
554 lines
19 KiB

// ZoneMinder Monitor Class Interfaces, $Date$, $Revision$
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef ZM_MONITOR_H
#define ZM_MONITOR_H
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <thread>
#include "zm.h"
#include "zm_coord.h"
#include "zm_image.h"
#include "zm_rgb.h"
#include "zm_zone.h"
#include "zm_event.h"
class Monitor;
#include "zm_group.h"
#include "zm_camera.h"
#include "zm_storage.h"
#include "zm_utils.h"
#include "zm_image_analyser.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define SIGNAL_CAUSE "Signal"
#define MOTION_CAUSE "Motion"
#define LINKED_CAUSE "Linked"
// This is the main class for monitors. Each monitor is associated
// with a camera and is effectively a collector for events.
class Monitor {
friend class MonitorStream;
typedef enum {
} Purpose;
typedef enum {
} Function;
typedef enum {
} CameraType;
typedef enum {
} Orientation;
typedef enum {
} State;
typedef enum {
} VideoWriter;
typedef std::set<Zone *> ZoneSet;
typedef enum { GET_SETTINGS=0x1, SET_SETTINGS=0x2, RELOAD=0x4, SUSPEND=0x10, RESUME=0x20 } Action;
typedef enum { CLOSE_TIME, CLOSE_IDLE, CLOSE_ALARM } EventCloseMode;
/* sizeof(SharedData) expected to be 340 bytes on 32bit and 64bit */
typedef struct {
uint32_t size; /* +0 */
uint32_t last_write_index; /* +4 */
uint32_t last_read_index; /* +8 */
uint32_t state; /* +12 */
uint64_t last_event; /* +16 */
uint32_t action; /* +24 */
int32_t brightness; /* +28 */
int32_t hue; /* +32 */
int32_t colour; /* +36 */
int32_t contrast; /* +40 */
int32_t alarm_x; /* +44 */
int32_t alarm_y; /* +48 */
uint8_t valid; /* +52 */
uint8_t active; /* +53 */
uint8_t signal; /* +54 */
uint8_t format; /* +55 */
uint32_t imagesize; /* +56 */
uint32_t epadding1; /* +60 */
** This keeps 32bit time_t and 64bit time_t identical and compatible as long as time is before 2038.
** Shared memory layout should be identical for both 32bit and 64bit and is multiples of 16.
** Because startup_time is 64bit it may be aligned to a 64bit boundary. So it's offset SHOULD be a multiple
** of 8. Add or delete epadding's to achieve this.
union { /* +64 */
time_t startup_time; /* When the zmc process started. zmwatch uses this to see how long the process has been running without getting any images */
uint64_t extrapad1;
union { /* +72 */
time_t last_write_time;
uint64_t extrapad2;
union { /* +80 */
time_t last_read_time;
uint64_t extrapad3;
uint8_t control_state[256]; /* +88 */
char alarm_cause[256];
} SharedData;
typedef enum { TRIGGER_CANCEL, TRIGGER_ON, TRIGGER_OFF } TriggerState;
/* sizeof(TriggerData) expected to be 560 on 32bit & and 64bit */
typedef struct {
uint32_t size;
uint32_t trigger_state;
uint32_t trigger_score;
uint32_t padding;
char trigger_cause[32];
char trigger_text[256];
char trigger_showtext[256];
} TriggerData;
/* sizeof(Snapshot) expected to be 16 bytes on 32bit and 32 bytes on 64bit */
struct Snapshot {
struct timeval *timestamp;
Image *image;
void* padding;
//TODO: Technically we can't exclude this struct when people don't have avformat as the module doesn't know about avformat
#if 1
//sizeOf(VideoStoreData) expected to be 4104 bytes on 32bit and 64bit
typedef struct {
uint32_t size;
uint64_t current_event;
char event_file[4096];
timeval recording; // used as both bool and a pointer to the timestamp when recording should begin
//uint32_t frameNumber;
} VideoStoreData;
class MonitorLink {
unsigned int id;
char name[64];
bool connected;
time_t last_connect_time;
int map_fd;
char mem_file[PATH_MAX];
#else // ZM_MEM_MAPPED
int shm_id;
#endif // ZM_MEM_MAPPED
off_t mem_size;
unsigned char *mem_ptr;
volatile SharedData *shared_data;
volatile TriggerData *trigger_data;
volatile VideoStoreData *video_store_data;
int last_state;
uint64_t last_event;
MonitorLink( int p_id, const char *p_name );
inline int Id() const {
return id;
inline const char *Name() const {
return( name );
inline bool isConnected() const {
return( connected );
inline time_t getLastConnectTime() const {
return( last_connect_time );
bool connect();
bool disconnect();
bool isAlarmed();
bool inAlarm();
bool hasAlarmed();
// These are read from the DB and thereafter remain unchanged
unsigned int id;
char name[64];
unsigned int server_id; // Id of the Server object
unsigned int storage_id; // Id of the Storage Object, which currently will just provide a path, but in future may do more.
CameraType type;
Function function; // What the monitor is doing
bool enabled; // Whether the monitor is enabled or asleep
unsigned int width; // Normally the same as the camera, but not if partly rotated
unsigned int height; // Normally the same as the camera, but not if partly rotated
bool v4l_multi_buffer;
unsigned int v4l_captures_per_frame;
Orientation orientation; // Whether the image has to be rotated at all
unsigned int deinterlacing;
bool videoRecording;
std::string decoder_hwaccel_name;
std::string decoder_hwaccel_device;
int savejpegs;
VideoWriter videowriter;
std::string encoderparams;
std::vector<EncoderParameter_t> encoderparamsvec;
bool record_audio; // Whether to store the audio that we receive
int brightness; // The statically saved brightness of the camera
int contrast; // The statically saved contrast of the camera
int hue; // The statically saved hue of the camera
int colour; // The statically saved colour of the camera
char event_prefix[64]; // The prefix applied to event names as they are created
char label_format[64]; // The format of the timestamp on the images
Coord label_coord; // The coordinates of the timestamp on the images
int label_size; // Size of the timestamp on the images
int image_buffer_count; // Size of circular image buffer, at least twice the size of the pre_event_count
int pre_event_buffer_count; // Size of dedicated circular pre event buffer used when analysis is not performed at capturing framerate,
// value is pre_event_count + alarm_frame_count - 1
int warmup_count; // How many images to process before looking for events
int pre_event_count; // How many images to hold and prepend to an alarm event
int post_event_count; // How many unalarmed images must occur before the alarm state is reset
struct timeval video_buffer_duration; // How long a video segment to keep in buffer (set only if analysis fps != 0 )
int stream_replay_buffer; // How many frames to store to support DVR functions, IGNORED from this object, passed directly into zms now
int section_length; // How long events should last in continuous modes
int min_section_length; // Minimum event length when using event_close_mode == ALARM
bool adaptive_skip; // Whether to use the newer adaptive algorithm for this monitor
int frame_skip; // How many frames to skip in continuous modes
int motion_frame_skip; // How many frames to skip in motion detection
double capture_max_fps; // Target Capture FPS
double analysis_fps; // Target framerate for video analysis
unsigned int analysis_update_delay; // How long we wait before updating analysis parameters
int capture_delay; // How long we wait between capture frames
int alarm_capture_delay; // How long we wait between capture frames when in alarm state
int alarm_frame_count; // How many alarm frames are required before an event is triggered
int fps_report_interval; // How many images should be captured/processed between reporting the current FPS
int ref_blend_perc; // Percentage of new image going into reference image.
int alarm_ref_blend_perc; // Percentage of new image going into reference image during alarm.
bool track_motion; // Whether this monitor tries to track detected motion
int signal_check_points; // Number of points in the image to check for signal
Rgb signal_check_colour; // The colour that the camera will emit when no video signal detected
bool embed_exif; // Whether to embed Exif data into each image frame or not
bool last_signal;
double fps;
unsigned int last_camera_bytes;
Image delta_image;
Image ref_image;
Image alarm_image; // Used in creating analysis images, will be initialized in Analysis
Image write_image; // Used when creating snapshot images
std::string diag_path_r;
std::string diag_path_d;
Purpose purpose; // What this monitor has been created to do
int event_count;
int image_count;
int ready_count;
int first_alarm_count;
int last_alarm_count;
int buffer_count;
int prealarm_count;
State state;
time_t start_time;
time_t last_fps_time;
time_t auto_resume_time;
unsigned int last_motion_score;
EventCloseMode event_close_mode;
int map_fd;
char mem_file[PATH_MAX];
#else // ZM_MEM_MAPPED
int shm_id;
#endif // ZM_MEM_MAPPED
off_t mem_size;
unsigned char *mem_ptr;
SharedData *shared_data;
TriggerData *trigger_data;
VideoStoreData *video_store_data;
Snapshot *image_buffer;
Snapshot next_buffer; /* Used by four field deinterlacing */
Snapshot *pre_event_buffer;
Camera *camera;
Event *event;
Storage *storage;
int n_zones;
Zone **zones;
struct timeval **timestamps;
Image **images;
const unsigned char *privacy_bitmask;
std::thread *event_delete_thread; // Used to close events, but continue processing.
int n_linked_monitors;
MonitorLink **linked_monitors;
std::vector<Group *> groups;
explicit Monitor( int p_id );
// OurCheckAlarms seems to be unused. Check it on zm_monitor.cpp for more info.
//bool OurCheckAlarms( Zone *zone, const Image *pImage );
int p_id,
const char *p_name,
unsigned int p_server_id,
unsigned int p_storage_id,
int p_function,
bool p_enabled,
const char *p_linked_monitors,
Camera *p_camera,
int p_orientation,
unsigned int p_deinterlacing,
const std::string &p_decoder_hwaccel_name,
const std::string &p_decoder_hwaccel_device,
int p_savejpegs,
VideoWriter p_videowriter,
std::string p_encoderparams,
bool p_record_audio,
const char *p_event_prefix,
const char *p_label_format,
const Coord &p_label_coord,
int label_size,
int p_image_buffer_count,
int p_warmup_count,
int p_pre_event_count,
int p_post_event_count,
int p_stream_replay_buffer,
int p_alarm_frame_count,
int p_section_length,
int p_min_section_length,
int p_frame_skip,
int p_motion_frame_skip,
double p_capture_max_fps,
double p_analysis_fps,
unsigned int p_analysis_update_delay,
int p_capture_delay,
int p_alarm_capture_delay,
int p_fps_report_interval,
int p_ref_blend_perc,
int p_alarm_ref_blend_perc,
bool p_track_motion,
int p_signal_check_points,
Rgb p_signal_check_colour,
bool p_embed_exif,
Purpose p_purpose,
int p_n_zones=0,
Zone *p_zones[]=0
void AddZones( int p_n_zones, Zone *p_zones[] );
void AddPrivacyBitmask( Zone *p_zones[] );
bool connect();
inline int ShmValid() const {
return( shared_data->valid );
inline int Id() const {
return id;
inline const char *Name() const {
return name;
inline Storage *getStorage() {
if ( ! storage ) {
storage = new Storage( storage_id );
return storage;
inline Function GetFunction() const {
return( function );
inline bool Enabled() {
if ( function <= MONITOR )
return false;
return enabled;
inline const char *EventPrefix() const {
return event_prefix;
inline bool Ready() {
if ( function <= MONITOR )
return false;
return( image_count > ready_count );
inline bool Active() {
if ( function <= MONITOR )
return false;
return( enabled && shared_data->active );
inline bool Exif() {
return embed_exif;
Orientation getOrientation() const;
unsigned int Width() const { return width; }
unsigned int Height() const { return height; }
unsigned int Colours() const;
unsigned int SubpixelOrder() const;
int GetOptSaveJPEGs() const { return savejpegs; }
VideoWriter GetOptVideoWriter() const { return videowriter; }
const std::vector<EncoderParameter_t>* GetOptEncoderParams() const { return &encoderparamsvec; }
uint64_t GetVideoWriterEventId() const { return video_store_data->current_event; }
void SetVideoWriterEventId( unsigned long long p_event_id ) { video_store_data->current_event = p_event_id; }
struct timeval GetVideoWriterStartTime() const { return video_store_data->recording; }
void SetVideoWriterStartTime(struct timeval &t) { video_store_data->recording = t; }
unsigned int GetPreEventCount() const { return pre_event_count; };
struct timeval GetVideoBufferDuration() const { return video_buffer_duration; };
int GetImageBufferCount() const { return image_buffer_count; };
State GetState() const;
int GetImage( int index=-1, int scale=100 );
Snapshot *getSnapshot() const;
struct timeval GetTimestamp( int index=-1 ) const;
void UpdateAdaptiveSkip();
useconds_t GetAnalysisRate();
unsigned int GetAnalysisUpdateDelay() const { return analysis_update_delay; }
unsigned int GetCaptureMaxFPS() const { return capture_max_fps; }
int GetCaptureDelay() const { return capture_delay; }
int GetAlarmCaptureDelay() const { return alarm_capture_delay; }
unsigned int GetLastReadIndex() const;
unsigned int GetLastWriteIndex() const;
uint64_t GetLastEventId() const;
double GetFPS() const;
void ForceAlarmOn( int force_score, const char *force_case, const char *force_text="" );
void ForceAlarmOff();
void CancelForced();
TriggerState GetTriggerState() const { return (TriggerState)(trigger_data?trigger_data->trigger_state:TRIGGER_CANCEL); }
inline time_t getStartupTime() const { return shared_data->startup_time; }
inline void setStartupTime( time_t p_time ) { shared_data->startup_time = p_time; }
void actionReload();
void actionEnable();
void actionDisable();
void actionSuspend();
void actionResume();
int actionBrightness( int p_brightness=-1 );
int actionHue( int p_hue=-1 );
int actionColour( int p_colour=-1 );
int actionContrast( int p_contrast=-1 );
int PrimeCapture() const;
int PreCapture() const;
int Capture();
int PostCapture() const;
int Close();
unsigned int DetectMotion( const Image &comp_image, Event::StringSet &zoneSet );
// DetectBlack seems to be unused. Check it on zm_monitor.cpp for more info.
//unsigned int DetectBlack( const Image &comp_image, Event::StringSet &zoneSet );
bool CheckSignal( const Image *image );
bool Analyse();
void DumpImage( Image *dump_image ) const;
void TimestampImage( Image *ts_image, const struct timeval *ts_time ) const;
bool closeEvent();
void Reload();
void ReloadZones();
void ReloadLinkedMonitors( const char * );
bool DumpSettings( char *output, bool verbose );
void DumpZoneImage( const char *zone_string=0 );
std::vector<Group *> Groups();
StringVector GroupNames();
static int LoadMonitors(std::string sql, Monitor **&monitors, Purpose purpose); // Returns # of Monitors loaded, 0 on failure.
#if ZM_HAS_V4L
static int LoadLocalMonitors(const char *device, Monitor **&monitors, Purpose purpose);
#endif // ZM_HAS_V4L
static int LoadRemoteMonitors(const char *protocol, const char *host, const char*port, const char*path, Monitor **&monitors, Purpose purpose);
static int LoadFileMonitors(const char *file, Monitor **&monitors, Purpose purpose);
static int LoadFfmpegMonitors(const char *file, Monitor **&monitors, Purpose purpose);
static Monitor *Load(unsigned int id, bool load_zones, Purpose purpose);
static Monitor *Load(MYSQL_ROW dbrow, bool load_zones, Purpose purpose);
//void writeStreamImage( Image *image, struct timeval *timestamp, int scale, int mag, int x, int y );
//void StreamImages( int scale=100, int maxfps=10, time_t ttl=0, int msq_id=0 );
//void StreamImagesRaw( int scale=100, int maxfps=10, time_t ttl=0 );
//void StreamImagesZip( int scale=100, int maxfps=10, time_t ttl=0 );
//void StreamMpeg( const char *format, int scale=100, int maxfps=10, int bitrate=100000 );
#define MOD_ADD( var, delta, limit ) (((var)+(limit)+(delta))%(limit))
#endif // ZM_MONITOR_H