AC_INIT(zm,1.22.0,,ZoneMinder) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(src/zm.h) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) PATH_BUILD=`pwd` AC_SUBST(PATH_BUILD) TIME_BUILD=`date +'%s'` AC_SUBST(TIME_BUILD) AC_ARG_VAR(ZM_DB_HOST,[Hostname where ZoneMinder database located]) AC_ARG_VAR(ZM_DB_NAME,[Name of ZoneMinder database]) AC_ARG_VAR(ZM_DB_USER,[Name of ZoneMinder database user]) AC_ARG_VAR(ZM_DB_PASS,[Password of ZoneMinder database user]) if test "$ZM_DB_HOST" == ""; then AC_SUBST(ZM_DB_HOST,[localhost]) fi if test "$ZM_DB_NAME" == ""; then AC_SUBST(ZM_DB_NAME,[zm]) fi if test "$ZM_DB_USER" == ""; then AC_SUBST(ZM_DB_USER,[zmuser]) fi if test "$ZM_DB_PASS" == ""; then AC_SUBST(ZM_DB_PASS,[zmpass]) fi MYSQL_PREFIX=/usr AC_ARG_WITH(mysql, [ --with-mysql= prefix of MySQL installation, default /usr], [MYSQL_PREFIX=$with_mysql], AC_MSG_WARN([You can call configure with the --with-mysql option. This tells configure where to find the MySql C library and headers if configure cannot locate them automatically.. e.g. --with-mysql=/usr/local or --with-mysql=/usr]) ) AC_SUBST(MYSQL_PREFIX) MYSQL_LIBS="-L${MYSQL_PREFIX}/lib/mysql" MYSQL_CFLAGS="-I${MYSQL_PREFIX}/include" AC_SUBST(MYSQL_LIBS) AC_SUBST(MYSQL_CFLAGS) LDFLAGS="${MYSQL_LIBS} $LDFLAGS" FFMPEG_PREFIX=/usr # Ask for ffmpeg path:. AC_ARG_WITH(ffmpeg, [ --with-ffmpeg= prefix of ffmpeg root directory for libavcodec etc, default /usr], [FFMPEG_PREFIX=$with_ffmpeg], AC_MSG_WARN([You can call configure with the --with-ffmpeg option. This tells configure where to find the ffmpeg root directory within which are the libavcodec and libavformat files that can be used to build true MPEG streaming into ZoneMinder. Ensure that your copy of ffmpeg has installed libraries as well as binaries (use 'make installlib'). If you are using a local install of ffmpeg you may have to remove or rename a previous real installation as the headers and libraries from that will probably be picked up before your local copy. e.g. --with-ffmpeg=/usr/local]) ) AC_SUBST(FFMPEG_PREFIX) FFMPEG_LIBS="-L${FFMPEG_PREFIX}/lib" FFMPEG_CFLAGS="-I${FFMPEG_PREFIX}/include" AC_SUBST(FFMPEG_LIBS) AC_SUBST(FFMPEG_CFLAGS) LDFLAGS="${FFMPEG_LIBS} $LDFLAGS" EXTRA_LIBS= # Ask for extra libraries and paths:. AC_ARG_WITH(extralibs, [ --with-extralibs="" string containing extra libraries to pass to link, default empty], [EXTRA_LIBS=$with_extralibs], AC_MSG_WARN([You can call configure with the --with-extralibs option. Ordinarily you will need to use this option only when your copy of ffmpeg has been built with support for additional formats and you would use this option to detail which additional libraries ffmpeg was built with so that it is able to link successfully with ZoneMinder. You will need to wrap this option in quotes if it contains any spaces. e.g. --with-extralibs="-lmp3lame"]) ) AC_SUBST(EXTRA_LIBS) LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS ${EXTRA_LIBS}" # Ask user for path to web stuff:. AC_ARG_WITH(webdir, [ --with-webdir= prefix of web directory], [WEB_PREFIX=$with_webdir], AC_MSG_ERROR([You must call configure with the --with-webdir option. This tells configure where to install PHP and web files and scripts. e.g. --with-webdir=/var/www/html or --with-mysql=/www/vhtdocs/]) ) AC_SUBST(WEB_PREFIX) # Ask user for path to cgi stuff:. AC_ARG_WITH(cgidir, [ --with-cgidir= prefix of cgi directory], [CGI_PREFIX=$with_cgidir], AC_MSG_ERROR([You must call configure with the --with-cgidir option. This tells configure where to install cgi files and scripts. e.g. --with-cgidir=/var/www/cgi-bin or --with-mysql=/www/vhtdocs//cgi-bin]) ) AC_SUBST(CGI_PREFIX) WEB_USER=apache # Ask user for web user name:. AC_ARG_WITH(webuser, [ --with-webuser= name of web user, default apache], [WEB_USER=$with_webuser], AC_MSG_WARN([You can call configure with the --with-webuser option. This tells configure what the user name of the web user is if it is not the default of 'apache'. e.g. --with-webuser=apache or --with-webuser=web]) ) AC_SUBST(WEB_USER) WEB_GROUP=apache # Ask group for web group name:. AC_ARG_WITH(webgroup, [ --with-webgroup= name of web group, default apache], [WEB_GROUP=$with_webgroup], AC_MSG_WARN([You can call configure with the --with-webgroup option. This tells configure what the group name of the web group is if it is not the default of 'apache'. e.g. --with-webgroup=apache or --with-webgroup=web]) ) AC_SUBST(WEB_GROUP) ENABLE_DEBUG=yes # Ask group for web group name:. AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, [ --enable-debug= enable or disabled debug, default enabled], [ENABLE_DEBUG=$enable_debug], AC_MSG_WARN([You can call configure with the --enable-debug= or --disable-debug option. This tells configure whether to compile ZoneMinder with debug included. Although debug is included by default it is not output unless explicitly switched on elsewhere. These checks may induce a small penalty on performance and if you are after squeezing the maximum possible performance out of ZoneMinder you may use this switch to prevent debug from being compiled in. e.g. --enable-debug=yes or --disable-debug]) ) if test "$enable_debug" != "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(ZM_DBG_OFF,1,"Whether debug is switched off and compiled out") fi AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AC_HEADER_STDC AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS AC_SUBST(LDFLAGS) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(mysql/mysql.h,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires mysql/mysql.h),) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(pcre/pcre.h,,,) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(pcre.h,,,) AC_CHECK_DECLS(round,,,[#include ]) AC_CHECK_DECLS(strsignal,,,[#include ]) AC_CHECK_DECLS(MD5,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires openssl/md5.h),[#include ]) AC_CHECK_LIB(jpeg,jpeg_start_compress,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires libjpeg.a)) AC_CHECK_LIB(z,compress,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires libz.a)) AC_CHECK_LIB(dl,dlsym,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires libdl.a)) AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_init,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires libmysqlclient.a)) AC_CHECK_LIB(crypto,MD5,,AC_MSG_WARN(libcrypto.a is required for authenticated streaming)) AC_CHECK_LIB(pcre,pcre_compile,,AC_MSG_WARN(libpcre.a may be required for remote/network camera support)) AC_CHECK_LIB(avutil,ff_gcd,,AC_MSG_WARN(libavutil.a may be required for MPEG streaming)) AC_CHECK_LIB(avcodec,avcodec_init,,AC_MSG_WARN(libavcodec.a is required for MPEG streaming)) AC_CHECK_LIB(avformat,av_new_stream,,AC_MSG_WARN(libavformat.a is required for MPEG streaming),-lavcodec) AC_PROG_PERL_VERSION(5.6.0) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(Sys::Syslog,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires SYS:Syslog)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(DBI,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires DBI)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(DBD::mysql,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires DBD::mysql)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(Getopt::Long,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires Getopt::Long)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(Time::HiRes,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires Time::HiRes)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(Date::Manip,,AC_MSG_ERROR(zm requires Date::Manip)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(LWP::UserAgent,,AC_MSG_WARN(LWP::UserAgent is required for PTZ network camera control)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(Device::SerialPort,,AC_MSG_WARN(Device::SerialPort is required for RS232/RS485 PTZ camera control)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(Net::FTP,,AC_MSG_WARN(Net::FTP is required for automatic event uploading)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(Archive::Tar,,AC_MSG_WARN(Archive::Tar may be required for automatic event uploading)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(Archive::Zip,,AC_MSG_WARN(Archive::Zip may be required for automatic event uploading)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(Net::SMTP,,AC_MSG_WARN(Net::SMTP may be required for automatic event email notification)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(MIME::Lite,,AC_MSG_WARN(MIME::Lite may be required for automatic event email notification)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(MIME::Entity,,AC_MSG_WARN(MIME::Entity may be required for automatic event email notification)) AC_PROG_PERL_MODULES(X10::ActiveHome,,AC_MSG_WARN(X10::ActiveHome is required for X.10 support)) AC_DEFINE_DIR([BINDIR],[bindir],[Expanded binary directory]) AC_DEFINE_DIR([LIBDIR],[libdir],[Expanded library directory]) AC_DEFINE_DIR([SYSCONFDIR],[sysconfdir],[Expanded configuration directory]) AC_SUBST(ZM_CONFIG,"$SYSCONFDIR/zm.conf") AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile web/Makefile web/graphics/Makefile scripts/Makefile db/Makefile) AC_OUTPUT(zm.conf src/zm_config.h web/zm_config.php scripts/zm db/zmschema.sql db/zmdrop.sql) AC_OUTPUT(scripts/ZoneMinder/lib/ZoneMinder/ scripts/ZoneMinder/lib/ZoneMinder/ AC_CHECK_FILE(scripts/ZoneMinder/Makefile,,[cd scripts/ZoneMinder;perl Makefile.PL])