229 lines
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229 lines
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function MonitorStream(monitorData) {
this.id = monitorData.id;
this.connKey = monitorData.connKey;
this.url = monitorData.url;
this.width = monitorData.width;
this.height = monitorData.height;
this.status = null;
this.alarmState = STATE_IDLE;
this.lastAlarmState = STATE_IDLE;
this.streamCmdParms = {
view: 'request',
request: 'stream',
connkey: this.connKey
this.type = monitorData.type;
this.refresh = monitorData.refresh;
this.start = function(delay) {
// Step 1 make sure we are streaming instead of a static image
var stream = $j('#liveStream'+this.id);
if (!stream.length) {
console.log('No live stream');
stream = stream[0];
if ( !stream ) {
console.log('No live stream');
if ( !stream.src ) {
// Website Monitors won't have an img tag
console.log('No src for #liveStream'+this.id);
src = stream.src.replace(/mode=single/i, 'mode=jpeg');
if ( -1 == src.search('connkey') ) {
src += '&connkey='+this.connKey;
if ( stream.src != src ) {
console.log("Setting to streaming");
stream.src = '';
stream.src = src;
setTimeout(this.streamCmdQuery.bind(this), delay);
this.stop = function() {
if ( 0 ) {
var stream = $j('#liveStream'+this.id)[0];
if ( ! stream ) {
console.log('No live stream');
src = stream.src.replace(/mode=jpeg/i, 'mode=single');
if ( stream.src != src ) {
console.log("Setting to stopped");
stream.src = '';
stream.src = src;
this.streamCmdParms.command = CMD_STOP;
this.pause = function() {
this.streamCmdParms.command = CMD_PAUSE;
this.play = function() {
this.streamCmdParms.command = CMD_PLAY;
this.eventHandler = function(event) {
this.onclick = function(evt) {
var el = evt.currentTarget;
var id = el.getAttribute("data-monitor-id");
var url = '?view=watch&mid='+id;
this.setup_onclick = function() {
var el = document.getElementById('imageFeed'+this.id);
if ( el ) el.addEventListener('click', this.onclick, false);
this.disable_onclick = function() {
document.getElementById('imageFeed'+this.id).removeEventListener('click', this.onclick );
this.setStateClass = function(jobj, stateClass) {
if ( !jobj ) {
if ( !jobj.hasClass( stateClass ) ) {
if ( stateClass != 'alarm' ) jobj.removeClass('alarm');
if ( stateClass != 'alert' ) jobj.removeClass('alert');
if ( stateClass != 'idle' ) jobj.removeClass('idle');
this.onFailure = function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
setTimeout(this.streamCmdQuery.bind(this), 1000*statusRefreshTimeout);
logAjaxFail(jqxhr, textStatus, error);
this.getStreamCmdResponse = function(respObj, respText) {
var stream = $j('#liveStream'+this.id)[0];
if ( ! stream ) {
console.log('No live stream');
if ( respObj.result == 'Ok' ) {
if ( respObj.status ) {
this.status = respObj.status;
this.alarmState = this.status.state;
var stateClass = '';
if ( this.alarmState == STATE_ALARM ) {
stateClass = 'alarm';
} else if ( this.alarmState == STATE_ALERT ) {
stateClass = 'alert';
} else {
stateClass = 'idle';
if ( (
(typeof COMPACT_MONTAGE === 'undefined') ||
(this.type != 'WebSite')
) {
var fpsValue = $j('#fpsValue'+this.id);
var stateValue = $j('#stateValue'+this.id);
var monitorState = $j('#monitorState'+this.id);
if ( fpsValue.length ) fpsValue.text(this.status.fps);
if ( stateValue.length ) stateValue.text(stateStrings[this.alarmState]);
if ( monitorState.length ) this.setStateClass(monitorState, stateClass);
this.setStateClass($j('#monitor'+this.id), stateClass);
/*Stream could be an applet so can't use moo tools*/
//stream.parentNode().className = stateClass;
var isAlarmed = ( this.alarmState == STATE_ALARM || this.alarmState == STATE_ALERT );
var wasAlarmed = ( this.lastAlarmState == STATE_ALARM || this.lastAlarmState == STATE_ALERT );
var newAlarm = ( isAlarmed && !wasAlarmed );
var oldAlarm = ( !isAlarmed && wasAlarmed );
if ( newAlarm ) {
if ( false && SOUND_ON_ALARM ) {
// Enable the alarm sound
if ( (typeof POPUP_ON_ALARM !== 'undefined') && POPUP_ON_ALARM ) {
if ( false && SOUND_ON_ALARM ) {
if ( oldAlarm ) {
// Disable alarm sound
if ( this.status.auth ) {
if ( this.status.auth != auth_hash ) {
// Try to reload the image stream.
if ( stream ) {
stream.src = stream.src.replace(/auth=\w+/i, 'auth='+this.status.auth);
console.log("Changed auth from " + auth_hash + " to " + this.status.auth);
auth_hash = this.status.auth;
} // end if have a new auth hash
} // end if has state
} else {
// Try to reload the image stream.
if ( stream ) {
if ( stream.src ) {
console.log('Reloading stream: ' + stream.src);
src = stream.src.replace(/rand=\d+/i, 'rand='+Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000) ));
if ( src != stream.src ) {
stream.src = src;
} else {
console.log("Failed to update rand on stream src");
} else {
} else {
console.log('No stream to reload?');
} // end if Ok or not
this.lastAlarmState = this.alarmState;
setTimeout(this.streamCmdQuery.bind(this), statusRefreshTimeout);
this.streamCmdQuery = function(resent) {
//console.log("Starting CmdQuery for " + this.connKey );
if ( this.type != 'WebSite' ) {
this.streamCmdParms.command = CMD_QUERY;
if ( this.type != 'WebSite' ) {
this.streamCmdReq = function(streamCmdParms) {
if ( auth_hash ) {
this.streamCmdParms.auth = auth_hash;
} else if ( auth_relay ) {
this.streamCmdParms.auth_relay = '';
$j.ajaxSetup({timeout: AJAX_TIMEOUT});
$j.getJSON(this.url, streamCmdParms)
} // end function MonitorStream