array( 'className' => 'Event', 'foreignKey' => 'EventId' ) ); public function createListThumbnail( $event, $overwrite=false) { $frame = $this->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array( 'EventId' => $event['Id'], 'Score' => $event['MaxScore'] ), 'order' => 'FrameId' )); if (!($frame)) { return ("Whoa now! Could not locate a frame for this event."); } $frameId = $frame['Frame']['FrameId']; $thumbWidth = Configure::read('ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_WIDTH'); $thumbHeight = Configure::read('ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_HEIGHT'); $scale = Configure::read('SCALE_BASE'); // Should we scale the thumbnail based on the width or height of the image? // By default, ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_WIDTH is set, ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_HEIGHT is not. if ($thumbWidth) { $scale = ($scale*$thumbWidth)/$event['Width']; $thumbHeight = $this->reScale($event['Height'], $scale); } elseif ($thumbHeight) { $scale = ($scale*$thumbHeight)/$event['Height']; $thumbWidth = $this->reScale($event['Width'], $scale); } else { return ("No thumbnail width or height specified, please check in Options->Web"); } // Get the path to the image on the filesystem $imageData = $this->getImageSrc( $event, $frame['Frame'], $scale, false, $overwrite ); $thumbData = $frame; $thumbData['Path'] = $imageData['thumbPath']; $thumbData['Width'] = (int)$thumbWidth; $thumbData['Height'] = (int)$thumbHeight; return ($thumbData); } } ?>