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ZoneMinder uses certain 3rd party media assets/libraries for UI display purposes. Their licenses are listed in this file
Material Design icons
Origin: https://github.com/google/material-design-icons License: Apache 2.0 (https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE)
Glyphicon halflings font
Origin: http://www.glyphicons.com/ License: MIT, As clarified below (http://www.glyphicons.com/license/)
License for GLYPHICONS Halflings in Bootstrap
GLYPHICONS Halflings font is also released as an extension of a Bootstrap www.getbootstrap.com for free and
it is released under the same license as Bootstrap. While you are not required to include attribution on your
Bootstrap-based projects, I would certainly appreciate any form of support, even a nice Tweet is enough.
Of course if you want, you can say thank you and support me by buying more icons on GLYPHICONS.com.
Jan Kovařík
ZoneMinder uses Bootstrap for UI and qualifies as a Bootstrap-based project. Bootstrap is MIT licensed (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/v4.1.3/LICENSE)