c_str(), n_zones ); } if ( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ) { Error( "Can't fetch row: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } // Yadda yadda mysql_free_result( result ); return( n_monitors ); } int Monitor::LoadFileMonitors( const char *file, Monitor **&monitors, Purpose purpose ) { std::string sql = "select Id, Name, ServerId, StorageId, Function+0, Enabled, LinkedMonitors, Path, Width, Height, Colours, Palette, Orientation+0, Deinterlacing, SaveJPEGs, VideoWriter, EncoderParameters, RecordAudio, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Colour, EventPrefix, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, LabelSize, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, StreamReplayBuffer, AlarmFrameCount, SectionLength, FrameSkip, MotionFrameSkip, AnalysisFPSLimit, AnalysisUpdateDelay, MaxFPS, AlarmMaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc, AlarmRefBlendPerc, TrackMotion, Exif from Monitors where Function != 'None' and Type = 'File'"; if ( file[0] ) { sql += " AND Path='"; sql += file; sql += "'"; } if ( staticConfig.SERVER_ID ) { sql += stringtf( " AND ServerId=%d", staticConfig.SERVER_ID ); } Debug( 1, "Loading File Monitors with %s", sql.c_str() ); MYSQL_RES *result = zmDbFetch( sql.c_str() ); if ( !result ) { Error( "Can't use query result: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } int n_monitors = mysql_num_rows( result ); Debug( 1, "Got %d monitors", n_monitors ); delete[] monitors; monitors = new Monitor *[n_monitors]; for( int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row( result ); i++ ) { int col = 0; int id = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char *name = dbrow[col]; col++; unsigned int server_id = dbrow[col] ? atoi(dbrow[col]) : 0; col++; unsigned int storage_id = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int function = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int enabled = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char *linked_monitors = dbrow[col]; col++; const char *path = dbrow[col]; col++; int width = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int height = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int colours = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; /* int palette = atoi(dbrow[col]); */ col++; Orientation orientation = (Orientation)atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; unsigned int deinterlacing = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int savejpegs = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; VideoWriter videowriter = (VideoWriter)atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; std::string encoderparams = dbrow[col]; col++; bool record_audio = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; int brightness = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int contrast = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int hue = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int colour = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char *event_prefix = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; const char *label_format = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; int label_x = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int label_y = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int label_size = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int image_buffer_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int warmup_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int pre_event_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int post_event_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int stream_replay_buffer = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int alarm_frame_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int section_length = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int motion_frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; double analysis_fps = dbrow[col] ? strtod(dbrow[col], NULL) : 0; col++; unsigned int analysis_update_delay = strtoul(dbrow[col++], NULL, 0); int capture_delay = (dbrow[col]&&atof(dbrow[col])>0.0)?int(DT_PREC_3/atof(dbrow[col])):0; col++; int alarm_capture_delay = (dbrow[col]&&atof(dbrow[col])>0.0)?int(DT_PREC_3/atof(dbrow[col])):0; col++; int fps_report_interval = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int alarm_ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int track_motion = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; bool embed_exif = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; Camera *camera = new FileCamera( id, path, // File width, height, colours, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio ); monitors[i] = new Monitor( id, name, server_id, storage_id, function, enabled, linked_monitors, camera, orientation, deinterlacing, savejpegs, videowriter, encoderparams, record_audio, event_prefix, label_format, Coord( label_x, label_y ), label_size, image_buffer_count, warmup_count, pre_event_count, post_event_count, stream_replay_buffer, alarm_frame_count, section_length, frame_skip, motion_frame_skip, analysis_fps, analysis_update_delay, capture_delay, alarm_capture_delay, fps_report_interval, ref_blend_perc, alarm_ref_blend_perc, track_motion, embed_exif, RGB_WHITE, purpose, 0, 0 ); camera->setMonitor( monitors[i] ); Zone **zones = 0; int n_zones = Zone::Load( monitors[i], zones ); monitors[i]->AddZones( n_zones, zones ); monitors[i]->AddPrivacyBitmask( zones ); Debug( 1, "Loaded monitor %d(%s), %d zones", id, name, n_zones ); } if ( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ) { Error( "Can't fetch row: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } // Yadda yadda mysql_free_result( result ); return( n_monitors ); } #if HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT int Monitor::LoadFfmpegMonitors( const char *file, Monitor **&monitors, Purpose purpose ) { std::string sql = "select Id, Name, ServerId, StorageId, Function+0, Enabled, LinkedMonitors, Path, Method, Options, Width, Height, Colours, Palette, Orientation+0, Deinterlacing, SaveJPEGs, VideoWriter, EncoderParameters, RecordAudio, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Colour, EventPrefix, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, LabelSize, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, StreamReplayBuffer, AlarmFrameCount, SectionLength, FrameSkip, MotionFrameSkip, AnalysisFPSLimit, AnalysisUpdateDelay, MaxFPS, AlarmMaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc, AlarmRefBlendPerc, TrackMotion, Exif from Monitors where Function != 'None' and Type = 'Ffmpeg'"; if ( file[0] ) { sql += " AND Path = '"; sql += file; sql += "'"; } if ( staticConfig.SERVER_ID ) { sql += stringtf( " AND ServerId=%d", staticConfig.SERVER_ID ); } Debug( 1, "Loading FFMPEG Monitors with %s", sql.c_str() ); MYSQL_RES *result = zmDbFetch( sql.c_str() ); if ( ! result ) { Error( "Cannot load FfmpegMonitors" ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } int n_monitors = mysql_num_rows( result ); Debug( 1, "Got %d monitors", n_monitors ); delete[] monitors; monitors = new Monitor *[n_monitors]; for( int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row( result ); i++ ) { int col = 0; int id = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char *name = dbrow[col]; col++; unsigned int server_id = dbrow[col] ? atoi(dbrow[col]) : 0; col++; unsigned int storage_id = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int function = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int enabled = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char *linked_monitors = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; const char *path = dbrow[col]; col++; const char *method = dbrow[col]; col++; const char *options = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; int width = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int height = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int colours = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; /* int palette = atoi(dbrow[col]); */ col++; Orientation orientation = (Orientation)atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; unsigned int deinterlacing = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int savejpegs = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; VideoWriter videowriter = (VideoWriter)atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; std::string encoderparams = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; bool record_audio = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; int brightness = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int contrast = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int hue = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int colour = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char *event_prefix = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; const char *label_format = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; int label_x = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int label_y = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int label_size = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int image_buffer_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int warmup_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int pre_event_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int post_event_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int stream_replay_buffer = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int alarm_frame_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int section_length = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int motion_frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; double analysis_fps = dbrow[col] ? strtod(dbrow[col], NULL) : 0; col++; unsigned int analysis_update_delay = strtoul(dbrow[col++], NULL, 0); double capture_fps = dbrow[col] ? atof(dbrow[col]) : 0;col++; int capture_delay = capture_fps >0.0 ?int(DT_PREC_3/capture_fps):0; double alarm_capture_fps = dbrow[col] ? atof(dbrow[col]) : 0; col++; int alarm_capture_delay = alarm_capture_fps > 0.0 ?int(DT_PREC_3/alarm_capture_fps):0; int fps_report_interval = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int alarm_ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int track_motion = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; bool embed_exif = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; Camera *camera = new FfmpegCamera( id, path, // File method, options, width, height, colours, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio ); monitors[i] = new Monitor( id, name, server_id, storage_id, function, enabled, linked_monitors, camera, orientation, deinterlacing, savejpegs, videowriter, encoderparams, record_audio, event_prefix, label_format, Coord( label_x, label_y ), label_size, image_buffer_count, warmup_count, pre_event_count, post_event_count, stream_replay_buffer, alarm_frame_count, section_length, frame_skip, motion_frame_skip, analysis_fps, analysis_update_delay, capture_delay, alarm_capture_delay, fps_report_interval, ref_blend_perc, alarm_ref_blend_perc, track_motion, embed_exif, RGB_WHITE, purpose, 0, 0 ); camera->setMonitor( monitors[i] ); Zone **zones = 0; int n_zones = Zone::Load( monitors[i], zones ); monitors[i]->AddZones( n_zones, zones ); monitors[i]->AddPrivacyBitmask( zones ); Debug( 1, "Loaded monitor %d(%s), %d zones", id, name, n_zones ); } if ( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ) { Error( "Can't fetch row: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } // Yadda yadda mysql_free_result( result ); return( n_monitors ); } #endif // HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT Monitor *Monitor::Load( unsigned int p_id, bool load_zones, Purpose purpose ) { std::string sql = stringtf( "select Id, Name, ServerId, StorageId, Type, Function+0, Enabled, LinkedMonitors, Device, Channel, Format, V4LMultiBuffer, V4LCapturesPerFrame, Protocol, Method, Host, Port, Path, Options, User, Pass, Width, Height, Colours, Palette, Orientation+0, Deinterlacing, RTSPDescribe, SaveJPEGs, VideoWriter, EncoderParameters, RecordAudio, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Colour, EventPrefix, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, LabelSize, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, StreamReplayBuffer, AlarmFrameCount, SectionLength, FrameSkip, MotionFrameSkip, AnalysisFPSLimit, AnalysisUpdateDelay, MaxFPS, AlarmMaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc, AlarmRefBlendPerc, TrackMotion, SignalCheckColour, Exif from Monitors where Id = %d", p_id ); zmDbRow dbrow; if ( ! dbrow.fetch( sql.c_str() ) ) { Error( "Can't use query result: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) ); } Monitor *monitor = 0; unsigned int col = 0; unsigned int id = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; std::string name = dbrow[col]; col++; unsigned int server_id = dbrow[col] ? atoi(dbrow[col]) : 0; col++; unsigned int storage_id = dbrow[col] ? atoi(dbrow[col]) : 0; col++; std::string type = dbrow[col]; col++; int function = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int enabled = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; std::string linked_monitors = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string device = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; int channel = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int format = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; bool v4l_multi_buffer = config.v4l_multi_buffer; if ( dbrow[col] ) { if (*dbrow[col] == '0' ) { v4l_multi_buffer = false; } else if ( *dbrow[col] == '1' ) { v4l_multi_buffer = true; } } col++; int v4l_captures_per_frame = 0; if ( dbrow[col] ) { v4l_captures_per_frame = atoi(dbrow[col]); } else { v4l_captures_per_frame = config.captures_per_frame; } Debug( 1, "Got %d for v4l_captures_per_frame", v4l_captures_per_frame ); col++; std::string protocol = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string method = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string host = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string port = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string path = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string options = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string user = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; std::string pass = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; int width = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int height = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int colours = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int palette = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; Orientation orientation = (Orientation)atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; unsigned int deinterlacing = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; bool rtsp_describe = (dbrow[col] && *dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; int savejpegs = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; VideoWriter videowriter = (VideoWriter)atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; std::string encoderparams = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; bool record_audio = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; int brightness = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int contrast = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int hue = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int colour = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; const char * event_prefix = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; const char * label_format = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++; int label_x = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int label_y = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int label_size = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int image_buffer_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int warmup_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int pre_event_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int post_event_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int stream_replay_buffer = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int alarm_frame_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int section_length = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int motion_frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; double analysis_fps = dbrow[col] ? strtod(dbrow[col], NULL) : 0; col++; unsigned int analysis_update_delay = strtoul(dbrow[col++], NULL, 0); int capture_delay = (dbrow[col]&&atof(dbrow[col])>0.0)?int(DT_PREC_3/atof(dbrow[col])):0; col++; int alarm_capture_delay = (dbrow[col]&&atof(dbrow[col])>0.0)?int(DT_PREC_3/atof(dbrow[col])):0; col++; int fps_report_interval = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int alarm_ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int track_motion = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++; int signal_check_colour; if ( dbrow[col][0] == '#' ) signal_check_colour = strtol(dbrow[col]+1,0,16); else signal_check_colour = strtol(dbrow[col],0,16); col++; bool embed_exif = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++; int extras = (deinterlacing>>24)&0xff; Camera *camera = 0; if ( type == "Local" ) { #if ZM_HAS_V4L camera = new LocalCamera( id, device.c_str(), channel, format, v4l_multi_buffer, v4l_captures_per_frame, method, width, height, colours, palette, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio, extras ); #else // ZM_HAS_V4L Fatal( "You must have video4linux libraries and headers installed to use local analog or USB cameras for monitor %d", id ); #endif // ZM_HAS_V4L } else if ( type == "NVSocket" ) { camera = new RemoteCameraNVSocket( id, host.c_str(), port.c_str(), path.c_str(), width, height, colours, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio ); } else if ( type == "Remote" ) { if ( protocol == "http" ) { camera = new RemoteCameraHttp( id, method.c_str(), host.c_str(), port.c_str(), path.c_str(), width, height, colours, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio ); } else if ( protocol == "rtsp" ) { #if HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT camera = new RemoteCameraRtsp( id, method.c_str(), host.c_str(), port.c_str(), path.c_str(), width, height, rtsp_describe, colours, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio ); #else // HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT Fatal( "You must have ffmpeg libraries installed to use remote camera protocol '%s' for monitor %d", protocol.c_str(), id ); #endif // HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT } else { Fatal( "Unexpected remote camera protocol '%s' for monitor %d", protocol.c_str(), id ); } } else if ( type == "File" ) { camera = new FileCamera( id, path.c_str(), width, height, colours, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio ); } else if ( type == "Ffmpeg" ) { #if HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT camera = new FfmpegCamera( id, path.c_str(), method, options, width, height, colours, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio ); #else // HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT Fatal( "You must have ffmpeg libraries installed to use ffmpeg cameras for monitor %d", id ); #endif // HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT } else if (type == "Libvlc") { #if HAVE_LIBVLC camera = new LibvlcCamera( id, path.c_str(), method, options, width, height, colours, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio ); #else // HAVE_LIBVLC Fatal( "You must have vlc libraries installed to use vlc cameras for monitor %d", id ); #endif // HAVE_LIBVLC } else if ( type == "cURL" ) { #if HAVE_LIBCURL camera = new cURLCamera( id, path.c_str(), user.c_str(), pass.c_str(), width, height, colours, brightness, contrast, hue, colour, purpose==CAPTURE, record_audio ); #else // HAVE_LIBCURL Fatal( "You must have libcurl installed to use ffmpeg cameras for monitor %d", id ); #endif // HAVE_LIBCURL } else { Fatal( "Bogus monitor type '%s' for monitor %d", type.c_str(), id ); } monitor = new Monitor( id, name.c_str(), server_id, storage_id, function, enabled, linked_monitors.c_str(), camera, orientation, deinterlacing, savejpegs, videowriter, encoderparams, record_audio, event_prefix, label_format, Coord( label_x, label_y ), label_size, image_buffer_count, warmup_count, pre_event_count, post_event_count, stream_replay_buffer, alarm_frame_count, section_length, frame_skip, motion_frame_skip, analysis_fps, analysis_update_delay, capture_delay, alarm_capture_delay, fps_report_interval, ref_blend_perc, alarm_ref_blend_perc, track_motion, signal_check_colour, embed_exif, purpose, 0, 0 ); camera->setMonitor( monitor ); int n_zones = 0; if ( load_zones ) { Zone **zones = 0; n_zones = Zone::Load( monitor, zones ); monitor->AddZones( n_zones, zones ); monitor->AddPrivacyBitmask( zones ); } Debug( 1, "Loaded monitor %d(%s), %d zones", id, name.c_str(), n_zones ); return( monitor ); } /* Returns 0 on success, even if no new images are available (transient error) * Returns -1 on failure. */ int Monitor::Capture() { static int FirstCapture = 1; // Used in de-interlacing to indicate whether this is the even or odd image unsigned int index = image_count % image_buffer_count; Image* capture_image = image_buffer[index].image; ZMPacket packet; packet.set_image(capture_image); int captureResult = 0; unsigned int deinterlacing_value = deinterlacing & 0xff; if ( deinterlacing_value == 4 ) { if ( FirstCapture != 1 ) { /* Copy the next image into the shared memory */ capture_image->CopyBuffer(*(next_buffer.image)); } /* Capture a new next image */ captureResult = camera->Capture(packet); if ( FirstCapture ) { FirstCapture = 0; return 0; } } else { captureResult = camera->Capture(packet); if ( captureResult < 0 ) { // Unable to capture image for temporary reason // Fake a signal loss image Rgb signalcolor; /* HTML colour code is actually BGR in memory, we want RGB */ signalcolor = rgb_convert(signal_check_colour, ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_BGR); capture_image->Fill(signalcolor); shared_data->signal = false; return -1; } int video_stream_id = camera->get_VideoStreamId(); //Video recording if ( video_store_data->recording.tv_sec ) { if ( shared_data->last_event_id != this->GetVideoWriterEventId() ) { Debug(2, "Have change of event. last_event(%d), our current (%d)", shared_data->last_event_id, this->GetVideoWriterEventId() ); if ( videoStore ) { Debug(2, "Have videostore already?"); // I don't know if this is important or not... but I figure we might as well write this last packet out to the store before closing it. // Also don't know how much it matters for audio. int ret = videoStore->writePacket( &packet ); if ( ret < 0 ) { //Less than zero and we skipped a frame Warning("Error writing last packet to videostore."); } delete videoStore; videoStore = NULL; this->SetVideoWriterEventId( 0 ); } // end if videoStore } // end if end of recording if ( shared_data->last_event_id and ! videoStore ) { Debug(2,"New videostore"); videoStore = new VideoStore( (const char *) video_store_data->event_file, "mp4", camera->get_VideoStream(), ( record_audio ? camera->get_AudioStream() : NULL ), video_store_data->recording.tv_sec, this ); if ( ! videoStore->open() ) { delete videoStore; videoStore = NULL; } else { this->SetVideoWriterEventId(shared_data->last_event_id); Debug(2, "Clearing packets"); // Clear all packets that predate the moment when the recording began packetqueue.clear_unwanted_packets(&video_store_data->recording, video_stream_id); videoStore->write_packets(packetqueue); } // success opening } // end if ! was recording } else { // Not recording if ( videoStore ) { Info("Deleting videoStore instance"); delete videoStore; videoStore = NULL; this->SetVideoWriterEventId( 0 ); } // Buffer video packets, since we are not recording. // All audio packets are keyframes, so only if it's a video keyframe if ( ( packet.packet.stream_index == video_stream_id ) && ( packet.keyframe ) ) { packetqueue.clearQueue( this->GetPreEventCount(), video_stream_id ); } // The following lines should ensure that the queue always begins with a video keyframe if ( packet.packet.stream_index == camera->get_AudioStreamId() ) { //Debug(2, "Have audio packet, reocrd_audio is (%d) and packetqueue.size is (%d)", record_audio, packetqueue.size() ); if ( record_audio && packetqueue.size() ) { // if it's audio, and we are doing audio, and there is already something in the queue packetqueue.queuePacket( &packet ); } } else if ( packet.packet.stream_index == video_stream_id ) { if ( packet.keyframe || packetqueue.size() ) // it's a keyframe or we already have something in the queue packetqueue.queuePacket( &packet ); } // end if audio or video } // end if recording or not if ( videoStore ) { //Write the packet to our video store, it will be smart enough to know what to do int ret = videoStore->writePacket( &packet ); if ( ret < 0 ) { //Less than zero and we skipped a frame Warning("problem writing packet"); } } } // end if de-interlacing or not /* Deinterlacing */ if ( deinterlacing_value == 1 ) { capture_image->Deinterlace_Discard(); } else if ( deinterlacing_value == 2 ) { capture_image->Deinterlace_Linear(); } else if ( deinterlacing_value == 3 ) { capture_image->Deinterlace_Blend(); } else if ( deinterlacing_value == 4 ) { capture_image->Deinterlace_4Field( next_buffer.image, (deinterlacing>>8)&0xff ); } else if ( deinterlacing_value == 5 ) { capture_image->Deinterlace_Blend_CustomRatio( (deinterlacing>>8)&0xff ); } if ( orientation != ROTATE_0 ) { switch ( orientation ) { case ROTATE_0 : { // No action required break; } case ROTATE_90 : case ROTATE_180 : case ROTATE_270 : { capture_image->Rotate( (orientation-1)*90 ); break; } case FLIP_HORI : case FLIP_VERT : { capture_image->Flip( orientation==FLIP_HORI ); break; } } } if ( (index == shared_data->last_read_index) && (function > MONITOR) ) { Warning( "Buffer overrun at index %d, image %d, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size", index, image_count ); time_t now = time(0); double approxFps = double(image_buffer_count)/double(now-image_buffer[index].timestamp->tv_sec); time_t last_read_delta = now - shared_data->last_read_time; if ( last_read_delta > (image_buffer_count/approxFps) ) { Warning( "Last image read from shared memory %ld seconds ago, zma may have gone away", last_read_delta ) shared_data->last_read_index = image_buffer_count; } } if ( privacy_bitmask ) capture_image->MaskPrivacy( privacy_bitmask ); gettimeofday( image_buffer[index].timestamp, NULL ); if ( config.timestamp_on_capture ) { TimestampImage( capture_image, image_buffer[index].timestamp ); } shared_data->signal = CheckSignal(capture_image); shared_data->last_write_index = index; shared_data->last_write_time = image_buffer[index].timestamp->tv_sec; image_count++; if ( image_count && fps_report_interval && !(image_count%fps_report_interval) ) { struct timeval now; if ( !captureResult ) { gettimeofday( &now, NULL ); } else { now.tv_sec = image_buffer[index].timestamp->tv_sec; } // If we are too fast, we get div by zero. This seems to happen in the case of audio packets. if ( now.tv_sec != last_fps_time ) { fps = double(fps_report_interval)/(now.tv_sec-last_fps_time); Info( "%d -> %d -> %d", fps_report_interval, now.tv_sec, last_fps_time ); //Info( "%d -> %d -> %lf -> %lf", now-last_fps_time, fps_report_interval/(now-last_fps_time), double(fps_report_interval)/(now-last_fps_time), fps ); Info( "%s: %d - Capturing at %.2lf fps", name, image_count, fps ); last_fps_time = now.tv_sec; static char sql[ZM_SQL_SML_BUFSIZ]; snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "UPDATE Monitors SET CaptureFPS='%.2lf' WHERE Id=%d", fps, id ); if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) ) { Error( "Can't run query: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ); } } } // Icon: I'm not sure these should be here. They have nothing to do with capturing if ( shared_data->action & GET_SETTINGS ) { shared_data->brightness = camera->Brightness(); shared_data->hue = camera->Hue(); shared_data->colour = camera->Colour(); shared_data->contrast = camera->Contrast(); shared_data->action &= ~GET_SETTINGS; } if ( shared_data->action & SET_SETTINGS ) { camera->Brightness( shared_data->brightness ); camera->Hue( shared_data->hue ); camera->Colour( shared_data->colour ); camera->Contrast( shared_data->contrast ); shared_data->action &= ~SET_SETTINGS; } return captureResult; } // end Monitor::Capture void Monitor::TimestampImage( Image *ts_image, const struct timeval *ts_time ) const { if ( label_format[0] ) { // Expand the strftime macros first char label_time_text[256]; strftime( label_time_text, sizeof(label_time_text), label_format, localtime( &ts_time->tv_sec ) ); char label_text[1024]; const char *s_ptr = label_time_text; char *d_ptr = label_text; while ( *s_ptr && ((d_ptr-label_text) < (unsigned int)sizeof(label_text)) ) { if ( *s_ptr == config.timestamp_code_char[0] ) { bool found_macro = false; switch ( *(s_ptr+1) ) { case 'N' : d_ptr += snprintf( d_ptr, sizeof(label_text)-(d_ptr-label_text), "%s", name ); found_macro = true; break; case 'Q' : d_ptr += snprintf( d_ptr, sizeof(label_text)-(d_ptr-label_text), "%s", trigger_data->trigger_showtext ); found_macro = true; break; case 'f' : d_ptr += snprintf( d_ptr, sizeof(label_text)-(d_ptr-label_text), "%02ld", ts_time->tv_usec/10000 ); found_macro = true; break; } if ( found_macro ) { s_ptr += 2; continue; } } *d_ptr++ = *s_ptr++; } *d_ptr = '\0'; ts_image->Annotate( label_text, label_coord, label_size ); } } bool Monitor::closeEvent() { if ( event ) { if ( function == RECORD || function == MOCORD ) { gettimeofday( &(event->EndTime()), NULL ); } delete event; video_store_data->recording = (struct timeval){0}; event = 0; return( true ); } return( false ); } unsigned int Monitor::DetectMotion( const Image &comp_image, Event::StringSet &zoneSet ) { bool alarm = false; unsigned int score = 0; if ( n_zones <= 0 ) return( alarm ); Storage *storage = this->getStorage(); if ( config.record_diag_images ) { static char diag_path[PATH_MAX] = ""; if ( !diag_path[0] ) { snprintf( diag_path, sizeof(diag_path), "%s/%d/diag-r.jpg", storage->Path(), id ); } ref_image.WriteJpeg( diag_path ); } ref_image.Delta( comp_image, &delta_image ); if ( config.record_diag_images ) { static char diag_path[PATH_MAX] = ""; if ( !diag_path[0] ) { snprintf( diag_path, sizeof(diag_path), "%s/%d/diag-d.jpg", storage->Path(), id ); } delta_image.WriteJpeg( diag_path ); } // Blank out all exclusion zones for ( int n_zone = 0; n_zone < n_zones; n_zone++ ) { Zone *zone = zones[n_zone]; // need previous alarmed state for preclusive zone, so don't clear just yet if (!zone->IsPreclusive()) zone->ClearAlarm(); if ( !zone->IsInactive() ) { continue; } Debug( 3, "Blanking inactive zone %s", zone->Label() ); delta_image.Fill( RGB_BLACK, zone->GetPolygon() ); } // Check preclusive zones first for ( int n_zone = 0; n_zone < n_zones; n_zone++ ) { Zone *zone = zones[n_zone]; if ( !zone->IsPreclusive() ) { continue; } int old_zone_score = zone->Score(); bool old_zone_alarmed = zone->Alarmed(); Debug( 3, "Checking preclusive zone %s - old score: %d, state: %s", zone->Label(),old_zone_score, zone->Alarmed()?"alarmed":"quiet" ); if ( zone->CheckAlarms( &delta_image ) ) { alarm = true; score += zone->Score(); zone->SetAlarm(); Debug( 3, "Zone is alarmed, zone score = %d", zone->Score() ); zoneSet.insert( zone->Label() ); //zone->ResetStats(); } else { // check if end of alarm if (old_zone_alarmed) { Debug(3, "Preclusive Zone %s alarm Ends. PrevĂ­ous score: %d", zone->Label(), old_zone_score); if (old_zone_score > 0) { zone->SetExtendAlarmCount(zone->GetExtendAlarmFrames()); } if (zone->CheckExtendAlarmCount()) { alarm=true; zone->SetAlarm(); } else { zone->ClearAlarm(); } } } } Coord alarm_centre; int top_score = -1; if ( alarm ) { alarm = false; score = 0; } else { // Find all alarm pixels in active zones for ( int n_zone = 0; n_zone < n_zones; n_zone++ ) { Zone *zone = zones[n_zone]; if ( !zone->IsActive() || zone->IsPreclusive()) { continue; } Debug( 3, "Checking active zone %s", zone->Label() ); if ( zone->CheckAlarms( &delta_image ) ) { alarm = true; score += zone->Score(); zone->SetAlarm(); Debug( 3, "Zone is alarmed, zone score = %d", zone->Score() ); zoneSet.insert( zone->Label() ); if ( config.opt_control && track_motion ) { if ( (int)zone->Score() > top_score ) { top_score = zone->Score(); alarm_centre = zone->GetAlarmCentre(); } } } } if ( alarm ) { for ( int n_zone = 0; n_zone < n_zones; n_zone++ ) { Zone *zone = zones[n_zone]; // Wasn't this zone already checked above? if ( !zone->IsInclusive() ) { continue; } Debug( 3, "Checking inclusive zone %s", zone->Label() ); if ( zone->CheckAlarms( &delta_image ) ) { alarm = true; score += zone->Score(); zone->SetAlarm(); Debug( 3, "Zone is alarmed, zone score = %d", zone->Score() ); zoneSet.insert( zone->Label() ); if ( config.opt_control && track_motion ) { if ( zone->Score() > (unsigned int)top_score ) { top_score = zone->Score(); alarm_centre = zone->GetAlarmCentre(); } } } } } else { // Find all alarm pixels in exclusive zones for ( int n_zone = 0; n_zone < n_zones; n_zone++ ) { Zone *zone = zones[n_zone]; if ( !zone->IsExclusive() ) { continue; } Debug( 3, "Checking exclusive zone %s", zone->Label() ); if ( zone->CheckAlarms( &delta_image ) ) { alarm = true; score += zone->Score(); zone->SetAlarm(); Debug( 3, "Zone is alarmed, zone score = %d", zone->Score() ); zoneSet.insert( zone->Label() ); } } } // end if alarm or not } if ( top_score > 0 ) { shared_data->alarm_x = alarm_centre.X(); shared_data->alarm_y = alarm_centre.Y(); Info( "Got alarm centre at %d,%d, at count %d", shared_data->alarm_x, shared_data->alarm_y, image_count ); } else { shared_data->alarm_x = shared_data->alarm_y = -1; } // This is a small and innocent hack to prevent scores of 0 being returned in alarm state return( score?score:alarm ); } bool Monitor::DumpSettings( char *output, bool verbose ) { output[0] = 0; sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Id : %d\n", id ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Name : %s\n", name ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Type : %s\n", camera->IsLocal()?"Local":(camera->IsRemote()?"Remote":"File") ); #if ZM_HAS_V4L if ( camera->IsLocal() ) { sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Device : %s\n", ((LocalCamera *)camera)->Device().c_str() ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Channel : %d\n", ((LocalCamera *)camera)->Channel() ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Standard : %d\n", ((LocalCamera *)camera)->Standard() ); } else #endif // ZM_HAS_V4L if ( camera->IsRemote() ) { sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Protocol : %s\n", ((RemoteCamera *)camera)->Protocol().c_str() ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Host : %s\n", ((RemoteCamera *)camera)->Host().c_str() ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Port : %s\n", ((RemoteCamera *)camera)->Port().c_str() ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Path : %s\n", ((RemoteCamera *)camera)->Path().c_str() ); } else if ( camera->IsFile() ) { sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Path : %s\n", ((FileCamera *)camera)->Path() ); } #if HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT else if ( camera->IsFfmpeg() ) { sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Path : %s\n", ((FfmpegCamera *)camera)->Path().c_str() ); } #endif // HAVE_LIBAVFORMAT sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Width : %d\n", camera->Width() ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Height : %d\n", camera->Height() ); #if ZM_HAS_V4L if ( camera->IsLocal() ) { sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Palette : %d\n", ((LocalCamera *)camera)->Palette() ); } #endif // ZM_HAS_V4L sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Colours : %d\n", camera->Colours() ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Subpixel Order : %d\n", camera->SubpixelOrder() ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Event Prefix : %s\n", event_prefix ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Label Format : %s\n", label_format ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Label Coord : %d,%d\n", label_coord.X(), label_coord.Y() ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Label Size : %d\n", label_size ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Image Buffer Count : %d\n", image_buffer_count ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Warmup Count : %d\n", warmup_count ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Pre Event Count : %d\n", pre_event_count ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Post Event Count : %d\n", post_event_count ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Stream Replay Buffer : %d\n", stream_replay_buffer ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Alarm Frame Count : %d\n", alarm_frame_count ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Section Length : %d\n", section_length ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Maximum FPS : %.2f\n", capture_delay?DT_PREC_3/capture_delay:0.0 ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Alarm Maximum FPS : %.2f\n", alarm_capture_delay?DT_PREC_3/alarm_capture_delay:0.0 ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Reference Blend %%ge : %d\n", ref_blend_perc ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Alarm Reference Blend %%ge : %d\n", alarm_ref_blend_perc ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Track Motion : %d\n", track_motion ); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Function: %d - %s\n", function, function==NONE?"None":( function==MONITOR?"Monitor Only":( function==MODECT?"Motion Detection":( function==RECORD?"Continuous Record":( function==MOCORD?"Continuous Record with Motion Detection":( function==NODECT?"Externally Triggered only, no Motion Detection":"Unknown" )))))); sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Zones : %d\n", n_zones ); for ( int i = 0; i < n_zones; i++ ) { zones[i]->DumpSettings( output+strlen(output), verbose ); } return( true ); } // bool Monitor::DumpSettings( char *output, bool verbose ) unsigned int Monitor::Colours() const { return( camera->Colours() ); } unsigned int Monitor::SubpixelOrder() const { return( camera->SubpixelOrder() ); } int Monitor::PrimeCapture() { return( camera->PrimeCapture() ); } int Monitor::PreCapture() { return( camera->PreCapture() ); } int Monitor::PostCapture() { return( camera->PostCapture() ); } Monitor::Orientation Monitor::getOrientation() const { return orientation; } Monitor::Snapshot *Monitor::getSnapshot() { return &image_buffer[ shared_data->last_write_index%image_buffer_count ]; } // Wait for camera to get an image, and then assign it as the base reference image. So this should be done as the first task in the analysis thread startup. void Monitor::get_ref_image() { while ( ( shared_data->last_write_index == (unsigned int)image_buffer_count ) && ( shared_data->last_write_time == 0 ) ) { Warning( "Waiting for capture daemon" ); usleep( 100000 ); } ref_image.Assign( width, height, camera->Colours(), camera->SubpixelOrder(), image_buffer[shared_data->last_write_index].image->Buffer(), camera->ImageSize()); }