46 lines
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46 lines
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if ( empty($_REQUEST['eid']) ) ajaxError('Event Id Not Provided');
if ( empty($_REQUEST['fid']) ) ajaxError('Frame Id Not Provided');
$eid = $_REQUEST['eid'];
$fid = $_REQUEST['fid'];
$row = ( isset($_REQUEST['row']) ) ? $_REQUEST['row'] : '';
$raw = isset($_REQUEST['raw']);
$data = array();
// Not sure if this is required
if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH && (ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'hashed') ) {
$auth_hash = generateAuthHash(ZM_AUTH_HASH_IPS);
if ( isset($_REQUEST['auth']) and ($_REQUEST['auth'] != $auth_hash) ) {
$data['auth'] = $auth_hash;
if ( $raw ) {
$sql = 'SELECT S.*,E.*,Z.Name AS ZoneName,Z.Units,Z.Area,M.Name AS MonitorName FROM Stats AS S LEFT JOIN Events AS E ON S.EventId = E.Id LEFT JOIN Zones AS Z ON S.ZoneId = Z.Id LEFT JOIN Monitors AS M ON E.MonitorId = M.Id WHERE S.EventId = ? AND S.FrameId = ? ORDER BY S.ZoneId';
$stat = dbFetchOne( $sql, NULL, array( $eid, $fid ) );
if ( $stat ) {
$stat['ZoneName'] = validHtmlStr($stat['ZoneName']);
$stat['PixelDiff'] = validHtmlStr($stat['PixelDiff']);
$stat['AlarmPixels'] = sprintf( "%d (%d%%)", $stat['AlarmPixels'], (100*$stat['AlarmPixels']/$stat['Area']) );
$stat['FilterPixels'] = sprintf( "%d (%d%%)", $stat['FilterPixels'], (100*$stat['FilterPixels']/$stat['Area']) );
$stat['BlobPixels'] = sprintf( "%d (%d%%)", $stat['BlobPixels'], (100*$stat['BlobPixels']/$stat['Area']) );
$stat['Blobs'] = validHtmlStr($stat['Blobs']);
if ( $stat['Blobs'] > 1 ) {
$stat['BlobSizes'] = sprintf( "%d-%d (%d%%-%d%%)", $stat['MinBlobSize'], $stat['MaxBlobSize'], (100*$stat['MinBlobSize']/$stat['Area']), (100*$stat['MaxBlobSize']/$stat['Area']) );
} else {
$stat['BlobSizes'] = sprintf( "%d (%d%%)", $stat['MinBlobSize'], 100*$stat['MinBlobSize']/$stat['Area'] );
$stat['AlarmLimits'] = validHtmlStr($stat['MinX'].",".$stat['MinY']."-".$stat['MaxX'].",".$stat['MaxY']);
$data['raw'] = $stat;
} else {
$data['html'] = getStatsTableHTML($eid, $fid, $row);
$data['id'] = '#contentStatsTable' .$row;