171 lines
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171 lines
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// ZoneMinder Evnet Class Implementation, $Date$, $Revision$
// Copyright (C) 2003 Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "zm.h"
#include "zm_db.h"
#include "zm_event.h"
#include "zm_monitor.h"
Event::Event( Monitor *p_monitor, struct timeval p_start_time ) : monitor( p_monitor ), start_time( p_start_time )
static char sql[256];
static char start_time_str[32];
strftime( start_time_str, sizeof(start_time_str), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime( &start_time.tv_sec ) );
sprintf( sql, "insert into Events set MonitorId=%d, Name='Event', StartTime='%s'", monitor->Id(), start_time_str );
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Error(( "Can't insert event: %s\n", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ));
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
id = mysql_insert_id( &dbconn );
start_frame_id = 0;
end_frame_id = 0;
//end_time = 0;
frames = 0;
alarm_frames = 0;
tot_score = 0;
max_score = 0;
//sprintf( path, ZM_DIR_EVENTS "/%s/%04d", monitor->Name(), id );
sprintf( path, ZM_DIR_EVENTS "/%s/%d", monitor->Name(), id );
struct stat statbuf;
errno = 0;
stat( path, &statbuf );
if ( errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR )
if ( mkdir( path, 0755 ) )
Error(( "Can't make %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)));
static char sql[256];
static char end_time_str[32];
struct DeltaTimeval delta_time;
DELTA_TIMEVAL( delta_time, end_time, start_time );
strftime( end_time_str, sizeof(end_time_str), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime( &end_time.tv_sec ) );
sprintf( sql, "update Events set Name='Event-%d', EndTime = '%s', Length = %s%ld.%02ld, Frames = %d, AlarmFrames = %d, TotScore = %d, AvgScore = %d, MaxScore = %d where Id = %d", id, end_time_str, delta_time.positive?"":"-", delta_time.tv_sec, delta_time.tv_usec/10000, frames, alarm_frames, tot_score, (int)(tot_score/alarm_frames), max_score, id );
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Error(( "Can't update event: %s\n", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ));
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
void Event::AddFrame( struct timeval timestamp, const Image *image, const Image *alarm_image, unsigned int score )
static char event_file[PATH_MAX];
sprintf( event_file, "%s/capture-%03d.jpg", path, frames );
image->WriteJpeg( event_file );
struct DeltaTimeval delta_time;
DELTA_TIMEVAL( delta_time, timestamp, start_time );
static char sql[256];
sprintf( sql, "insert into Frames set EventId=%d, FrameId=%d, AlarmFrame=%d, ImagePath='%s', Delta=%s%ld.%02ld, Score=%d", id, frames, alarm_image!=0, event_file, delta_time.positive?"":"-", delta_time.tv_sec, delta_time.tv_usec/10000, score );
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Error(( "Can't insert frame: %s\n", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ));
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
end_frame_id = mysql_insert_id( &dbconn );
if ( !start_frame_id ) start_frame_id = end_frame_id;
if ( alarm_image )
end_time = timestamp;
sprintf( event_file, "%s/analyse-%03d.jpg", path, frames );
alarm_image->WriteJpeg( event_file );
tot_score += score;
if ( score > max_score )
max_score = score;
//if ( !start_time ) start_time = end_time;
void Event::StreamEvent( const char *path, int event_id, unsigned long refresh, FILE *fd )
static char sql[256];
sprintf( sql, "select Id, EventId, ImagePath, TimeStamp from Frames where EventId = %d order by Id", event_id );
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Error(( "Can't run query: %s\n", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ));
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result( &dbconn );
if ( !result )
Error(( "Can't use query result: %s\n", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ));
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
setbuf( fd, 0 );
fprintf( fd, "Server: ZoneMinder Stream Server\r\n" );
fprintf( fd, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" );
fprintf( fd, "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" );
fprintf( fd, "Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT\r\n" );
fprintf( fd, "Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=ZoneMinderFrame\r\n\r\n" );
fprintf( fd, "--ZoneMinderFrame\r\n" );
int n_frames = mysql_num_rows( result );
Info(( "Got %d frames\n", n_frames ));
FILE *fdj = NULL;
int n_bytes = 0;
static unsigned char buffer[0x10000];
for( int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row( result ); i++ )
char filepath[PATH_MAX];
sprintf( filepath, "%s/%s", path, dbrow[2] );
if ( (fdj = fopen( filepath, "r" )) )
fprintf( fd, "Content-type: image/jpg\r\n\r\n" );
while ( (n_bytes = fread( buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fdj )) )
fwrite( buffer, 1, n_bytes, fd );
fprintf( fd, "\r\n--ZoneMinderFrame\r\n" );
fclose( fdj );
Error(( "Can't open %s: %s", filepath, strerror(errno) ));
usleep( refresh*1000 );
if ( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) )
Error(( "Can't fetch row: %s\n", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ));
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
// Yadda yadda
mysql_free_result( result );