
586 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

// ZoneMinder Ffmpeg Camera Class Implementation, $Date: 2009-01-16 12:18:50 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jan 2009) $, $Revision: 2713 $
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "zm.h"
#include "zm_ffmpeg_camera.h"
extern "C"{
#include "libavutil/time.h"
FfmpegCamera::FfmpegCamera( int p_id, const std::string &p_path, const std::string &p_method, const std::string &p_options, int p_width, int p_height, int p_colours, int p_brightness, int p_contrast, int p_hue, int p_colour, bool p_capture ) :
Camera( p_id, FFMPEG_SRC, p_width, p_height, p_colours, ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_DEFAULT_FOR_COLOUR(p_colours), p_brightness, p_contrast, p_hue, p_colour, p_capture ),
mPath( p_path ),
mMethod( p_method ),
mOptions( p_options )
if ( capture )
mFormatContext = NULL;
mVideoStreamId = -1;
mAudioStreamId = -1;
mCodecContext = NULL;
mCodec = NULL;
mRawFrame = NULL;
mFrame = NULL;
frameCount = 0;
mIsOpening = false;
mCanCapture = false;
mOpenStart = 0;
mReopenThread = 0;
wasRecording = false;
mConvertContext = NULL;
/* Has to be located inside the constructor so other components such as zma will receive correct colours and subpixel order */
if(colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB32) {
subpixelorder = ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_RGBA;
imagePixFormat = PIX_FMT_RGBA;
} else if(colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB24) {
subpixelorder = ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_RGB;
imagePixFormat = PIX_FMT_RGB24;
} else if(colours == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8) {
subpixelorder = ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_NONE;
imagePixFormat = PIX_FMT_GRAY8;
} else {
Panic("Unexpected colours: %d",colours);
if ( capture )
void FfmpegCamera::Initialise()
if ( logDebugging() )
av_log_set_level( AV_LOG_DEBUG );
av_log_set_level( AV_LOG_QUIET );
void FfmpegCamera::Terminate()
int FfmpegCamera::PrimeCapture()
mVideoStreamId = -1;
mAudioStreamId = -1;
Info( "Priming capture from %s", mPath.c_str() );
if (OpenFfmpeg() != 0){
return 0;
int FfmpegCamera::PreCapture()
// Nothing to do here
return( 0 );
int FfmpegCamera::Capture( Image &image )
if (!mCanCapture){
return -1;
// If the reopen thread has a value, but mCanCapture != 0, then we have just reopened the connection to the ffmpeg device, and we can clean up the thread.
if (mReopenThread != 0) {
void *retval = 0;
int ret;
ret = pthread_tryjoin_np(mReopenThread, &retval);
if (ret != 0){
Error("Could not join reopen thread.");
Info( "Successfully reopened stream." );
mReopenThread = 0;
AVPacket packet;
uint8_t* directbuffer;
/* Request a writeable buffer of the target image */
directbuffer = image.WriteBuffer(width, height, colours, subpixelorder);
if(directbuffer == NULL) {
Error("Failed requesting writeable buffer for the captured image.");
return (-1);
int frameComplete = false;
while ( !frameComplete )
int avResult = av_read_frame( mFormatContext, &packet );
if ( avResult < 0 )
av_strerror(avResult, errbuf, AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE);
if (
// Check if EOF.
(avResult == AVERROR_EOF || (mFormatContext->pb && mFormatContext->pb->eof_reached)) ||
// Check for Connection failure.
(avResult == -110)
Info( "av_read_frame returned \"%s\". Reopening stream.", errbuf);
Error( "Unable to read packet from stream %d: error %d \"%s\".", packet.stream_index, avResult, errbuf );
return( -1 );
Debug( 5, "Got packet from stream %d", packet.stream_index );
if ( packet.stream_index == mVideoStreamId )
if ( avcodec_decode_video2( mCodecContext, mRawFrame, &frameComplete, &packet ) < 0 )
if ( avcodec_decode_video( mCodecContext, mRawFrame, &frameComplete,, packet.size ) < 0 )
Fatal( "Unable to decode frame at frame %d", frameCount );
Debug( 4, "Decoded video packet at frame %d", frameCount );
if ( frameComplete )
Debug( 3, "Got frame %d", frameCount );
avpicture_fill( (AVPicture *)mFrame, directbuffer, imagePixFormat, width, height);
if(mConvertContext == NULL) {
if(config.cpu_extensions && sseversion >= 20) {
mConvertContext = sws_getContext( mCodecContext->width, mCodecContext->height, mCodecContext->pix_fmt, width, height, imagePixFormat, SWS_BICUBIC | SWS_CPU_CAPS_SSE2, NULL, NULL, NULL );
} else {
mConvertContext = sws_getContext( mCodecContext->width, mCodecContext->height, mCodecContext->pix_fmt, width, height, imagePixFormat, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if(mConvertContext == NULL)
Fatal( "Unable to create conversion context for %s", mPath.c_str() );
if ( sws_scale( mConvertContext, mRawFrame->data, mRawFrame->linesize, 0, mCodecContext->height, mFrame->data, mFrame->linesize ) < 0 )
Fatal( "Unable to convert raw format %u to target format %u at frame %d", mCodecContext->pix_fmt, imagePixFormat, frameCount );
Fatal( "You must compile ffmpeg with the --enable-swscale option to use ffmpeg cameras" );
av_free_packet( &packet );
return (0);
int FfmpegCamera::PostCapture()
// Nothing to do here
return( 0 );
int FfmpegCamera::OpenFfmpeg() {
Debug ( 2, "OpenFfmpeg called." );
mOpenStart = time(NULL);
mIsOpening = true;
// Open the input, not necessarily a file
Debug ( 1, "Calling av_open_input_file" );
if ( av_open_input_file( &mFormatContext, mPath.c_str(), NULL, 0, NULL ) !=0 )
// Handle options
AVDictionary *opts = 0;
StringVector opVect = split(Options(), ",");
// Set transport method as specified by method field, rtpUni is default
if ( Method() == "rtpMulti" )
else if ( Method() == "rtpRtsp" )
else if ( Method() == "rtpRtspHttp" )
Debug(2, "Number of Options: %d",opVect.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<opVect.size(); i++)
StringVector parts = split(opVect[i],"=");
if (parts.size() > 1) {
parts[0] = trimSpaces(parts[0]);
parts[1] = trimSpaces(parts[1]);
if ( av_dict_set(&opts, parts[0].c_str(), parts[1].c_str(), 0) == 0 ) {
Debug(2, "set option %d '%s' to '%s'", i, parts[0].c_str(), parts[1].c_str());
Warning( "Error trying to set option %d '%s' to '%s'", i, parts[0].c_str(), parts[1].c_str() );
Debug ( 1, "Calling avformat_open_input" );
mFormatContext = avformat_alloc_context( );
mFormatContext->interrupt_callback.callback = FfmpegInterruptCallback;
mFormatContext->interrupt_callback.opaque = this;
if ( avformat_open_input( &mFormatContext, mPath.c_str(), NULL, &opts ) !=0 )
mIsOpening = false;
Error( "Unable to open input %s due to: %s", mPath.c_str(), strerror(errno) );
return -1;
mIsOpening = false;
Debug ( 1, "Opened input" );
Info( "Stream open %s", mPath.c_str() );
startTime=av_gettime();//FIXME here or after find_Stream_info
//FIXME can speed up initial analysis but need sensible parameters...
//mFormatContext->probesize = 32;
//mFormatContext->max_analyze_duration = 32;
// Locate stream info from avformat_open_input
Debug ( 1, "Calling av_find_stream_info" );
if ( av_find_stream_info( mFormatContext ) < 0 )
Debug ( 1, "Calling avformat_find_stream_info" );
if ( avformat_find_stream_info( mFormatContext, 0 ) < 0 )
Fatal( "Unable to find stream info from %s due to: %s", mPath.c_str(), strerror(errno) );
Info( "Find stream info complete %s", mPath.c_str() );
Debug ( 1, "Got stream info" );
// Find first video stream present
mVideoStreamId = -1;
for (unsigned int i=0; i < mFormatContext->nb_streams; i++ )
if ( mFormatContext->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO )
if ( mFormatContext->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO )
mVideoStreamId = i;
if(mAudioStreamId == -1) //FIXME best way to copy all other streams?
if ( mFormatContext->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO )
if ( mFormatContext->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO )
mAudioStreamId = i;
if ( mVideoStreamId == -1 )
Fatal( "Unable to locate video stream in %s", mPath.c_str() );
Debug ( 1, "Found video stream" );
mCodecContext = mFormatContext->streams[mVideoStreamId]->codec;
// Try and get the codec from the codec context
if ( (mCodec = avcodec_find_decoder( mCodecContext->codec_id )) == NULL )
Fatal( "Can't find codec for video stream from %s", mPath.c_str() );
Debug ( 1, "Found decoder" );
// Open the codec
Debug ( 1, "Calling avcodec_open" );
if ( avcodec_open( mCodecContext, mCodec ) < 0 )
Debug ( 1, "Calling avcodec_open2" );
if ( avcodec_open2( mCodecContext, mCodec, 0 ) < 0 )
Fatal( "Unable to open codec for video stream from %s", mPath.c_str() );
Debug ( 1, "Opened codec" );
// Allocate space for the native video frame
mRawFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
// Allocate space for the converted video frame
mFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
if(mRawFrame == NULL || mFrame == NULL)
Fatal( "Unable to allocate frame for %s", mPath.c_str() );
Debug ( 1, "Allocated frames" );
int pSize = avpicture_get_size( imagePixFormat, width, height );
if( (unsigned int)pSize != imagesize) {
Fatal("Image size mismatch. Required: %d Available: %d",pSize,imagesize);
Debug ( 1, "Validated imagesize" );
Debug ( 1, "Calling sws_isSupportedInput" );
if(!sws_isSupportedInput(mCodecContext->pix_fmt)) {
Fatal("swscale does not support the codec format: %c%c%c%c",(mCodecContext->pix_fmt)&0xff,((mCodecContext->pix_fmt>>8)&0xff),((mCodecContext->pix_fmt>>16)&0xff),((mCodecContext->pix_fmt>>24)&0xff));
if(!sws_isSupportedOutput(imagePixFormat)) {
Fatal("swscale does not support the target format: %c%c%c%c",(imagePixFormat)&0xff,((imagePixFormat>>8)&0xff),((imagePixFormat>>16)&0xff),((imagePixFormat>>24)&0xff));
Fatal( "You must compile ffmpeg with the --enable-swscale option to use ffmpeg cameras" );
Info( "Primed capture from %s, video=%d, audio=%d", mPath.c_str(), mVideoStreamId, mAudioStreamId);
mCanCapture = true;
return( 0 );
int FfmpegCamera::ReopenFfmpeg() {
Debug(2, "ReopenFfmpeg called.");
mCanCapture = false;
if (pthread_create( &mReopenThread, NULL, ReopenFfmpegThreadCallback, (void*) this) != 0){
// Log a fatal error and exit the process.
Fatal( "ReopenFfmpeg failed to create worker thread." );
return 0;
int FfmpegCamera::CloseFfmpeg(){
Debug(2, "CloseFfmpeg called.");
mCanCapture = false;
av_freep( &mFrame );
av_freep( &mRawFrame );
if ( mConvertContext )
sws_freeContext( mConvertContext );
mConvertContext = NULL;
if ( mCodecContext )
avcodec_close( mCodecContext );
mCodecContext = NULL; // Freed by av_close_input_file
if ( mFormatContext )
av_close_input_file( mFormatContext );
avformat_close_input( &mFormatContext );
mFormatContext = NULL;
return 0;
int FfmpegCamera::FfmpegInterruptCallback(void *ctx)
FfmpegCamera* camera = reinterpret_cast<FfmpegCamera*>(ctx);
if (camera->mIsOpening){
int now = time(NULL);
if ((now - camera->mOpenStart) > config.ffmpeg_open_timeout) {
Error ( "Open video took more than %d seconds.", config.ffmpeg_open_timeout );
return 1;
return 0;
void *FfmpegCamera::ReopenFfmpegThreadCallback(void *ctx){
if (ctx == NULL) return NULL;
FfmpegCamera* camera = reinterpret_cast<FfmpegCamera*>(ctx);
while (1){
// Close current stream.
// Sleep if neccessary to not reconnect too fast.
int wait = config.ffmpeg_open_timeout - (time(NULL) - camera->mOpenStart);
wait = wait < 0 ? 0 : wait;
if (wait > 0){
Debug( 1, "Sleeping %d seconds before reopening stream.", wait );
if (camera->OpenFfmpeg() == 0){
return NULL;
//Function to handle capture and store
int FfmpegCamera::CaptureAndRecord( Image &image, bool recording, char* event_directory )
AVPacket packet;
uint8_t* directbuffer;
/* Request a writeable buffer of the target image */
directbuffer = image.WriteBuffer(width, height, colours, subpixelorder);
if(directbuffer == NULL) {
Error("Failed requesting writeable buffer for the captured image.");
return (-1);
int frameComplete = false;
while ( !frameComplete )
int avResult = av_read_frame( mFormatContext, &packet );
if ( avResult < 0 )
Error( "Unable to read packet from stream %d: error %d", packet.stream_index, avResult );
return( -1 );//FIXME do we need to free packet
Debug( 5, "Got packet from stream %d", packet.stream_index );
if ( packet.stream_index == mVideoStreamId )
if ( avcodec_decode_video2( mCodecContext, mRawFrame, &frameComplete, &packet ) < 0 )
Fatal( "Unable to decode frame at frame %d", frameCount );
Debug( 4, "Decoded video packet at frame %d", frameCount );
if ( frameComplete )
Debug( 3, "Got frame %d", frameCount );
avpicture_fill( (AVPicture *)mFrame, directbuffer, imagePixFormat, width, height);
//Keep the last keyframe so we can establish immediate video
/*if(packet.flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY)
av_copy_packet(&lastKeyframePkt, &packet);*/
//TODO I think we need to store the key frame location for seeking as part of the event
//Video recording
if(recording && !wasRecording){
//Instanciate the video storage module
char fileName[4096];
snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%s/event.mp4", event_directory);//no audio support for mp4?...ffmpeg is choking when writing the header probably some unsupported audio options for the stream doesn't like it when called from shell either using ffmpeg binary
videoStore = new VideoStore((const char *)fileName, "mp4", mFormatContext->streams[mVideoStreamId],mAudioStreamId==-1?NULL:mFormatContext->streams[mAudioStreamId],startTime);
wasRecording = true;
strcpy(oldDirectory, event_directory);
}else if(!recording && wasRecording && videoStore){
Warning("Deleting videoStore instance");
delete videoStore;
videoStore = NULL;
//The directory we are recording to is no longer tied to the current event. Need to re-init the videostore with the correct directory and start recording again
if(recording && wasRecording && (strcmp(oldDirectory, event_directory)!=0) && (packet.flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY) ){ //don't open new vs until we're on a key frame..would this require an offset adjustment for the event as a result?...if we store our key frame location with the even will that be enough?
Info("Re-starting video storage module");
delete videoStore;
videoStore = NULL;
char fileName[4096];
snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%s/event.mp4", event_directory);//no audio support for mp4?
videoStore = new VideoStore((const char *)fileName, "mp4", mFormatContext->streams[mVideoStreamId],mAudioStreamId==-1?NULL:mFormatContext->streams[mAudioStreamId],startTime);
strcpy(oldDirectory, event_directory);
if(videoStore && recording){
//Write the packet to our video store
int ret = videoStore->writeVideoFramePacket(&packet, mFormatContext->streams[mVideoStreamId]);//, &lastKeyframePkt);
if(ret<0){//Less than zero and we skipped a frame
av_free_packet( &packet );
return 0;//FIXME av_free_packet not called
if(mConvertContext == NULL) {
if(config.cpu_extensions && sseversion >= 20) {
mConvertContext = sws_getContext( mCodecContext->width, mCodecContext->height, mCodecContext->pix_fmt, width, height, imagePixFormat, SWS_BICUBIC | SWS_CPU_CAPS_SSE2, NULL, NULL, NULL );
} else {
mConvertContext = sws_getContext( mCodecContext->width, mCodecContext->height, mCodecContext->pix_fmt, width, height, imagePixFormat, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if(mConvertContext == NULL)
Fatal( "Unable to create conversion context for %s", mPath.c_str() );
if ( sws_scale( mConvertContext, mRawFrame->data, mRawFrame->linesize, 0, mCodecContext->height, mFrame->data, mFrame->linesize ) < 0 )
Fatal( "Unable to convert raw format %u to target format %u at frame %d", mCodecContext->pix_fmt, imagePixFormat, frameCount );
Fatal( "You must compile ffmpeg with the --enable-swscale option to use ffmpeg cameras" );
}else if(packet.stream_index == mAudioStreamId){//FIXME best way to copy all other streams
if(videoStore && recording){
//Write the packet to our video store
int ret = videoStore->writeAudioFramePacket(&packet, mFormatContext->streams[packet.stream_index]); //FIXME no relevance of last key frame
/*if(ret<0){//Less than zero and we skipped a frame
av_free_packet( &packet );
return 0; //FIXME av_free_packet not called
av_free_packet( &packet );
return (frameCount);