
683 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ==========================================================================
# ZoneMinder ONVIF Event Watcher Script
# Copyright (C) Jan M. Hochstein
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# ==========================================================================
# This module contains the implementation of the ONVIF event watcher
## chmod g+rw /dev/shm/zm*
## chgrp users /dev/shm/zm*
## systemctl stop iptables
## hexdump -x -s 0 -n 600 /dev/shm/zm.mmap.1
## rm -rf /srv/www/html/zm/events/[...]
use strict;
use bytes;
use Carp;
use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case bundling);
use IO::Select;
use POSIX qw( EINTR );
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep );
use SOAP::Lite; # +trace;
use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;
use ZoneMinder;
require ONVIF::Client;
require WSNotification::Interfaces::WSBaseNotificationSender::NotificationProducerPort;
require WSNotification::Interfaces::WSBaseNotificationSender::SubscriptionManagerPort;
require WSNotification::Types::TopicExpressionType;
# ========================================================================
# Constants
# in seconds
use constant SUBSCRIPTION_RENEW_INTERVAL => 60; #3600;
use constant SUBSCRIPTION_RENEW_EARLY => 5; # 60;
use constant MONITOR_RELOAD_INTERVAL => 3600;
# ========================================================================
# Globals
my $verbose = 0;
my $daemon_pid;
my $monitor_reload_time = 0;
# this does not work on all architectures
'ReuseAddr' => '1',
'ReusePort' => '1',
# 'Blocking' => '0',
# =========================================================================
# signal handling
sub handler { # 1st argument is signal name
my($sig) = @_;
print "Caught a SIG$sig -- shutting down\n";
if(defined $daemon_pid){
$SIG{'INT'} = \&handler;
$SIG{'HUP'} = \&handler;
$SIG{'QUIT'} = \&handler;
$SIG{'TERM'} = \&handler;
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&handler;
# =========================================================================
# Debug
use Data::Hexdumper qw(hexdump);
#use Devel::Peek;
sub dump_mapped
my ($monitor) = @_;
if(!zmMemVerify($monitor)) {
print "Error: Mapped memory not accessible\n";
my $mmap = $monitor->{MMap};
print "Size: " . $ZoneMinder::Memory::mem_size ."\n";
printf("Mapped at %x\n", $monitor->{MMapAddr});
# Dump($mmap);
if($mmap && $$mmap )
print hexdump(
data => $$mmap, # what to dump
output_format => ' %4a : %S %S %S %S %S %S %S %S : %d',
# start_position => 336, # start at this offset ...
end_position => 400 # ... and end at this offset
#push @EXPORT, qw(dump_mapped);
# =========================================================================
# internal methods
sub xs_duration
use integer;
my ($seconds) = @_;
my $s = $seconds % 60;
$seconds /= 60;
my $m = $seconds % 60;
$seconds /= 60;
my $h = $seconds % 24;
$seconds /= 24;
my $d = $seconds;
my $str;
if($d > 0) {
$str = "P". $d;
else {
$str = "P";
$str = $str . "T";
if($h > 0) {
$str = $str . $h . "H";
if($m > 0) {
$str = $str . $m . "M";
if($s > 0) {
$str = $str . $s . "S";
return $str;
# =========================================================================
### ZoneMinder integration
## make this a singleton ?
package _ZoneMinder;
use strict;
use bytes;
use base qw(Class::Std::Fast);
use DBI;
use Encode qw(decode encode);
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep );
use ZoneMinder;
# my %monitors = ();
my $dbh;
my %monitors_of; # :ATTR(:name<monitors> :default<{}>);
sub init
$dbh = zmDbConnect();
sub monitors
my ($self) = @_;
return $monitors_of{ident $self}?%{ $monitors_of{ident $self} }:undef;
sub set_monitors
my ($self, %monitors_par) = @_;
$monitors_of{ident $self} = \%monitors_par;
## TODO: remember to refresh this in all threads (daemon is forked)
sub loadMonitors
my ($self) = @_;
Debug( "Loading monitors\n" );
$monitor_reload_time = time();
my %new_monitors = ();
# my $sql = "select * from Monitors where find_in_set( Function, 'Modect,Mocord,Nodect' )>0 and ConfigType='ONVIF'";
my $sql = "select * from Monitors where ConfigType='ONVIF'";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $res = $sth->execute() or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$sth->errstr() );
while( my $monitor = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() )
if ( !zmMemVerify( $monitor ) ) { # Check shared memory ok
zmMemInvalidate( $monitor );
next if ( !zmMemVerify( $monitor ) );
#$monitor->{MMapAddr} = undef;
#memAttach( $monitor, 896 );
#next if ( !zmMemVerify( $monitor ) );
print "URL: " .$monitor->{ConfigURL}. "\n";
## set up ONVIF client for monitor
next if( ! $monitor->{ConfigURL} );
my $soap_version;
if($monitor->{ConfigOptions} =~ /SOAP1([12])/) {
$soap_version = "1.$1";
else {
$soap_version = "1.1";
my $client = ONVIF::Client->new( {
'url_svc_device' => $monitor->{ConfigURL},
'soap_version' => $soap_version } );
if($monitor->{User}) {
$client->set_credentials($monitor->{User}, $monitor->{Pass}, 0);
$monitor->{onvif_client} = $client;
$new_monitors{$monitor->{Id}} = $monitor;
sub freeMonitors
my ($self) = @_;
my %monitors = $self->monitors();
foreach my $monitor ( values(%monitors) )
# Free up any used memory handle
zmMemInvalidate( $monitor );
sub eventOn
my ($self, $monitorId, $score, $cause, $text, $showtext) = @_;
# Info( "Trigger '$trigger'\n" );
print "On: $monitorId, $score, $cause, $text, $showtext\n";
my %monitors = $self->monitors();
my $monitor = $monitors{$monitorId};
# encode() ensures that no utf-8 is written to mmap'ed memory.
zmTriggerEventOn( $monitor, $score, encode("utf-8", $cause), encode("utf-8", $text) );
zmTriggerShowtext( $monitor, encode("utf-8", $showtext) ) if defined($showtext);
# main::dump_mapped($monitor);
sub eventOff
my ($self, $monitorId, $score, $cause, $text, $showtext) = @_;
print "Off: $monitorId, $score, $cause, $text, $showtext\n";
my %monitors = $self->monitors();
my $monitor = $monitors{$monitorId};
my $last_event = zmGetLastEvent( $monitor );
zmTriggerEventOff( $monitor );
# encode() ensures that no utf-8 is written to mmap'ed memory.
zmTriggerShowtext( $monitor, encode("utf-8", $showtext) ) if defined($showtext);
# Info( "Trigger '$trigger'\n" );
# Wait til it's finished
while( zmInAlarm( $monitor ) && ($last_event == zmGetLastEvent( $monitor )) )
# Tenth of a second
usleep( 100000 );
zmTriggerEventCancel( $monitor );
# main::dump_mapped($monitor);
# =========================================================================
### (experimental) send email
sub send_picture_email
# 'ffmpeg -i "rtsp://admin:admin123@" -y -frames 1 -vf scale=1024:-1 /tmp/pic2.jpg'
# =========================================================================
### Consumer for Notify messages
## make this a singleton ?
package _Consumer;
use strict;
use bytes;
use base qw(Class::Std::Fast SOAP::Server::Parameters);
my $zm;
sub BUILD {
my ($self, $ident, $arg_ref) = @_;
# $zm_of{$ident} = check_name( $arg_ref->{zm} );
$zm = $arg_ref->{zm};
# called on
sub Notify
my ($self, $unknown, $som) = @_;
print "### Notify " . "\n";
my $req = $som->context->request;
# Data::Dump::dump($req);
my $id = 0;
if($req->uri->path =~ m|/ref_(.*)/|) {
$id = $1;
else {
print "Unknown URL ". $req->uri->path . "\n";
return ( );
# Data::Dump::dump($som);
my $action = $som->valueof("/Envelope/Header/Action");
print " Action = ". $action ."\n";
my $msg = $som->match("/Envelope/Body/Notify/NotificationMessage");
my $topic = $msg->valueof("Topic");
my $msg2 = $msg->match("Message/Message");
# Data::Dump::dump($msg2->current());
my $time = $msg2->dataof()->attr->{'UtcTime'};
my (%source, %data);
foreach my $item ($msg2->dataof('Source/SimpleItem')) {
$source{$item->attr->{Name}} = $item->attr->{Value};
# print $item->attr->{Name} ."=>". $item->attr->{Value} ."\n";
foreach my $item ($msg2->dataof('Data/SimpleItem')) {
$data{$item->attr->{Name}} = $item->attr->{Value};
print "Ref=$id, Topic=$topic, $time, Rule=$source{Rule}, isMotion=$data{IsMotion}\n";
if(lc($data{IsMotion}) eq "true") {
$zm->eventOn($id, 100, $source{Rule}, $time);
elsif(lc($data{IsMotion}) eq "false") {
$zm->eventOff($id, 100, $source{Rule}, $time);
return ( ); # @results
# =========================================================================
sub daemon_main
my ($daemon) = @_;
# $daemon->handle();
# improve responsiveness with multiple clients (cameras)
my $d = $daemon->{_daemon};
my $select = IO::Select->new();
while ($select->count()) {
my @ready = $select->can_read(); # blocks
foreach my $connection (@ready) {
if ($connection == $d) {
# on the daemon accept and add the connection
my $client = $connection->accept();
else {
# it's a client connection
my $request = $connection->get_request();
if ($request) {
# process the request (taken from SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon->handle() )
eval {
local $SIG{PIPE} = sub {die "SIGPIPE"};
$connection->send_response( $daemon->response );
if ($@ && $@ !~ /^SIGPIPE/) {
die $@;
else {
# connection was closed by the client
$connection->close(); # is this necessary?
sub start_daemon
my ($localip, $localport, $zm) = @_;
### deserializer
my $event_svc = $client->get_endpoint('events');
my $deserializer = $event_svc->get_deserializer();
if(! $deserializer) {
$deserializer = SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Deserializer->get_deserializer({
soap_version => $event_svc->get_soap_version(),
%{ $event_svc->get_deserializer_args() },
# set class resolver if serializer supports it
$deserializer->set_class_resolver( $event_svc->get_class_resolver() )
if ( $deserializer->can('set_class_resolver') );
### daemon
my $daemon = SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon->new(
'LocalAddr' => $localip,
'LocalPort' => $localport,
# 'deserializer' => $deserializer,
## handling
# we only handle one method
$daemon->on_dispatch( sub {
return ( "", "Notify" );
$daemon_pid = fork();
die "fork() failed: $!" unless defined $daemon_pid;
if ($daemon_pid) {
# $zm is copied and the mmap'ed regions still exist
my $consumer = _Consumer->new({'zm' => $zm});
# "" => $consumer,
"" => $consumer,
else {
return $daemon;
require WSNotification::Elements::Subscribe;
require WSNotification::Types::EndpointReferenceType;
#require WSNotification::Types::ReferenceParametersType;
#require WSNotification::Elements::Metadata;
require WSNotification::Types::FilterType;
require WSNotification::Elements::TopicExpression;
require WSNotification::Elements::MessageContent;
require WSNotification::Types::AbsoluteOrRelativeTimeType;
require WSNotification::Types::AttributedURIType;
sub subscribe
my ($client, $localaddr, $topic_str, $duration, $ref_id) = @_;
# for debugging:
# $client->get_endpoint('events')->no_dispatch(1);
my $result = $client->get_endpoint('events')->Subscribe( {
ConsumerReference => { # WSNotification::Types::EndpointReferenceType
Address => { value => 'http://' . $localaddr . '/ref_'. $ref_id . '/' },
# ReferenceParameters => { # WSNotification::Types::ReferenceParametersType
# },
# Metadata => { # WSNotification::Types::MetadataType
# },
Filter => { # WSNotification::Types::FilterType
TopicExpression => { # WSNotification::Types::TopicExpressionType
xmlattr => {
Dialect => "",
value => $topic_str,
# MessageContent => { # WSNotification::Types::QueryExpressionType
# },
InitialTerminationTime => xs_duration($duration), # AbsoluteOrRelativeTimeType
# SubscriptionPolicy => {
# },
die $result if not $result;
# print $result . "\n";
### build Subscription Manager
my $submgr_addr = $result->get_SubscriptionReference()->get_Address()->get_value();
print "Subscription Manager at $submgr_addr\n";
my $serializer = $client->service('device', 'ep')->get_serializer();
my $submgr_svc = WSNotification::Interfaces::WSBaseNotificationSender::SubscriptionManagerPort->new({
serializer => $serializer,
proxy => $submgr_addr,
return $submgr_svc;
sub unsubscribe
my ($submgr_svc) = @_;
$submgr_svc->Unsubscribe( { },, );
sub renew
my ($submgr_svc, $duration) = @_;
my $result = $submgr_svc->Renew( {
TerminationTime => xs_duration($duration), # AbsoluteOrRelativeTimeType
die $result if not $result;
sub events
my ($localip, $localport) = @_;
my $zm = _ZoneMinder->new();
$zm->loadMonitors(); # call before fork()
Info( "ONVIF Trigger daemon starting\n" );
if(!defined $localip) {
$localip = '';
$localport = '0';
# re-use local address/port
# @LWP::Protocol::http::EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS =
*LWP::Protocol::http::_extra_sock_opts = sub
# print "### extra_sock_opts ########################################\n";
#*LWP::Protocol::http::_check_sock = sub
# my($self, $req, $sock) = @_;
# print "### check_sock ########################################\n";
# dump($sock);
my $daemon = start_daemon($localip, $localport, $zm);
my $port = $daemon->url;
$port =~ s|^.*:||;
$port =~ s|/.*$||;
my $localaddr = $localip . ':' . $port;
print "Daemon uses local address " . $localaddr . "\n";
# This value is passed as the LocalAddr argument to IO::Socket::INET.
my $transport = SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client->new(
# 'local_address' => $localaddr ); ## REUSE port
'local_address' => $localip );
my %monitors = $zm->monitors();
foreach my $monitor (values(%monitors)) {
my $client = $monitor->{onvif_client};
my $event_svc = $client->get_endpoint('events');
# print "Sending from local address " .
# $event_svc->get_transport()->local_address . "\n";
my $submgr_svc = subscribe(
$client, $localaddr, 'tns1:RuleEngine//.',
if(!$submgr_svc) {
print "Subscription failed\n";
$monitor->{submgr_svc} = $submgr_svc;
while(1) {
print "Sleeping for " . (SUBSCRIPTION_RENEW_INTERVAL - SUBSCRIPTION_RENEW_EARLY) . " seconds\n";
print "Renewal\n";
my %monitors = $zm->monitors();
foreach my $monitor (values(%monitors)) {
if(defined $monitor->{submgr_svc}) {
Info( "ONVIF Trigger daemon exited\n" );
%monitors = $zm->monitors();
foreach my $monitor (values(%monitors)) {
if(defined $monitor->{submgr_svc}) {
# ========================================================================
# options processing
my ($fh, $pkg, $ver, $opts) = @_;
print $fh "Usage: " . __FILE__ . " <parameters>\n";
print $fh <<EOF
-v - increase verbosity
-l|local-addr - listen on address (host[:port])
# ========================================================================
my ($localaddr, $localip, $localport);
'local-addr|l=s' => \$localaddr,
'verbose|v=s' => \$verbose,
)) {
if(defined $localaddr) {
if($localaddr =~ /(.*):(.*)/)
($localip, $localport) = ($1, $2);
else {
$localip = $localaddr;
$localport = '0';
events($localip, $localport);