
207 lines
6.3 KiB

function addOption( name )
var form = document.pluginForm;
var select = form.elements['dsp_pluginOpt[' + name + ']'];
var str = form.elements['dsp_input_pluginOpt[' + name + ']'].value;
// Do nothing if the input field is empty
if ( str === "" )
// Raise an error and exit of non alphanumeric characters in string
if ( !str.match( /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/ ) )
alert( onlyAlphaCharString );
var hidden = form.elements['pluginOpt[' + name + ']'];
// Do not add option if already present in list
var list = hidden.value.split( "," );
if ( list.indexOf( str ) != -1 )
alert( alreadyInList );
// Add option to the list
select.options[select.options.length] = new Option( str, str );
// Synchronize hidden field
if ( hidden.value.length > 0 )
hidden.value += ",";
hidden.value += str;
// Enable remove button
form.elements['removeBtn[' + name + ']'].disabled = false;
function removeOptionSelected( name )
var form = document.pluginForm;
var select = form.elements['dsp_pluginOpt[' + name + ']'];
// Remove selected options from list
for ( var i = select.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
if ( select.options[i].selected )
select.remove( i );
// Synchronize hidden field
var hidden = form.elements['pluginOpt[' + name + ']'];
hidden.value = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < select.length; i++ )
if ( i > 0 )
hidden.value += ",";
hidden.value += select.options[i].value;
// Disable remove button if the list is empty
if ( select.length == 0 )
form.elements['removeBtn[' + name + ']'].disabled = true;
function updateAddBtn( name )
var form = document.pluginForm;
// Disable add button if the text input is empty
if ( form.elements['dsp_input_pluginOpt[' + name + ']'].value === "" )
form.elements['addBtn[' + name + ']'].disabled = true;
form.elements['addBtn[' + name + ']'].disabled = false;
function validateForm( form )
return( true );
function submitForm( form )
function saveChanges( element )
var form = element.form;
if ( validateForm( form ) )
submitForm( form );
return( true );
return( false );
function applyChanges()
var form = document.pluginForm;
var errorMsg = "";
// Synchronize hidden fields
for ( var option in pluginOptionList )
//console.log("Option type is '" + form.elements['dsp_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].type + "'");
if ( form.elements['dsp_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].type == "checkbox" )
if ( form.elements['dsp_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].checked )
form.elements['pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].value = "Yes";
form.elements['pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].value = "No";
// Do not synchronize here lists with multiple selections, this should be done in function addOption or removeOptionSelected
else if ( form.elements['dsp_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].type != "select-multiple" )
form.elements['pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].value = form.elements['dsp_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].value;
//console.log("Option '" + option + "' synchronized, new value is '" + form.elements['pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].value + "'");
// Disable visible fields if a dependency is missing
for ( var option in pluginOptionList )
var enabled = true;
for ( var name in pluginOptionList[option] )
//console.log("form.elements['pluginOpt[" + name + "]'].value=" + form.elements['pluginOpt[' + name + ']'].value + " pluginOptionList[" + option + "][" + name + "]=" + pluginOptionList[option][name]);
if ( typeof form.elements['pluginOpt[' + name + ']'] !== "undefined" )
if ( form.elements['pluginOpt[' + name + ']'].value != pluginOptionList[option][name] )
form.elements['dsp_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].disabled = true;
// Handle additionnal controls for list option
if ( typeof form.elements['dsp_input_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'] !== "undefined" )
form.elements['dsp_input_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].disabled = true;
form.elements['dsp_input_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].value = "";
form.elements['addBtn[' + option + ']'].disabled = true;
form.elements['removeBtn[' + option + ']'].disabled = true;
enabled = false;
errorMsg += "'" + name + "' " + isNotAValidOption + "\n";
// Enable visible field if all dependencies are ok
if ( enabled )
form.elements['dsp_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].disabled = false;
// Handle additionnal controls for list option
if ( typeof form.elements['dsp_input_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'] !== "undefined" )
form.elements['dsp_input_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].disabled = false;
if ( form.elements['dsp_pluginOpt[' + option + ']'].length > 0 )
form.elements['removeBtn[' + option + ']'].disabled = false;
if ( errorMsg.length !== 0 )
alert( configError + "\n" + errorMsg );
function limitRange( field, minValue, maxValue )
var intval;
if ( +field.value === parseInt( field.value ) )
intval = parseInt( field.value );
alert( onlyIntegerString );
field.value = field.defaultValue;
if ( intval < parseInt( minValue ) )
field.value = minValue;
else if ( intval > parseInt( maxValue ) )
field.value = maxValue;
function initPage()
return( true );
window.addEvent( 'domready', initPage );