#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # # ========================================================================== # # ZoneMinder X10 Control Script, $Date$, $Revision$ # Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Philip Coombes # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ========================================================================== # # This script controls the monitoring of the X10 interface and the consequent # management of the ZM daemons based on the receipt of X10 signals. # use strict; use bytes; # ========================================================================== # # These are the elements you can edit to suit your installation # # ========================================================================== use constant X10_SOCK_FILE => ZM_PATH_SOCKS.'/zmx10.sock'; use constant X10_LOG_FILE => ZM_PATH_LOGS.'/zmx10.log'; use constant VERBOSE => 0; # Whether to output more verbose debug # ========================================================================== # # Don't change anything below here # # ========================================================================== use ZoneMinder; use POSIX; use Socket; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; $| = 1; $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/sh' if exists $ENV{SHELL}; delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; sub Usage { print( " Usage: zmx10.pl -c ,--command= [-u ,--unit-code=] Parameters are :- -c , --command= - Command to issue, one of 'on','off','dim','bright','status','shutdown' -u , --unit-code= - Unit code to act on required for all commands except 'status' (optional) and 'shutdown' "); exit( -1 ); } my $command; my $unit_code; if ( !GetOptions( 'command=s'=>\$command, 'unit-code=i'=>\$unit_code ) ) { Usage(); } die( "No command given" ) unless( $command ); die( "No unit code given" ) unless( $unit_code || ($command =~ /(?:start|status|shutdown)/) ); if ( $command eq "start" ) { X10Server::runServer(); exit(); } socket( CLIENT, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) or die( "Can't open socket: $!" ); my $saddr = sockaddr_un( X10_SOCK_FILE ); if ( !connect( CLIENT, $saddr ) ) { # The server isn't there print( "Unable to connect, starting server\n" ); close( CLIENT ); if ( my $cpid = fork() ) { # Parent process just sleep and fall through sleep( 2 ); socket( CLIENT, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) or die( "Can't open socket: $!" ); connect( CLIENT, $saddr ) or die( "Can't connect: $!" ); } elsif ( defined($cpid) ) { setpgrp(); X10Server::runServer(); } else { die( "Can't fork: $!" ); } } # The server is there, connect to it #print( "Writing commands\n" ); CLIENT->autoflush(); my $message = "$command"; $message .= ";$unit_code" if ( $unit_code ); print( CLIENT $message ); shutdown( CLIENT, 1 ); while ( my $line = ) { chomp( $line ); print( "$line\n" ); } close( CLIENT ); #print( "Finished writing, bye\n" ); exit; # # ========================================================================== # # This is the X10 Server package # # ========================================================================== # package X10Server; use strict; use bytes; use POSIX; use DBI; use Socket; use X10::ActiveHome; use Data::Dumper; our $dbh; our $x10; our %monitor_hash; our %device_hash; our %pending_tasks; sub runServer { my $log_file = main::X10_LOG_FILE; open( LOG, ">>$log_file" ) or die( "Can't open log file: $!" ); open( STDOUT, ">&LOG" ) || die( "Can't dup stdout: $!" ); select( STDOUT ); $| = 1; open( STDERR, ">&LOG" ) || die( "Can't dup stderr: $!" ); select( STDERR ); $| = 1; select( LOG ); $| = 1; print( "X10 server starting at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime() )."\n" ); socket( SERVER, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) or die( "Can't open socket: $!" ); unlink( main::X10_SOCK_FILE ); my $saddr = sockaddr_un( main::X10_SOCK_FILE ); bind( SERVER, $saddr ) or die( "Can't bind: $!" ); listen( SERVER, SOMAXCONN ) or die( "Can't listen: $!" ); $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:database=".main::ZM_DB_NAME.";host=".main::ZM_DB_SERVER, main::ZM_DB_USER, main::ZM_DB_PASS ); $x10 = new X10::ActiveHome( port=>main::ZM_X10_DEVICE, house_code=>main::ZM_X10_HOUSE_CODE, debug=>1 ); loadTasks(); $x10->register_listener( \&x10listen ); my $rin = ''; vec( $rin, fileno(SERVER),1) = 1; vec( $rin, $x10->select_fds(),1) = 1; my $timeout = 0.2; #print( "F:".fileno(SERVER)."\n" ); my $reload = undef; my $reload_count = 0; my $reload_limit = (main::ZM_X10_DB_RELOAD_INTERVAL)/$timeout; while( 1 ) { my $nfound = select( my $rout = $rin, undef, undef, $timeout ); #print( "Off select, NF:$nfound, ER:$!\n" ); #print( vec( $rout, fileno(SERVER),1)."\n" ); #print( vec( $rout, $x10->select_fds(),1)."\n" ); if ( $nfound > 0 ) { if ( vec( $rout, fileno(SERVER),1) ) { my $paddr = accept( CLIENT, SERVER ); my $message = ; my ( $command, $unit_code ) = split( ';', $message ); my $device; if ( defined($unit_code) ) { if ( $unit_code < 1 || $unit_code > 16 ) { dprint( "Error, invalid unit code '$unit_code'\n" ); next; } $device = $device_hash{$unit_code}; if ( !$device ) { $device = $device_hash{$unit_code} = { appliance=>$x10->Appliance( unit_code=>$unit_code ), status=>'unknown' }; } } my $result; if ( $command eq 'on' ) { $result = $device->{appliance}->on(); } elsif ( $command eq 'off' ) { $result = $device->{appliance}->off(); } #elsif ( $command eq 'dim' ) #{ #$result = $device->{appliance}->dim(); #} #elsif ( $command eq 'bright' ) #{ #$result = $device->{appliance}->bright(); #} elsif ( $command eq 'status' ) { if ( $device ) { dprint( $unit_code." ".$device->{status}."\n" ); } else { foreach my $unit_code ( sort( keys(%device_hash) ) ) { my $device = $device_hash{$unit_code}; dprint( $unit_code." ".$device->{status}."\n" ); } } } elsif ( $command eq 'shutdown' ) { last; } else { dprint( "Error, invalid command '$command'\n" ); } if ( defined($result) ) { if ( 1 || $result ) { $device->{status} = uc($command); dprint( $device->{appliance}->address()." $command, ok\n" ); #x10listen( new X10::Event( sprintf("%s %s", $device->{appliance}->address, uc($command) ) ) ); } else { dprint( $device->{appliance}->address()." $command, failed\n" ); } } close( CLIENT ); } elsif ( vec( $rout, $x10->select_fds(),1) ) { $x10->handle_input(); } else { die( "Bogus descriptor" ); } } elsif ( $nfound < 0 ) { die( "Can't select: $!" ); } else { #print( "Select timed out\n" ); # Check for state changes foreach my $monitor_id ( sort(keys(%monitor_hash) ) ) { my $monitor = $monitor_hash{$monitor_id}; my $state; if ( !shmread( $monitor->{ShmId}, $state, 8, 4 ) ) { print( "Can't read from shared memory: $!\n" ); $reload = !undef; next; } $state = unpack( "l", $state ); if ( defined( $monitor->{LastState} ) ) { my $task_list; if ( $state == 2 && $monitor->{LastState} == 0 ) # Gone into alarm state { print( "Applying ON_list for $monitor_id\n" ) if ( main::VERBOSE ); $task_list = $monitor->{"ON_list"}; } elsif ( $state == 0 && $monitor->{LastState} > 0 ) # Come out of alarm state { print( "Applying OFF_list for $monitor_id\n" ) if ( main::VERBOSE ); $task_list = $monitor->{"OFF_list"}; } if ( $task_list ) { foreach my $task ( @$task_list ) { processTask( $task ); } } } $monitor->{LastState} = $state; } # Check for pending tasks my $now = time(); foreach my $activation_time ( sort(keys(%pending_tasks) ) ) { last if ( $activation_time > $now ); my $pending_list = $pending_tasks{$activation_time}; foreach my $task ( @$pending_list ) { processTask( $task ); } delete( $pending_tasks{$activation_time} ); } if ( $reload || ++$reload_count >= $reload_limit ) { loadTasks(); $reload = undef; $reload_count = 0; } } } print( "X10 server exiting at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime() )."\n" ); close( LOG ); close( SERVER ); exit(); } sub addToDeviceList { my $unit_code = shift; my $event = shift; my $monitor = shift; my $function = shift; my $limit = shift; print( "Adding to device list, uc:$unit_code, ev:$event, mo:$monitor, fu:$function, li:$limit\n" ) if ( main::VERBOSE ); my $device = $device_hash{$unit_code}; if ( !$device ) { $device = $device_hash{$unit_code} = { appliance=>$x10->Appliance( unit_code=>$unit_code ), status=>'unknown' }; } my $task = { type=>"device", monitor=>$monitor, function=>$function }; if ( $limit ) { $task->{limit} = $limit } my $task_list = $device->{$event."_list"}; if ( !$task_list ) { $task_list = $device->{$event."_list"} = []; } push( @$task_list, $task ); } sub addToMonitorList { my $monitor = shift; my $event = shift; my $unit_code = shift; my $function = shift; my $limit = shift; print( "Adding to monitor list, uc:$unit_code, ev:$event, mo:$monitor, fu:$function, li:$limit\n" ) if ( main::VERBOSE ); my $device = $device_hash{$unit_code}; if ( !$device ) { $device = $device_hash{$unit_code} = { appliance=>$x10->Appliance( unit_code=>$unit_code ), status=>'unknown' }; } my $task = { type=>"monitor", device=>$device, function=>$function }; if ( $limit ) { $task->{limit} = $limit; } my $task_list = $monitor->{$event."_list"}; if ( !$task_list ) { $task_list = $monitor->{$event."_list"} = []; } push( @$task_list, $task ); } sub loadTasks { %monitor_hash = (); print( "Loading tasks\n" ) if ( main::VERBOSE ); # Clear out all old device task lists foreach my $unit_code ( sort( keys(%device_hash) ) ) { my $device = $device_hash{$unit_code}; $device->{ON_list} = []; $device->{OFF_list} = []; } my $sql = "select M.*,T.* from Monitors as M inner join TriggersX10 as T on (M.Id = T.MonitorId) where find_in_set( M.Function, 'Modect,Record,Mocord' ) and M.RunMode = 'Triggered' and find_in_set( 'X10', M.Triggers )"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or die( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute() or die( "Can't execute: ".$sth->errstr() ); while( my $monitor = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { my $size = 512; # We only need the first 512 bytes really for the alarm state and forced alarm $monitor->{ShmKey} = hex(main::ZM_SHM_KEY)|$monitor->{Id}; $monitor->{ShmId} = shmget( $monitor->{ShmKey}, $size, 0 ); if ( !defined($monitor->{ShmId}) ) { print( "Can't get shared memory id '$monitor->{ShmKey}': $!\n" ); next; } $monitor_hash{$monitor->{Id}} = $monitor; if ( $monitor->{Activation} ) { print( "$monitor->{Name} has active string '$monitor->{Activation}'\n" ) if ( main::VERBOSE ); foreach my $code_string ( split( ',', $monitor->{Activation} ) ) { #print( "Code string: $code_string\n" ); my ( $invert, $unit_code, $modifier, $limit ) = ( $code_string =~ /^([!~])?(\d+)(?:([+-])(\d+)?)?$/ ); $limit = 0 if ( !$limit ); if ( $unit_code ) { if ( !$modifier || $modifier eq '+' ) { addToDeviceList( $unit_code, "ON", $monitor, !$invert?"start_active":"stop_active", $limit ); } if ( !$modifier || $modifier eq '-' ) { addToDeviceList( $unit_code, "OFF", $monitor, !$invert?"stop_active":"start_active", $limit ); } } } } if ( $monitor->{AlarmInput} ) { print( "$monitor->{Name} has alarm input string '$monitor->{AlarmInput}'\n" ) if ( main::VERBOSE ); foreach my $code_string ( split( ',', $monitor->{AlarmInput} ) ) { #print( "Code string: $code_string\n" ); my ( $invert, $unit_code, $modifier, $limit ) = ( $code_string =~ /^([!~])?(\d+)(?:([+-])(\d+)?)?$/ ); $limit = 0 if ( !$limit ); if ( $unit_code ) { if ( !$modifier || $modifier eq '+' ) { addToDeviceList( $unit_code, "ON", $monitor, !$invert?"start_alarm":"stop_alarm", $limit ); } if ( !$modifier || $modifier eq '-' ) { addToDeviceList( $unit_code, "OFF", $monitor, !$invert?"stop_alarm":"start_alarm", $limit ); } } } } if ( $monitor->{AlarmOutput} ) { print( "$monitor->{Name} has alarm output string '$monitor->{AlarmOutput}'\n" ) if ( main::VERBOSE ); foreach my $code_string ( split( ',', $monitor->{AlarmOutput} ) ) { #print( "Code string: $code_string\n" ); my ( $invert, $unit_code, $modifier, $limit ) = ( $code_string =~ /^([!~])?(\d+)(?:([+-])(\d+)?)?$/ ); $limit = 0 if ( !$limit ); if ( $unit_code ) { if ( !$modifier || $modifier eq '+' ) { addToMonitorList( $monitor, "ON", $unit_code, !$invert?"on":"off", $limit ); } if ( !$modifier || $modifier eq '-' ) { addToMonitorList( $monitor, "OFF", $unit_code, !$invert?"off":"on", $limit ); } } } } } } sub addPendingTask { my $task = shift; # Check whether we are just extending a previous pending task # and remove it if it's there foreach my $activation_time ( sort(keys(%pending_tasks) ) ) { my $pending_list = $pending_tasks{$activation_time}; my $new_pending_list = []; foreach my $pending_task ( @$pending_list ) { if ( $task->{type} ne $pending_task->{type} ) { push( @$new_pending_list, $pending_task ) } elsif ( $task->{type} eq "device" ) { if (( $task->{monitor}->{Id} != $pending_task->{monitor}->{Id} ) || ( $task->{function} ne $pending_task->{function} )) { push( @$new_pending_list, $pending_task ) } } elsif ( $task->{type} eq "monitor" ) { if (( $task->{device}->{appliance}->unit_code() != $pending_task->{device}->{appliance}->unit_code() ) || ( $task->{function} ne $pending_task->{function} )) { push( @$new_pending_list, $pending_task ) } } } if ( @$new_pending_list ) { $pending_tasks{$activation_time} = $new_pending_list; } else { delete( $pending_tasks{$activation_time} ); } } my $end_time = time() + $task->{limit}; my $pending_list = $pending_tasks{$end_time}; if ( !$pending_list ) { $pending_list = $pending_tasks{$end_time} = []; } my $pending_task; if ( $task->{type} eq "device" ) { $pending_task = { type=>$task->{type}, monitor=>$task->{monitor}, function=>$task->{function} }; $pending_task->{function} =~ s/start/stop/; } elsif ( $task->{type} eq "monitor" ) { $pending_task = { type=>$task->{type}, device=>$task->{device}, function=>$task->{function} }; $pending_task->{function} =~ s/on/off/; } push( @$pending_list, $pending_task ); } sub processTask { my $task = shift; if ( $task->{type} eq "device" ) { my ( $instruction, $class ) = ( $task->{function} =~ /^(.+)_(.+)$/ ); my @commands; if ( $class eq "active" ) { if ( $instruction eq "start" ) { push( @commands, main::ZM_PATH_BIN."/zmdc.pl start zma -m ".$task->{monitor}->{Id} ); push( @commands, main::ZM_PATH_BIN."/zmdc.pl start zmf -m ".$task->{monitor}->{Id} ); if ( main::ZM_OPT_FRAME_SERVER ) { } if ( $task->{limit} ) { addPendingTask( $task ); } } elsif( $instruction eq "stop" ) { $command = main::ZM_PATH_BIN."/zmdc.pl stop zma -m ".$task->{monitor}->{Id}; push( @commands, main::ZM_PATH_BIN."/zmdc.pl stop zma -m ".$task->{monitor}->{Id} ); push( @commands, main::ZM_PATH_BIN."/zmdc.pl stop zmf -m ".$task->{monitor}->{Id} ); } } elsif( $class eq "alarm" ) { if ( $instruction eq "start" ) { #$command = main::ZM_PATH_BIN."/zmu --monitor ".$task->{monitor}->{Id}." --alarm"; my $force_data = pack( "llZ*", 1, 0, "X10" ); if ( !shmwrite( $task->{monitor}->{ShmId}, $force_data, 52, 12 ) ) { print( "Can't write to shared memory: $!\n" ); } if ( $task->{limit} ) { addPendingTask( $task ); } } elsif( $instruction eq "stop" ) { #$command = main::ZM_PATH_BIN."/zmu --monitor ".$task->{monitor}->{Id}." --cancel"; my $force_data = pack( "llZ*", 0, 0, "" ); if ( !shmwrite( $task->{monitor}->{ShmId}, $force_data, 52, 12 ) ) { print( "Can't write to shared memory: $!\n" ); } } } foreach my $command ( @commands ) { print( "Executing command '$command'\n" ); qx( $command ); } } elsif( $task->{type} eq "monitor" ) { if ( $task->{function} eq "on" ) { $task->{device}->{appliance}->on(); if ( $task->{limit} ) { addPendingTask( $task ); } } elsif ( $task->{function} eq "off" ) { $task->{device}->{appliance}->off(); } } } sub dprint { if ( fileno(CLIENT) ) { print CLIENT @_ } print @_; } sub x10listen { foreach my $event ( @_ ) { #print( Data::Dumper( $_ )."\n" ); if ( $event->house_code() eq main::ZM_X10_HOUSE_CODE ) { my $unit_code = $event->unit_code(); my $device = $device_hash{$unit_code}; if ( !$device ) { $device = $device_hash{$unit_code} = { appliance=>$x10->Appliance( unit_code=>$unit_code ), status=>'unknown' }; } next if ( $event->func() !~ /(?:ON|OFF)/ ); $device->{status} = $event->func(); my $task_list = $device->{$event->func()."_list"}; if ( $task_list ) { foreach my $task ( @$task_list ) { processTask( $task ); } } } print( strftime( "%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime() )." - ".$event->as_string()."\n" ); } } 1;