
311 lines
9.3 KiB

package ONVIF::Media::Elements::CreateProfileResponse;
use strict;
use warnings;
{ # BLOCK to scope variables
sub get_xmlns { '' }
use base qw(
sub __get_attr_class {
use Class::Std::Fast::Storable constructor => 'none';
use base qw(SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::ComplexType);
{ # BLOCK to scope variables
my %Profile_of :ATTR(:get<Profile>);
[ qw( Profile
) ],
'Profile' => \%Profile_of,
'Profile' => 'ONVIF::Media::Types::Profile',
'Profile' => 'Profile',
} # end BLOCK
} # end of BLOCK
=head1 NAME
Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined element
CreateProfileResponse from the namespace
The following properties may be accessed using get_PROPERTY / set_PROPERTY
=item * Profile
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
my $element = ONVIF::Media::Elements::CreateProfileResponse->new($data);
Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():
Profile => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Profile
Name => $some_value, # Name
VideoSourceConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceConfiguration
SourceToken => $some_value, # ReferenceToken
Bounds => ,
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension
Rotate => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Rotate
Mode => $some_value, # RotateMode
Degree => $some_value, # int
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::RotateExtension
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension2
AudioSourceConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioSourceConfiguration
SourceToken => $some_value, # ReferenceToken
VideoEncoderConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoEncoderConfiguration
Encoding => $some_value, # VideoEncoding
Resolution => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoResolution
Width => $some_value, # int
Height => $some_value, # int
Quality => $some_value, # float
RateControl => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoRateControl
FrameRateLimit => $some_value, # int
EncodingInterval => $some_value, # int
BitrateLimit => $some_value, # int
MPEG4 => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Mpeg4Configuration
GovLength => $some_value, # int
Mpeg4Profile => $some_value, # Mpeg4Profile
H264 => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::H264Configuration
GovLength => $some_value, # int
H264Profile => $some_value, # H264Profile
Multicast => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::MulticastConfiguration
Address => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::IPAddress
Type => $some_value, # IPType
IPv4Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
IPv6Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
Port => $some_value, # int
TTL => $some_value, # int
AutoStart => $some_value, # boolean
SessionTimeout => $some_value, # duration
AudioEncoderConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioEncoderConfiguration
Encoding => $some_value, # AudioEncoding
Bitrate => $some_value, # int
SampleRate => $some_value, # int
Multicast => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::MulticastConfiguration
Address => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::IPAddress
Type => $some_value, # IPType
IPv4Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
IPv6Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
Port => $some_value, # int
TTL => $some_value, # int
AutoStart => $some_value, # boolean
SessionTimeout => $some_value, # duration
VideoAnalyticsConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::VideoAnalyticsConfiguration
AnalyticsEngineConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfiguration
AnalyticsModule => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Config
Parameters => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::ItemList
SimpleItem => ,
ElementItem => {
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::ItemListExtension
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfigurationExtension
RuleEngineConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::RuleEngineConfiguration
Rule => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Config
Parameters => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::ItemList
SimpleItem => ,
ElementItem => {
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::ItemListExtension
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::RuleEngineConfigurationExtension
PTZConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZConfiguration
NodeToken => $some_value, # ReferenceToken
DefaultAbsolutePantTiltPositionSpace => $some_value, # anyURI
DefaultAbsoluteZoomPositionSpace => $some_value, # anyURI
DefaultRelativePanTiltTranslationSpace => $some_value, # anyURI
DefaultRelativeZoomTranslationSpace => $some_value, # anyURI
DefaultContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace => $some_value, # anyURI
DefaultContinuousZoomVelocitySpace => $some_value, # anyURI
DefaultPTZSpeed => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZSpeed
PanTilt => ,
Zoom => ,
DefaultPTZTimeout => $some_value, # duration
PanTiltLimits => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::PanTiltLimits
Range => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Space2DDescription
URI => $some_value, # anyURI
XRange => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::FloatRange
Min => $some_value, # float
Max => $some_value, # float
YRange => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::FloatRange
Min => $some_value, # float
Max => $some_value, # float
ZoomLimits => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::ZoomLimits
Range => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Space1DDescription
URI => $some_value, # anyURI
XRange => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::FloatRange
Min => $some_value, # float
Max => $some_value, # float
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension
PTControlDirection => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::PTControlDirection
EFlip => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::EFlip
Mode => $some_value, # EFlipMode
Reverse => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Reverse
Mode => $some_value, # ReverseMode
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::PTControlDirectionExtension
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension2
MetadataConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataConfiguration
PTZStatus => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::PTZFilter
Status => $some_value, # boolean
Position => $some_value, # boolean
Analytics => $some_value, # boolean
Multicast => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::MulticastConfiguration
Address => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::IPAddress
Type => $some_value, # IPType
IPv4Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
IPv6Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
Port => $some_value, # int
TTL => $some_value, # int
AutoStart => $some_value, # boolean
SessionTimeout => $some_value, # duration
AnalyticsEngineConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfiguration
AnalyticsModule => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Config
Parameters => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::ItemList
SimpleItem => ,
ElementItem => {
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::ItemListExtension
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfigurationExtension
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::MetadataConfigurationExtension
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::ProfileExtension
AudioOutputConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioOutputConfiguration
OutputToken => $some_value, # ReferenceToken
SendPrimacy => $some_value, # anyURI
OutputLevel => $some_value, # int
AudioDecoderConfiguration => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::AudioDecoderConfiguration
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::ProfileExtension2
=head1 AUTHOR
Generated by SOAP::WSDL