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* config.php is created by Jai Dhar, FPS-Tech, for use with eyeZm
* iPhone application. This is not intended for use with any other applications,
* although source-code is provided under GPL.
* For questions, please email jdhar@eyezm.com (http://www.eyezm.com)
/* Static defines, these shouldn't change */
define ( "ZM_EYEZM_FEATURE_SET", "2");
/* Dynamic defines, check if they are already defined.
* To change a particular parameter default value, without using the
* Options Console, change the 2nd parameter of the define() block. */
/* Parm: ZM_EYEZM_EVENT_FPS: Sets the default FPS of the output videos for events */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_EVENT_FPS")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_EVENT_FPS", "10");
/* Parm: ZM_EYEZM_EVENT_VCODEC: Default video codec for generating event video. Can be mpeg4 or h264 */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_EVENT_VCODEC")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_EVENT_VCODEC", "mpeg4");
/* Parm: ZM_EYEZM_FEED_VCODEC: Default video codec of live feeds. Can be mjpeg or h264 */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_FEED_VCODEC")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_FEED_VCODEC", "mjpeg");
/* Parm: ZM_EYEZM_SEG_DURATION: H264 Live-streaming segment duration in seconds.
* Increase to improve feed smooth-ness, but will increase feed latency */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_SEG_DURATION")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_SEG_DURATION", "3");
/* Parm: ZM_EYEZM_DEBUG: Set to 1 to enable XML Debugging */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_DEBUG")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_DEBUG", "0" );
/* Parm: ZM_EYEZM_H264_MAX_DURATION: Maximum duration in seconds allowed for viewing H264 Streams.
* This is useful for systems that crash or stall when viewing H264 streams. After the timeout
* expires, the H264 stream will be killed if it has not by the user already */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_H264_MAX_DURATION")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_H264_MAX_DURATION", "120" );
/* Parm: ZM_EYEZM_DEFAULT_BR: Default bitrate of H264 live-feed (when selected).
* This parameter can be changed to anything FFMPEG supports. 64k is a good lower bound, and 392k
* a good upper */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_H264_DEFAULT_BR")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_H264_DEFAULT_BR", "96k" );
/* Parm: ZM_EYEZM_H264_TIMEOUT: How long to wait for H264 stream to be created. Increase
* this value for streams that take a while to create, or for slow systems that time-out frequently */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_H264_TIMEOUT")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_H264_TIMEOUT", "20" );
/* Parm: ZM_EYEZM_H264_DEFAULT_EVBR: Default bit-rate when creasing H264 Event videos */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_H264_DEFAULT_EVBR")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_H264_DEFAULT_EVBR", "128k" );
/* Logging defines */
/* Parm: ZM_EYEZM_LOG_TO_FILE: Set to 1 to log XML Debug output to a separate file, when
* ZM_EYEZM_DEBUG is set to 1. If set to 0, XML Logging will be directed to Apache error log */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_LOG_TO_FILE")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_LOG_TO_FILE", "1" );
/* Parm: ZM_EYEZM_LOG_FILE: Path to filename when LOG_TO_FILE is enabled */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_LOG_FILE")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_LOG_FILE", "/tmp/zm_xml.log" );
/* Parm: How many lines to display when viewing log from eyeZm */
if (!defined("ZM_EYEZM_LOG_LINES")) define ( "ZM_EYEZM_LOG_LINES", "50" );
$rates = array(
"10000" => "100x",
"5000" => "50x",
"2500" => "25x",
"1000" => "10x",
"400" => "4x",
"200" => "2x",
"100" => $SLANG['Real'],
"50" => "1/2x",
"25" => "1/4x",
$scales = array(
"400" => "4x",
"300" => "3x",
"200" => "2x",
"150" => "1.5x",
"100" => $SLANG['Actual'],
"75" => "3/4x",
"50" => "1/2x",
"33" => "1/3x",
"25" => "1/4x",
$bwArray = array(
"high" => $SLANG['High'],
"medium" => $SLANG['Medium'],
"low" => $SLANG['Low']
/* Check if ZM_WEB_L_CAN_STREAM and ZM_WEB_L_STREAM_METHOD are defined */
if (!defined("ZM_WEB_L_CAN_STREAM")) {
define ("ZM_WEB_L_CAN_STREAM", 1);
define ("ZM_WEB_M_CAN_STREAM", 1);
define ("ZM_WEB_H_CAN_STREAM", 1);
if (!defined("ZM_WEB_L_STREAM_METHOD")) {
define ("ZM_WEB_L_STREAM_METHOD", "jpeg");
define ("ZM_WEB_M_STREAM_METHOD", "jpeg");
define ("ZM_WEB_H_STREAM_METHOD", "jpeg");
switch ( $_COOKIE['zmBandwidth'] )
case "high" :
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_MAIN", ZM_WEB_H_REFRESH_MAIN ); // How often (in seconds) the main console window refreshes
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_CYCLE", ZM_WEB_H_REFRESH_CYCLE ); // How often the cycle watch windows swaps to the next monitor
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_IMAGE", ZM_WEB_H_REFRESH_IMAGE ); // How often the watched image is refreshed (if not streaming)
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_STATUS", ZM_WEB_H_REFRESH_STATUS ); // How often the little status frame refreshes itself in the watch window
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_EVENTS", ZM_WEB_H_REFRESH_EVENTS ); // How often the event listing is refreshed in the watch window, only for recent events
define( "ZM_WEB_CAN_STREAM", ZM_WEB_H_CAN_STREAM ); // Override the automatic detection of browser streaming capability
define( "ZM_WEB_STREAM_METHOD", ZM_WEB_H_STREAM_METHOD ); // Which method should be used to send video streams to your browser
define( "ZM_WEB_DEFAULT_SCALE", ZM_WEB_H_DEFAULT_SCALE ); // What the default scaling factor applied to 'live' or 'event' views is (%)
define( "ZM_WEB_DEFAULT_RATE", ZM_WEB_H_DEFAULT_RATE ); // What the default replay rate factor applied to 'event' views is (%)
define( "ZM_WEB_VIDEO_BITRATE", ZM_WEB_H_VIDEO_BITRATE ); // What the bitrate of any streamed video should be
define( "ZM_WEB_VIDEO_MAXFPS", ZM_WEB_H_VIDEO_MAXFPS ); // What the maximum frame rate of any streamed video should be
define( "ZM_WEB_SCALE_THUMBS", ZM_WEB_H_SCALE_THUMBS ); // Image scaling for thumbnails, bandwidth versus cpu in rescaling
define( "ZM_WEB_EVENTS_VIEW", ZM_WEB_H_EVENTS_VIEW ); // What the default view of multiple events should be.
define( "ZM_WEB_SHOW_PROGRESS", ZM_WEB_H_SHOW_PROGRESS ); // Whether to show the progress of replay in event view.
define( "ZM_WEB_AJAX_TIMEOUT", ZM_WEB_H_AJAX_TIMEOUT ); // Timeout to use for Ajax requests, no timeout used if unset
case "medium" :
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_MAIN", ZM_WEB_M_REFRESH_MAIN ); // How often (in seconds) the main console window refreshes
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_CYCLE", ZM_WEB_M_REFRESH_CYCLE ); // How often the cycle watch windows swaps to the next monitor
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_IMAGE", ZM_WEB_M_REFRESH_IMAGE ); // How often the watched image is refreshed (if not streaming)
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_STATUS", ZM_WEB_M_REFRESH_STATUS ); // How often the little status frame refreshes itself in the watch window
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_EVENTS", ZM_WEB_M_REFRESH_EVENTS ); // How often the event listing is refreshed in the watch window, only for recent events
define( "ZM_WEB_CAN_STREAM", ZM_WEB_M_CAN_STREAM ); // Override the automatic detection of browser streaming capability
define( "ZM_WEB_STREAM_METHOD", ZM_WEB_M_STREAM_METHOD ); // Which method should be used to send video streams to your browser
define( "ZM_WEB_DEFAULT_SCALE", ZM_WEB_M_DEFAULT_SCALE ); // What the default scaling factor applied to 'live' or 'event' views is (%)
define( "ZM_WEB_DEFAULT_RATE", ZM_WEB_M_DEFAULT_RATE ); // What the default replay rate factor applied to 'event' views is (%)
define( "ZM_WEB_VIDEO_BITRATE", ZM_WEB_M_VIDEO_BITRATE ); // What the bitrate of any streamed video should be
define( "ZM_WEB_VIDEO_MAXFPS", ZM_WEB_M_VIDEO_MAXFPS ); // What the maximum frame rate of any streamed video should be
define( "ZM_WEB_SCALE_THUMBS", ZM_WEB_M_SCALE_THUMBS ); // Image scaling for thumbnails, bandwidth versus cpu in rescaling
define( "ZM_WEB_EVENTS_VIEW", ZM_WEB_M_EVENTS_VIEW ); // What the default view of multiple events should be.
define( "ZM_WEB_SHOW_PROGRESS", ZM_WEB_M_SHOW_PROGRESS ); // Whether to show the progress of replay in event view.
define( "ZM_WEB_AJAX_TIMEOUT", ZM_WEB_M_AJAX_TIMEOUT ); // Timeout to use for Ajax requests, no timeout used if unset
case "low" :
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_MAIN", ZM_WEB_L_REFRESH_MAIN ); // How often (in seconds) the main console window refreshes
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_CYCLE", ZM_WEB_L_REFRESH_CYCLE ); // How often the cycle watch windows swaps to the next monitor
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_IMAGE", ZM_WEB_L_REFRESH_IMAGE ); // How often the watched image is refreshed (if not streaming)
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_STATUS", ZM_WEB_L_REFRESH_STATUS ); // How often the little status frame refreshes itself in the watch window
define( "ZM_WEB_REFRESH_EVENTS", ZM_WEB_L_REFRESH_EVENTS ); // How often the event listing is refreshed in the watch window, only for recent events
define( "ZM_WEB_CAN_STREAM", ZM_WEB_L_CAN_STREAM ); // Override the automatic detection of browser streaming capability
define( "ZM_WEB_STREAM_METHOD", ZM_WEB_L_STREAM_METHOD ); // Which method should be used to send video streams to your browser
define( "ZM_WEB_DEFAULT_SCALE", ZM_WEB_L_DEFAULT_SCALE ); // What the default scaling factor applied to 'live' or 'event' views is (%)
define( "ZM_WEB_DEFAULT_RATE", ZM_WEB_L_DEFAULT_RATE ); // What the default replay rate factor applied to 'event' views is (%)
define( "ZM_WEB_VIDEO_BITRATE", ZM_WEB_L_VIDEO_BITRATE ); // What the bitrate of any streamed video should be
define( "ZM_WEB_VIDEO_MAXFPS", ZM_WEB_L_VIDEO_MAXFPS ); // What the maximum frame rate of any streamed video should be
define( "ZM_WEB_SCALE_THUMBS", ZM_WEB_L_SCALE_THUMBS ); // Image scaling for thumbnails, bandwidth versus cpu in rescaling
define( "ZM_WEB_EVENTS_VIEW", ZM_WEB_L_EVENTS_VIEW ); // What the default view of multiple events should be.
define( "ZM_WEB_SHOW_PROGRESS", ZM_WEB_L_SHOW_PROGRESS ); // Whether to show the progress of replay in event view.
define( "ZM_WEB_AJAX_TIMEOUT", ZM_WEB_L_AJAX_TIMEOUT ); // Timeout to use for Ajax requests, no timeout used if unset