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var ZoneMinder = angular.module('ZoneMinderControllers', []);
ZoneMinder.controller('StateController', function($scope, State, Header) {
State.get(function(results) {
$scope.states = results.states;
$scope.changeState = function(newState) {
// Redirect to the dashboard on success
.success(function(data) { window.location = "/"; });
Header.getDaemonStatus(function(results) {
if (results.result == 1) {
$scope.isRunning = true;
ZoneMinder.controller('HeaderController', function($scope, Header, State) {
Header.getLogState(function(results) {
Header.getDaemonStatus(function(results) {
if (results.result == 1) {
$scope.isRunning = true;
ZoneMinder.controller('FooterController', function($scope, Footer) {
Footer.getVersion(function(version) {
$scope.version = version.version;
ZoneMinder.controller('LogController', function($scope, Log) {
$scope.pageChanged = function(newPage) {
function getLogsPage(pageNumber) {
Log.get(pageNumber).then(function(results) {
$scope.logs = results.data.logs;
$scope.totalLogs = results.data.pagination.count;
$scope.logsPerPage = results.data.pagination.limit;
ZoneMinder.controller('EventsController', function($scope, Events, Console, $modal) {
// First thing, get page 1 of the events.
$scope.page = 1;
getEvents(null, $scope.page);
// Get the monitors which popular the sidebar select
Console.getMonitors().then(function(results) {
$scope.monitors = results.data.monitors;
$scope.filter_url = '';
var now = new Date();
var startdate = new Date(now);
startdate.setMonth(now.getMonth() - 1);
$scope.filter = {
'StartTime' : startdate,
'EndTime' : new Date()
// If the page is changed, get the new page of events
$scope.pageChanged = function(newPage) {
$scope.page = newPage;
getEvents($scope.filter_url, newPage);
// Call Events.get and pass it the page number
// Set the appropriate scope values with the results.
// The events.php file takes over and iterates over events
// and the painator uses totalEvents and eventPerPage
function getEvents(filter, pageNumber) {
Events.get(filter, pageNumber).then(function(results) {
$scope.events = results.data.events;
$scope.totalEvents = results.data.pagination.count;
$scope.eventsPerPage = results.data.pagination.limit;
$scope.filterEvents = function() {
var filters = new Array();
var url = '';
// Push all of the MonitorId's into the filters array
angular.forEach($scope.filter.MonitorId, function(value, key) {
var StartTime = $scope.filter.StartTime.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' ');
filters.push('StartTime >=:'+StartTime);
var EndTime = $scope.filter.EndTime.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' ');
filters.push('EndTime <=:'+EndTime);
angular.forEach(filters, function(value, key) {
url = url + value + '/';
length = url.length;
$scope.filter_url = url.substring(0, length - 1);
$scope.page = 1;
getEvents($scope.filter_url, 1);
// This is called when a user clicks on an event.
// It fires up a modal and passes it the EventId of the clicked event
// EventController takes over from there.
$scope.displayEvent = function (index) {
var event = $scope.events[index];
var modalInstance = $modal.open({
templateUrl: '/views/event.html',
controller: 'EventController',
size: 'lg',
resolve: {
eventId: function () { return event.Event.Id; },
index: function () { return index; }
modalInstance.result.then(function (index) {
$scope.events.splice(index, 1);
$scope.totalEvents = $scope.totalEvents - 1;
}, function () {
console.log('Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());
ZoneMinder.controller('EventController', function($scope, Event, $modalInstance, eventId, index, Config, $filter) {
$scope.stream = true;
Event.get(eventId).then(function(results) {
$scope.eventId = eventId;
$scope.name = results.data.event.Event.Name;
$scope.cause = results.data.event.Event.Cause;
$scope.startTime = results.data.event.Event.StartTime;
$scope.endTime = results.data.event.Event.EndTime;
$scope.width = results.data.event.Event.Width;
$scope.length = results.data.event.Event.Length;
$scope.frames = results.data.event.Event.Frames;
$scope.alarmFrames = results.data.event.Event.AlarmFrames;
$scope.totScore = results.data.event.Event.TotScore;
$scope.avgScore = results.data.event.Event.AvgScore;
$scope.maxScore = results.data.event.Event.MaxScore;
$scope.notes = results.data.event.Event.Notes;
$scope.archived = results.data.event.Event.Archived;
$scope.archive_text = $scope.archived == 0 ? 'Archive' : 'Unarchive';
$scope.eventView_text = 'Frames';
$scope.basePath = results.data.event.Event.BasePath;
var frames = results.data.event.Frame;
Config.findByName('ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS').then(function(results) {
var event_image_digits = results.data.config.Value;
angular.forEach(frames, function(frame, key) {
var id = $filter('zpad')(frame.FrameId, event_image_digits);
frames[key].Path = $scope.basePath + id + '-capture.jpg';
$scope.frames = frames;
$scope.cancel = function () {
$scope.delete= function() {
Event.delete(eventId).then(function(results) {
$scope.archive = function() {
Event.archive(eventId).then(function(results) {
$scope.archived = results.data.archived;
$scope.archive_text = $scope.archived == 0 ? 'Archive' : 'Unarchive';
$scope.eventView = function() {
$scope.eventView_text = $scope.eventView_text == 'Stream' ? 'Frames' : 'Stream';
$scope.stream = $scope.stream == true ? false : true;
ZoneMinder.controller('MonitorController', function($scope, $state, $http, Monitor, Console) {
if ($state.params.mid) {
Monitor.getMonitor($state.params.mid).then(function(results) {
$scope.monitor = results.data.monitor.Monitor;
} else {
// Assign each monitor a random color, as opposed to them all being 'red'
var color = '#' + (Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF << 0).toString(16);
// This is where the monitor's 'form data' is saved
// It is sent to saveMonitor when the save button is clicked
$scope.monitor = {
// Set default values for a monitor
'Type' : 'Remote',
'RefBlendPerc' : 6,
'AlarmRefBlendPerc' : 6,
'Function' : 'Monitor',
'ImageBufferCount' : 100,
'WarmupCount' : 25,
'PreEventCount' : 50,
'PostEventCount' : 50,
'StreamReplayBuffer' : 1000,
'AlarmFrameCount' : 1,
'LabelFormat' : '%N - %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S',
'LabelX' : 0,
'LabelY' : 0,
'Colours' : 3,
// Here be a bug!
// When retrieving 'Orientation', it comes back and is set a a number
// But it mustbe saved as a string (due to mysql enum)
'Orientation' : '0',
'Enabled' : true,
'Protocol' : 'http',
'SectionLength' : 600,
'EventPrefix' : 'Event-',
'FrameSkip' : 0,
'MotionFrameSkip' : 0,
'FPSReportInterval' : 1000,
'DefaultView' : 'Events',
'DefaultRate' : 100,
'DefaultScale' : 100,
'SignalCheckColour' : '#0000c0',
'Method' : 'simple',
'WebColour' : color
// Call Monitor.saveMonitor when the save button is clicked. Pass along $scope.monitor
$scope.submitMonitor = function() {
// Redirect to the dashboard on success
.success(function(data) { window.location = "/"; });
$scope.grid = true;
$scope.gridButton = 'glyphicon-th';
$scope.consoleLayout = 4;
$scope.updateLayout = function () {
var rows = [];
var monitors = $scope.monitors;
for (var i = 0; i < monitors.length; i++) {
if (i % $scope.consoleLayout == 0) rows.push([]);
$scope.columnSize = Math.floor(12 / $scope.consoleLayout);
return $scope.rows = rows;
$scope.delete = function (index) {
var monitor = $scope.monitors[index];
var id = monitor.Id;
if (monitor.deleteText == 'Are you sure?') {
monitor.deleteText = 'Deleting...';
Console.delete(id).then(function(results) {
$scope.monitors.splice(index, 1);
monitor.deleteText = 'Are you sure?'
Console.getMonitors().then(function(results) {
if (results.data.monitors.length == 0) {
$scope.fresh = true;
} else {
var monitors = new Array();
var daemons = ['zmc', 'zma']; // Daemons to check for each monitor
// For each monitor
angular.forEach(results['data']['monitors'], function(value, key) {
var id = value.Monitor.Id;
var alerts = value.Monitor.alerts = new Array();
// Check if the above daemons are running for it
angular.forEach(daemons, function(daemon) {
// Ask the API for the daemonStatus of the id
Console.daemonStatus(id, daemon).then(function(results) {
value.Monitor.alerts[daemon] = results.data.status;
// If there is a failed daemon, set a generic error
if (daemon) {
value.Monitor.alert = 'zma or zmc is not running';
value.Monitor.deleteText = 'Delete';
$scope.monitors = monitors;
$scope.consoleView = function() {
$scope.gridButton = $scope.gridButton == 'glyphicon-th' ? 'glyphicon-th-list' : 'glyphicon-th';
$scope.grid = $scope.grid == true ? false : true;
$scope.saveMonitor = function(monitor) {
var i = document.getElementById('function'+monitor.Id).parentNode.parentNode;
.success(function(data) {
i.className = i.className + " has-success has-feedback";
ZoneMinder.controller('ConfigController', function($scope, $http, Config) {
Config.setConfigModel().then(function(results) {
$scope.myModel = {configData: results.data.keyValues};
Config.getCategories().then(function(results) {
// List of category names for the tabs
$scope.categories = results.data.categories;
// For each category, add all config options belonging to it to the categories array
angular.forEach(results['data']['categories'], function(value, key) {
var cat = results.data.categories[key].Config.Category;
function catman(category) {
Config.getCategory(category).then(function(results) {
$scope[category] = results.data.config;
$scope.updateConfig = function(configId, configName) {
var newValue = $scope.myModel.configData[configName];
var i = document.getElementById(configName).parentNode.parentNode;
var s = i.getElementsByTagName("span");
s = s[0];
Config.updateOption(configId, newValue).then(function(results) {
if (results.statusText == 'OK') {
i.className = i.className + " has-success has-feedback";
s.className = s.className + " glyphicon glyphicon-ok";
} else {
i.className = i.className + " has-failure has-feedback";
s.className = s.className + " glyphicon glyphicon-ok";
ZoneMinder.controller('HostController', function($scope, Host) {
Host.getDiskPercent(function(diskPercent) {
var array = [];
angular.forEach(diskPercent.usage, function(value, key) {
var a = {
'value' : Math.floor(value.space),
'label' : key,
'color' : value.color
$scope.ddata = array;
$scope.doptions = {
responsive: false,
segmentShowStroke : true,
segmentStrokeColor : '#fff',
segmentStrokeWidth : 2,
percentageInnerCutout : 50, // This is 0 for Pie charts
animationSteps : 1,
animationEasing : 'easeOutBounce',
animateRotate : false,
animateScale : false,
legendTemplate : '<ul class="list-inline tc-chart-js-legend"><% for (var i=0; i<segments.length; i++){%><li><span style="color:<%=segments[i].fillColor%>"><%if(segments[i].label){%><%=segments[i].label%>: <%=segments[i].value%>Gb <%}%></span></li><%}%></ul>'
Host.getLoad(function(load) {
$scope.loadData = {
labels: ['1 min', '5 min', '15 min'],
datasets: [{
label: 'CPU Load',
fillColor: 'rgba(220,220,220,0.2)',
strokeColor: 'rgba(220,220,220,1)',
pointColor: 'rgba(220,220,220,1)',
pointStrokeColor: '#fff',
pointHighlightFill: '#fff',
pointHighlightStroke: 'rgba(220,220,220,1)',
data: [ load.load[0], load.load[1], load.load[2] ]