#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # # ========================================================================== # # ZoneMinder VISCA Control Script, $Date$, $Revision$ # Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Philip Coombes # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ========================================================================== # # This script continuously monitors the recorded events for the given # monitor and applies any filters which would delete and/or upload # matching events # use strict; # ========================================================================== # # These are the elements you can edit to suit your installation # # ========================================================================== use constant LOG_FILE => ZM_PATH_LOGS.'/zmcontrol-visca.log'; # ========================================================================== use ZoneMinder; use Getopt::Long; use Device::SerialPort; $| = 1; $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/sh' if exists $ENV{SHELL}; delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; sub Usage { print( " Usage: zmcontrol-visca.pl "); exit( -1 ); } my $arg_string = join( " ", @ARGV ); my $device = "/dev/ttyS0"; my $address = 1; my $command; my ( $speed, $step ); my ( $xcoord, $ycoord ); my ( $panspeed, $tiltspeed ); my ( $panstep, $tiltstep ); my $preset; if ( !GetOptions( 'device=s'=>\$device, 'address=i'=>\$address, 'command=s'=>\$command, 'speed=i'=>\$speed, 'step=i'=>\$step, 'xcoord=i'=>\$xcoord, 'ycoord=i'=>\$ycoord, 'panspeed=i'=>\$panspeed, 'tiltspeed=i'=>\$tiltspeed, 'panstep=i'=>\$panstep, 'tiltstep=i'=>\$tiltstep, 'preset=i'=>\$preset ) ) { Usage(); } my $log_file = LOG_FILE; open( LOG, ">>$log_file" ) or die( "Can't open log file: $!" ); open( STDOUT, ">&LOG" ) || die( "Can't dup stdout: $!" ); select( STDOUT ); $| = 1; open( STDERR, ">&LOG" ) || die( "Can't dup stderr: $!" ); select( STDERR ); $| = 1; select( LOG ); $| = 1; print( $arg_string."\n" ); srand( time() ); my $serial_port = new Device::SerialPort( $device ); $serial_port->baudrate(9600); $serial_port->databits(8); $serial_port->parity('none'); $serial_port->stopbits(1); $serial_port->handshake('rts'); $serial_port->stty_echo(0); #$serial_port->read_const_time(250); $serial_port->read_char_time(2); sub printMsg { my $msg = shift; my $prefix = shift || ""; $prefix = $prefix.": " if ( $prefix ); my $line_length = 16; my $msg_len = int(@$msg); print( $prefix ); for ( my $i = 0; $i < $msg_len; $i++ ) { if ( ($i > 0) && ($i%$line_length == 0) && ($i != ($msg_len-1)) ) { printf( "\n%*s", length($prefix), "" ); } printf( "%02x ", $msg->[$i] ); } print( "[".$msg_len."]\n" ); } sub sendCmd { my $cmd = shift; my $ack = shift || 0; my $cmp = shift || 0; my $result = undef; printMsg( $cmd, "Tx" ); my $id = $cmd->[0] & 0xf; my $tx_msg = pack( "C*", @$cmd ); #print( "Tx: ".length( $tx_msg )." bytes\n" ); my $n_bytes = $serial_port->write( $tx_msg ); if ( !$n_bytes ) { print( "Error, write failed: $!" ); } if ( $n_bytes != length($tx_msg) ) { print( "Error, incomplete write, only ".$n_bytes." of ".length($tx_msg)." written: $!" ); } if ( $ack ) { print( "Waiting for ack\n" ); my $max_wait = 3; my $now = time(); while( 1 ) { my ( $count, $rx_msg ) = $serial_port->read(4); if ( $count ) { #print( "Rx1: ".$count." bytes\n" ); my @resp = unpack( "C*", $rx_msg ); printMsg( \@resp, "Rx" ); if ( $resp[0] = 0x80 + ($id<<4) ) { if ( ($resp[1] & 0xf0) == 0x40 ) { my $socket = $resp[1] & 0x0f; print( "Got ack for socket $socket\n" ); $result = !undef; } else { printf( "Error, got bogus response\n" ); } last; } else { print( "Error, got message for camera ".(($resp[0]-0x80)>>4)."\n" ); } } if ( (time() - $now) > $max_wait ) { last; } } } if ( $cmp ) { print( "Waiting for command complete\n" ); my $max_wait = 10; my $now = time(); while( 1 ) { #print( "Waiting\n" ); my ( $count, $rx_msg ) = $serial_port->read(16); if ( $count ) { #print( "Rx1: ".$count." bytes\n" ); my @resp = unpack( "C*", $rx_msg ); printMsg( \@resp, "Rx" ); if ( $resp[0] = 0x80 + ($id<<4) ) { if ( ($resp[1] & 0xf0) == 0x50 ) { printf( "Got command complete\n" ); $result = !undef; } else { printf( "Error, got bogus response\n" ); } last; } else { print( "Error, got message for camera ".(($resp[0]-0x80)>>4)."\n" ); } } if ( (time() - $now) > $max_wait ) { last; } } } return( $result ); } my $sync = 0xff; sub cameraOff { print( "Camera Off\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x03, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub cameraOn { print( "Camera On\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x02, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub stop { print( "Stop\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x03, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub moveUp { print( "Move Up\n" ); my $speed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x01, 0x00, $speed, 0x03, 0x01, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub moveDown { print( "Move Down\n" ); my $speed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x01, 0x00, $speed, 0x03, 0x02, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub moveLeft { print( "Move Left\n" ); my $speed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x01, $speed, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub moveRight { print( "Move Right\n" ); my $speed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x01, $speed, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub moveUpLeft { print( "Move Up/Left\n" ); my $panspeed = shift || 0x40; my $tiltspeed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x01, $panspeed, $tiltspeed, 0x01, 0x01, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub moveUpRight { print( "Move Up/Right\n" ); my $panspeed = shift || 0x40; my $tiltspeed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x01, $panspeed, $tiltspeed, 0x02, 0x01, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub moveDownLeft { print( "Move Down/Left\n" ); my $panspeed = shift || 0x40; my $tiltspeed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x01, $panspeed, $tiltspeed, 0x01, 0x02, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub moveDownRight { print( "Move Down/Right\n" ); my $panspeed = shift || 0x40; my $tiltspeed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x01, $panspeed, $tiltspeed, 0x02, 0x02, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub stepUp { print( "Step Up\n" ); my $step = shift; my $speed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x03, 0x00, $speed, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ($step&0xf000)>>12, ($step&0x0f00)>>8, ($step&0x00f0)>>4, ($step&0x000f)>>0, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub stepDown { print( "Step Down\n" ); my $step = shift; $step = -$step; my $speed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x03, 0x00, $speed, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ($step&0xf000)>>12, ($step&0x0f00)>>8, ($step&0x00f0)>>4, ($step&0x000f)>>0, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub stepLeft { print( "Step Left\n" ); my $step = shift; $step = -$step; my $speed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x03, $speed, 0x00, ($step&0xf000)>>12, ($step&0x0f00)>>8, ($step&0x00f0)>>4, ($step&0x000f)>>0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub stepRight { print( "Step Right\n" ); my $step = shift; my $speed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x03, $speed, 0x00, ($step&0xf000)>>12, ($step&0x0f00)>>8, ($step&0x00f0)>>4, ($step&0x000f)>>0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub stepUpLeft { print( "Step Up/Left\n" ); my $panstep = shift; $panstep = -$panstep; my $tiltstep = shift; my $panspeed = shift || 0x40; my $tiltspeed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x03, $panspeed, $tiltspeed, ($panstep&0xf000)>>12, ($panstep&0x0f00)>>8, ($panstep&0x00f0)>>4, ($panstep&0x000f)>>0, ($tiltstep&0xf000)>>12, ($tiltstep&0x0f00)>>8, ($tiltstep&0x00f0)>>4, ($tiltstep&0x000f)>>0, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub stepUpRight { print( "Step Up/Right\n" ); my $panstep = shift; my $tiltstep = shift; my $panspeed = shift || 0x40; my $tiltspeed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x03, $panspeed, $tiltspeed, ($panstep&0xf000)>>12, ($panstep&0x0f00)>>8, ($panstep&0x00f0)>>4, ($panstep&0x000f)>>0, ($tiltstep&0xf000)>>12, ($tiltstep&0x0f00)>>8, ($tiltstep&0x00f0)>>4, ($tiltstep&0x000f)>>0, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub stepDownLeft { print( "Step Down/Left\n" ); my $panstep = shift; $panstep = -$panstep; my $tiltstep = shift; $tiltstep = -$tiltstep; my $panspeed = shift || 0x40; my $tiltspeed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x03, $panspeed, $tiltspeed, ($panstep&0xf000)>>12, ($panstep&0x0f00)>>8, ($panstep&0x00f0)>>4, ($panstep&0x000f)>>0, ($tiltstep&0xf000)>>12, ($tiltstep&0x0f00)>>8, ($tiltstep&0x00f0)>>4, ($tiltstep&0x000f)>>0, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub stepDownRight { print( "Step Down/Right\n" ); my $panstep = shift; my $tiltstep = shift; $tiltstep = -$tiltstep; my $panspeed = shift || 0x40; my $tiltspeed = shift || 0x40; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x03, $panspeed, $tiltspeed, ($panstep&0xf000)>>12, ($panstep&0x0f00)>>8, ($panstep&0x00f0)>>4, ($panstep&0x000f)>>0, ($tiltstep&0xf000)>>12, ($tiltstep&0x0f00)>>8, ($tiltstep&0x00f0)>>4, ($tiltstep&0x000f)>>0, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub zoomTele { print( "Zoom Tele\n" ); my $speed = shift || 0x06; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x07, 0x20|$speed, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub zoomWide { print( "Zoom Wide\n" ); my $speed = shift || 0x06; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x07, 0x30|$speed, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub zoomStop { print( "Zoom Stop\n" ); my $speed = shift || 0x06; my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x07, 0x00, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub focusNear { print( "Focus Near\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x08, 0x03, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub focusFar { print( "Focus Far\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x08, 0x02, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub focusStop { print( "Focus Far\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x08, 0x00, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub focusAuto { print( "Focus Auto\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x38, 0x02, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub focusMan { print( "Focus Man\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x38, 0x03, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub presetClear { my $preset = shift || 1; print( "Clear Preset $preset\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x3f, 0x00, $preset, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub presetSet { my $preset = shift || 1; print( "Set Preset $preset\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x3f, 0x01, $preset, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub presetGoto { my $preset = shift || 1; print( "Goto Preset $preset\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x04, 0x3f, 0x02, $preset, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } sub presetHome { print( "Home Preset\n" ); my @msg = ( 0x80|$address, 0x01, 0x06, 0x04, $sync ); sendCmd( \@msg ); } if ( $command eq "move_con_up" ) { moveUp( $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_con_down" ) { moveDown( $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_con_left" ) { moveLeft( $panspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_con_right" ) { moveRight( $panspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_con_upleft" ) { moveUpLeft( $panspeed, $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_con_upright" ) { moveUpRight( $panspeed, $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_con_downleft" ) { moveDownLeft( $panspeed, $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_con_downright" ) { moveDownLeft( $panspeed, $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_stop" ) { stop(); } elsif ( $command eq "move_rel_up" ) { stepUp( $tiltstep, $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_rel_down" ) { stepDown( $tiltstep, $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_rel_left" ) { stepLeft( $panstep, $panspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_rel_right" ) { stepRight( $panstep, $panspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_rel_upleft" ) { stepUpLeft( $panstep, $tiltstep, $panspeed, $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_rel_upright" ) { stepUpRight( $panstep, $tiltstep, $panspeed, $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_rel_downleft" ) { stepDownLeft( $panstep, $tiltstep, $panspeed, $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "move_rel_downright" ) { stepDownRight( $panstep, $tiltstep, $panspeed, $tiltspeed ); } elsif ( $command eq "zoom_con_tele" ) { zoomTele( $speed ); } elsif ( $command eq "zoom_con_wide" ) { zoomWide( $speed ); } elsif ( $command eq "zoom_stop" ) { zoomStop(); } elsif ( $command eq "focus_con_near" ) { focusNear(); } elsif ( $command eq "focus_con_far" ) { focusFar(); } elsif ( $command eq "focus_stop" ) { focusStop(); } elsif ( $command eq "focus_auto" ) { focusAuto(); } elsif ( $command eq "focus_man" ) { focusMan(); } elsif ( $command eq "preset_home" ) { presetHome(); } elsif ( $command eq "preset_set" ) { presetSet( $preset ); } elsif ( $command eq "preset_goto" ) { presetGoto( $preset ); } else { print( "Error, can't handle command $command\n" ); } $serial_port->close();